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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:58 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
saracarter766 wrote:i don't the partridges conspiracybuff lol i would like to see pic also. Yeah, Conspiracybuff! I agree with Saracarter766! Another Danny Partridge photo always lifts the spirit!!!!

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:26 am
by nephew23
ChristophMessner wrote:Jsnow915 wrote:its made in Germany and you know the Germans make good thingsThe Germans have a functioning social system and much less people in prison.The German bank system is not crushed by world financial crisis, because they don't live all on debt.The Germans have a much stronger currency than the dollar. The Germans have many peace, environmental and education projects around the world. The Germans don't let themselves rule by Israel, Switzerland or the City of London.The Germans engage into renewable energies since decades so they cannot be blackmailed by gas deliverers now. The Germans have real federalism, which means cultural and educational self determination of each land.The Germans don't have to crawl on Autobahns and there is never power failure. The Germans respect other countries and rather help develop developing countries than destroying them. The Germans have resisted the Roman Empire, while France, Spain and England didn't; the Germans have brought better culture to the world than French, British and Spanish colonialism and they are the best mediators in world politics up to today, because they have the most experience with aggressive powers around them. In Germany you have the highest music, theater, cabaret, civilian initiatives, NGO and people's politics participation-rate in the world. Germany has become a permanent festival.So come to Germany and enjoy holidays or living here!Sorry to continue off the JFK subject, but I must throw in my 2-cents...You left this one off your list: Germany donated $800 million to the victims of the 2004 tsunami, while the US donated only $350 million. HOWEVER, while the Germans and other citizens from every other country privately donated virtually nothing (allowing their government's aid to suffice), American citizens privately donated $2 BILLION! Americans individually contribute more to charities than any other country ... seven times more than Germans and fourteen times more than Italians. ( really befuddles me how people can choose to overlook one entire side of truth. Especially you Bob! How you can be so one-sided and extremist? You act like President Bush is the only president to ever allow torture or wiretaps ... as if the CIA hasn't done that their entire existence! There is a reason that Germany is so "great!" So be it ... maybe everything you think about Pappy Bush, etc., is right and true. Maybe they set the whole thing up by throwing money towards the Hitler machine. Who knows? Are they then to blame for Hitler cruelly and viciously murdering thousands upon thousands of Jews? To blame for both World Wars? So be it. But the men and women who fought/fight for our freedom - for the world's freedom - were not/are not Pappy Bush. They, along with the majority of Americans who support them, believe in the cause ... the true and just cause --- FREEDOM. Many, many lives were given because they believe in that cause ... because they believe that Mr. Germany has the right and freedom to prop up the "greatness" of Germany, while at the same time forgetting who he has to thank for that freedom. Whether the powers that be facilitated wars or not, the fact is this: The United States ended both world wars and many people who were previously NOT free, are FREE today. Just like the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are free today. The go-to-war "excuses" may have been exaggerated or completely false ... but I, for one, think those people - and all people - are far better off without the likes of Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler. I'm quite certain the people agree!The Germans ultimately drew the US into WW1 by attacking ships between North America and Europe.The Germans allowed a psycho to rise to power, abolish democracy, murder thousands of Jews, start WW2, and ultimately lead to the death of thousands of other people.The Germans ... I'm sure the list goes on but this has to be enough!Germany is "great" because of the United States! Without us, who knows what you or the world would be like today.The Americans ended both world wars that Germans started or supported.The Americans ended the Holocaust promoted by the Germans.The Americans, thanks to the great Ronaldus Magnus, "tore down that wall" and reunited ALL of Germany.The Americans, at least the men and women in the military and those who truly support them, believe in freedom and democracy - FOR ALL PEOPLE IN ALL THE WORLD.The Americans ... the United States of America, is/are the beacon of freedom and the very reason you can so easily and freely say "Germany is great!"As for me, GIVE ME THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!Bob ... I like you and I value your opinions and vast knowledge ... especially when it comes to the JFK assassination. I'm with you 100% when it comes to JFK. I even believe our government is corrupt. But I simply think you have gone so far to one side, that you have forgotten all the good.To sum up, I think this quote from A Few Good Men says it best...Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.Like we've talked about before ... we've created 2 worlds. Combining them is not as simple as just arresting Col. Jessep. As we look towards the future in a few hours, you watch and see if Obama does not withdraw troops or shut down Gitmo nearly as fast as those who elected him are expecting him to.

