Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Bob,What DID Jimmy say about JFK's throat wound? When you say "Jimmy," are you talking about Files?By Jimmy...yes...I mean Files. Jimmy basically said what Wim explained earlier, that the throat wound was caused by the impact of Jimmy's mercury round from his fireball.Okay....See!!!!! I didn't know that until right now. I'm digesting the concept easier now.On another issue, in the interest of good taste, I edited my comment about Carrot Top and Danny that I posted above. Actually I deleted the comment all together. I should watch my mouth!!! LMAO
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by ChristophMessner »

If you draw a line from the right temple to the throat while bending the head forward 45 degrees, this line progresses straight to the heart and not exiting from the throat. The second shooter from the fence must have shot much earlier than Files, because at the time Files shot, the throat bullet would have hit the right side of the neck and not the middle of the throat as it was. Nobody heard a shot from the knoll 5 seconds before Files' shot, so the second shooter must have used a silencer, if he shot at all. Propbably the diameter of the throat wound was so small, that you cannot say that it was perfectly round.
tom jeffers
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by tom jeffers »

conspiracybuff wrote:"give me a break! show me neurological proof!Do your homework and google quadraplegia effects or spinal chord injury symptoms. why would I lie?Namaste'
tom jeffers
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by tom jeffers »

bob franklin wrote:Tom, I'm indeed sorry to learn the extent of your injuries. Forgive my lack of finesse here, but (in your opinion), would the shot that brought up his arms also have affected his respiration at the autonomic level? He seems to fade so quickly just before the headshots. I'm certain his lungs were RAPIDLY filling with blood as well. bob,at the point of injury, Jfk would have lost use of his diaphram muscles. it takes a spinal chord injured person a good amount of time to learn how to breathe properly without them. with the excitement and the injury, jfk would find it difficult to breathe and speak. i would guess that the back brace is the only thing that kept him from slumping forward.Namaste'
John Beckham
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by John Beckham »

Tom, i'm NOT calling you a liar at all. i just have the opinion that he reacts to his throat at the same time Connally is hit. i'm also not doubting he's hit in the back, and 'cause of his brace, it doesn't go far in a SEPERATE shot. i've had nerve problems in a hand and wrist before, i know how that goes. but, to ME it appears they are hit at the same time, and NOT by the same bullet. there is no magic here!
tom jeffers
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by tom jeffers »

i don't understand your comments. as far as timing and shots fired, who knowsw many shooters there were that day and how many bullets were actually fired. we know about jimmy and chuckbut there were shooter(s) at the book depository and some witnesses have seen shooters on top of the county records building. there could have been 5 or 6 sets of ooters that day. that should have nothing to do with jfk suffering a spinal chord injury by a bullet in the back. connelley might have been shot by a different shooter(s) .
John Beckham
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by John Beckham »

who knows how many shooters were there....well, again, who knows anything? including Jacks nerve reactions? i've stated my thoughts on several posts. my objections to others opinions are not an act of aggression, but in the sake of debate.
tom jeffers
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by tom jeffers »

i never considered it an act of aggression. we all view things through our own perspective which filters things based upon our experiences and teachings/beliefs. i recognize his movements and they are clear to me because of my background. that would be like an ex military man seeing an actor salute and recognizing the technique as being phony as opposed to someone else that views the same thing with no military background. the salute would appear normal to the civilian because he never had to practice for hundreds of hours etc. if you know of any phycical therapists with experience working with spinal chord injuries, they would recognize his actions immediately.Namaste'
John Beckham
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by John Beckham »

so, respectively Tom, i don't see it your way...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Is it possible that JFK could have been hit in the back AND in the throat from different shooters? That would accomodate both of your views, Tom and Conspiracybuff. I don't know enough about nerve injuries in the back to argue about it, but I DO know that JFK's hands shoot up to his throat before he appears to lean forward and that the doctors at the hospital regarded his throat wound as one of entrance. I also know that a second shell casing was found around that grassy knoll area too. I also know that if Files could hit JFK in the head from the front, it means that the windsheild of the car was not that much of an obstacle for a shooter from the front (remember that the second shell casing was found on the other end of the pergola (sp?) that is closer to the TSBD.)I also know that there is a nick in the windscreen that at least one witness (on the JFK II documentary...a woman) says was a HOLE in the windsheild.Finally, I know that Files has held onto information and not let it out, like the Lansdale information...unless I'm mistaken about the Lansday part only just coming out now. As for acts of agression, I would have thought that those Carrot Top and Danny pictures are an assault to the senses!@!!