George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

JFK Assassination
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by saracarter766 »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Say it aint so!!!!! I just watched the documentary on this site called JFK II. The link is below. It's on this site for those of you who haven't see it yet. You HAVE to see this. I mean, I knew that Prescott Bush (George W.'s grandfather) was basically backing Hitler, but I didn't know that the FBI actually seized the bank he was the CEO of (Union Bank of New York) in 1942 because it was a "Nazi asset." Holy cow!!!!! That's plain as's concrete, and, surprisingly, it's not talked about in the mainstream media. The documentary also gives very compelling evidence that George H.W. Bush was one of the handlers or controllers of the JFK assassination and was helping to run CIA backed anti-Cuba operations...and specifically the CIA operation called Operation Zapata. Gee, George H.W.'s oil company...wasn't it called Zapata too? According to this documentary, Colby of the CIA told the Senate Select Committee On Assassinations in 1975 that George HW Bush and Howard Hunt were in Dallas on November 22, 1963 and that they were "in charge of the shooters" but not really in charge of the assassination as higher ups like Rockerfeller and such were. ( I just HAVE to corroborate this information.) Then soon after he said that, Colby was fired and George HW Bush was made the director of the CIA that then stopped cooperating with the Committee. Did Colby really say this? The narrator also implicates George W. Bush in the assassination of JFK Jr. as he (Bush) had gone missing on the morning that JFK Jr. plane crashed (crashed, I might add, for no apparent reason) and went missing for three days and that not even his staff knew where he was. This was when he was loosing the primaries in New Hampshire. The narrator further speculates that to gain entry to the circuit of power that they are involved in (basically Skull and Bones people) , they probably had to do something to prove that they can be being very involved in a murder. The narrator further speculates that after the JFK Assassination, Bush Sr.'s political career was set by those Skull and Bones people. Interestingly, George W. seemed to magically win that election after JFK Jr. died too, right? The documentary also suggests that Oswald was Hoover's agent to shut down the CIA anti-Castro Cuban training camps (because JFK had ordered them shut down after the Cuban Missile Crisis) and that Hoover was sent a big message when JFK was killed and his own agent was framed for the murder. We do know that Oswald had an FBI informant number, right? And...that Oswald had the number and license plate number of FBI Agent Hosty (sp?) in his address book as well. Of course, George Demorenshildt (sp?), one of Oswalds friends also had George H.W. Bush's address and phone number in his address book as well and got Oswald the job at the TSBD, right? Hmmmm...Very interesting stuff here! Anyway, see it for yourself. I've already watched it and ordered a copy of it. I'm also going to research a lot of what was presented in it. The documentary is about an hour and thirty minutes long, and you can also buy a DVD of it on Amazon or probably even here too. Here's the link to the page with the free on-line version of the documentary that you can watch on your computer. For the record also...the documentary says that Ruby worked for Nixon when Nixon was a congressman in 1947. VERY interesting indeed. Here's the link. please tell me that's a joke if that's real then i voted for a man whose father took part in a tragic conspiracy omfg i am kicking myself for voting for george w.bush that is now the single greatest regret of my life. sorry for the reaction folks but i'm just not good at handling these type of events am i the only one who feels betrayed by the bushes?
John Beckham
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by John Beckham »

Pasquale, think back to those elections, there wasn't much of a choice. so, stop kicking yourself.
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Jsnow915 »

Bush and Kerry...I hate to say it,but for me,Bush already played the game and knew the rules and had Poppy and all the other merry men behind him....everytime I saw Kerry,I saw his wife who looked like a mess and Kerry looked like Herman Munster to me.
John Beckham
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by John Beckham »

well, although Kerry did kinda look like Herman, he was most likely a better choice. oh, what am i saying, anything would have been better now that i look back on it.
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Bob »

I voted for Kerry because ANYONE is better than Dumbya. Did you see Dumbya make an ass out of himself (again) at his last press conference yesterday? My wife (a nurse that has worked with drug addicts) once again saw the ticks and facial contortions that to her shows cocaine use by Dumbya yesterday. There are also all sorts of rumors flying that he is also hitting the booze hard. No wonder the U.S.A. is in such a shithole right now. Stupidity, alcohol and drugs are a dangerous combination. However, Kerry was also in the Skull & Bones at Yale, as was Dumbya, Poppy and Prescott Bu$h. Plus, in 2004, the Bilderbergers endorsed John Edwards as President, and he was Kerry's VP. The two guys that I like the most in Congress, and are across the aisle from one another, are Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by saracarter766 »

i wished now i had voted for kerry.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:Pasquale, think back to those elections, there wasn't much of a choice. so, stop kicking yourself.I'd feel badly about it, but I voted for GORE and then Kerry! After that BS with the Florida election count, I KNEW he was dirty. I just didn't know back then how dirty he really is. LOL That was Saracarter766 who wrote that she feels bad for voting for Bush! Saracarter766,Don't kick yourself for voting for Bush. At least you know now, right?
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Bob »

Yes Sara, don't worry...George Bu$h still has does Richard Nixon. I'm actually talking about the classic Neil Young tune called Campaigner which I am posting and Neil did live in Amsterdam (Wim, were you at the show?)...
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Jsnow915 »

Neil Young has alot to say about this country...can somebody remind him he's Canadian.
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Bob »

True about Neil, but he has lived in this country most of his life. But I AM an American or U.S. citizen, and I love Neil, not only for his music, but his political stances. By the way, there are MILLIONS like me. In terms of his political stances, he has been right EVERY time he spoke out or written songs about the political times, whether it was about LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Poppy Bu$h or Dumbya Bu$h.