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:31 pm
by Jsnow915
Nephew....he's been left a steaming heap of doody by W...its gonna be like this JFK forum...its gonna take some time to figure it all out...I'm hoping for the best.

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:01 pm
by Bob
Nephew, I am not solely focused on the Bu$h family. But the last 8 years of Dumbya and his policies and stupid decisions are the root cause of my diatribes. THANK GOD that will end in another hour. That, and learning of the treasonous family history of the Bu$h family, that started with Samuel, then carried on with Prescott and then was followed up by Poppy and now Dumbya. Whether you believe it or not, there is a CONSISTENT pattern of treason and war profiteering in the Bu$h family. But as you say, they are NOT alone. As I have also said, I have learned of the Clinton connection to all of this that happened at Mena. Slick Willie and Poppy became tied at the hip starting then. Hillary's recent Presidential campaign showed how ruthless and hungry she was in terms of trying to regain REAL power. Her recent appointment of Secretary of State is VERY disheartening in terms of how things will change under Barack Obama. Obama will be better than Bu$h, because anybody would have to be. But his appointment of Hillary and other Clintonites does not bode well. I believe that politicians are really just pawns for the real powers that run things in the world. People like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. Or the Bilderbergers. This isn't about Democrat vs. Republican. This isn't about liberal vs. conservative. This is ALL about the powerful elite that are trying to control everything and make the sheeple keep shuffling along. The $700 BILLION dollar payoff to Wall Street was just another example. Bottom line, yes, I sometimes get on my soap box about the Bu$h family, but mostly because they have changed the world for the worse, and it is STILL happening. But again, they are not ALONE.

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:24 pm
by nephew23

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:36 pm
by John Beckham
Ha Ha! Bob and the Bush's. i don't believe they are as evil as he makes them out to be. but, he does have an opinion, and it's NOT totally based on theory. and, YES, let's pray things are gonna be different even with a Clinton involved!

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:17 pm
by ChristophMessner
Hi nephew, GREAT post of you! nephew23 wrote: Americans individually contribute more to charities than any other country ... seven times more than Germans and fourteen times more than Italians. I did not want to critizise the American people, but the running system in the US. What I said about Germany, was a little embellished, but it was an answer to this permanent Germany=Nazi-way of thinking, you sometimes hear, and I think it is justified to make a little advertise for the Germany of today. But I really love the American people, too. nephew23 wrote: It really befuddles me how people can choose to overlook one entire side of truth. Especially you Bob! How you can be so one-sided and extremist? You act like President Bush is the only president to ever allow torture or wiretaps ... as if the CIA hasn't done that their entire existence! There is a reason that Germany is so "great!" So be it ... maybe everything you think about Pappy Bush, etc., is right and true. Maybe they set the whole thing up by throwing money towards the Hitler machine. Who knows? Are they then to blame for Hitler cruelly and viciously murdering thousands upon thousands of Jews? To blame for both World Wars? So be it. I think Bob is just critizising the fashist politics of the Bushes and that is as necessary as it was in 1933 with Hitler in Germany. Hitler could have never financed his election campaign and become chancelor, if he would not have the money from industrials and bankers, among them Prescott Bush, too, and people who promoted the chasing of the jews to found a new state in Palestine. The bad thing is the same everywere and anytime: the peoples don't check the running money and banking system and it's close relationship to the artificial buildup of conflicts and wars and dictators just to get more reliable profit of that. You think Germany startet the WWs? Yes, but you also could say, Germany only defended itself by the warmongering Stalin and Churchill who armed up, like the US is saying today, we are only defending us against the danger from the East! You think, the American are free? How free are you, when all politics, money value, drug running, war machinery is dictated in one central capital and there by the hidden money guys in the background? Is there any difference to Russia, China and Brussels in this centralism anymore? The bad thing about Germany was some of them engaged in an overexaggerated nationalism. Suddenly they felt, they should play a major role like England, France, Spain in the colonialistic age, but time was over for such imperialistic dreams. And the Germans are not born to rule, they rather want to be left alone in piece and enjoy the world, rather thinking in theories about it than making business out of it. nephew23 wrote: But the men and women who fought/fight for our freedom - for the world's freedom - were not/are not Pappy Bush. They, along with the majority of Americans who support them, believe in the cause ... the true and just cause --- FREEDOM. Many, many lives were given because they believe in that cause ... because they believe that Mr. Germany has the right and freedom to prop up the "greatness" of Germany, while at the same time forgetting who he has to thank for that freedom. Whether the powers that be facilitated wars or not, the fact is this: The United States ended both world wars and many people who were previously NOT free, are FREE today. It is correct, that there are some freedom-to-the-individual-rights in the American constitution and in the hearts of American soldiers which brought a progress to the Germans and their system and freed them from the Nazi regime, which most of the Germans are thankful for. But it is also correct, that the Germans would have got rid of Hitler by themselves and found to these rights by time and if the Americans would not have helped to build up Hitler and if churchill would not have financed Stalin, a lot less soldiers would have had to die and we would probably would have had the same developement into a united Europe afterwards. nephew23 wrote: Just like the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are free today. Is that a joke? Please ask them how free they feel after America's invasion! Do you know how many peoples there live in Afghanistan? nephew23 wrote: The go-to-war "excuses" may have been exaggerated or completely false ... but I, for one, think those people - and all people - are far better off without the likes of Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler. I'm quite certain the people agree! Please Americans: resist the financing of your secret services with 30 billions a year, who finance any dictator they want, like Hitler and Saddam, to have reason to invade and occupy then! Please start writing books about the stupidity of the Kissengers, Rumsfelds, Zelikofs, Sharons and send them to trial!!! Please USA, Vatican, City of London: SUBORDINATE under international law!!!nephew23 wrote: The Germans ultimately drew the US into WW1 by attacking ships between North America and Europe. Read about how the shooting of the Lusitania by German torpedo was provoced by the US! nephew23 wrote: The Germans allowed a psycho to rise to power, abolish democracy, murder thousands of Jews, start WW2, and ultimately lead to the death of thousands of other people. You will see, the US will have to learn this lecture still! They only will murder Muslims instead. nephew23 wrote: Germany is "great" because of the United States! Without us, who knows what you or the world would be like today. You really think the American way of money fraud capitalism, nature exploitation, destruction of regional markets, traditions, indigenious peoples, drug-free-lifestyles, smaller handcraft companies, dialects, roots, self-determination, true relationships without divorce and Hollywood fake, ... made the world a better place? Well, I think partly yes, because Soviet and Chinese and Middle East totalitarianism was really worse! The Americans provoked and ended both world wars that Germans started or supported.The American and British and French and Soviet leaderhsiop did nothing against the Holocaust promoted by the Germans until it was almost done. The Americans, thanks to pope Johannes Paul 23rd and Gorbachow and Kohl and Mitterand who fought the resistance of Margeret Thatcher and Bush father. Reagan never had a say, or did he? Some Americans, at least the men and women in the military and those who truly support them, believe in freedom and democracy - FOR ALL PEOPLE IN ALL THE WORLD, but the officials above them misuse their loyalty to spread death and bombs outside of the US in korea, vietnam, Iraq, Gaza, ... and they still hold the world in the threat of their nuclear arsenal, without that the others would not have to arm themselves with this so much to be able to defend. nephew23 wrote: The Americans ... the United States of America, is/are the beacon of freedom and the very reason you can so easily and freely say "Germany is great!" But if all people in the world would live like Amerika, it would be a natural environment disaster, a social disaster and a jurisdictional disaster: full prisons, wars all over, smoking cars all over, destroyed inner cities, many poors and a few superriches who cannot be just elected away, bankers in bed with media, drug cartels, war mongers, vote fraud machine producers, Hoolywood-nonsense-fiction-producers, hedge-fond-Cayman-Island-mafiosi, oil men. nephew23 wrote: As for me, GIVE ME THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! you watch and see if Obama does not withdraw troops or shut down Gitmo nearly as fast as those who elected him are expecting him to. Let's not forget the many torture prisons on all the other islands and in China and Middle East. Chris

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:52 am
by saracarter766
Jsnow915 wrote:Christoph....Pasquale is right...I'm making fun of the commercial not the Germans(I'm part German)....we have some commercials here in the Billy Mays 9OXY CLEAN!!!!) who yells and either you mute your TV or you make fun of them.I do both you wanna know what's really funny i thought i was the only one who was annoyed at billy mays yelling hahaha.

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:33 pm
by Jsnow915
thank God for the mute button...otherwise I'd have to get my fat butt up everytime theres a commercial.

Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:48 pm
by saracarter766
the mute button really is a wondderful thing.