two people behind the fence

JFK Assassination
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

conspiracybuff wrote: why in the heck would he choose him at the last minute to shoot? Because of loyalty and Nicoletti exploited Files' loyalty.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:if Files is real, and his story about leaving a calling card (coins, canaries, bitten shells) and doing things on a hit that pissed off Nicoletti. why in the heck would he choose him at the last minute to shoot? gosh knows, if you believe everyone who was behind it, back out on the last minute, you wouldn't get offed yourself? besides the story of Roselli being on the west coast that day?Well, I can tell you that Files does have certain knowledge of things that's very interesting. My uncle, Pasquale DiFabrizio, for example, was the "shoemaker to the stars," and among his clients were such people like Sinatra and other Chicago types. I've known from my uncle since I was in high school that Marilyn Monroe was given the drugs that killed her in her rectum because Melvin Belli, Ruby's one-time attorney and client of my uncle's at one point, told him so. When I read that Files had mentioned that too, it was just one more thing that he mentioned that made sense to me too. The canary thing really was done on at least one occasion that my uncle told me about too. It was slipped into the mouth of a murder victim because he was talking to the police. The picture, posted above in this threat, I believe, shows a figure walking away just like Files said he did. The House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977 or 1978 did an acoustic test and placed a shot on the knoll in exactly the position where Files said he was. Tosh Plumbley, the CIA pilot who also testified at the Iran-Contra hearings, verified Johnny Roselli's presence in Dallas that day as well. Also, the sheer number of critics that have attacked Files have never presented arguments that hold water. One critic actually said that the Remington Firebal wasn't even in production at that time. That turned out to be false too as it WAS. As for Nocoletti asking Files to be a shooter at the last minute, didn't Nicoletti ask him that after Roselli mentioned something about the abort team or abort order? Also, as for asking him to be shooter, what would the difference have been to Files and Nicoletti? Files had already been in Texas for at least a week, cleaning and calibrating the weapons, timing stop lights and trains, with Oswald showing him around. Files was already VERY involved anyway, so asking him to be a back-up shooter is not that extraordinary because he (Files) was already an "accessory BEFORE the fact" or a "conspirator" subject to the SAME sentence in a court of law as the actual shooters.There's also that report that we discussed in a recent posting threat about Robert Kennedy being told by a doctor that the doctor had extracted or expressed his opinion that JFK was shot with a .22 magnum which, if you read the thread, the Firebal ammunition is just about identical to a .22 except for the ultra-high velocity and much taller shell casing. In all, therer is a MOUNTAIN of evidence in Files' favor.Don't forget that the Zapruder film CLEARLY indicates a shot from the front. The head being thrown back and to the left indicates a shot from the front and toward the right. It's high school physics...transfer of momentum. There is NO way that someone (wearing a back brace or not) is going to be shot in the head from the back and then their head moving backward too. No way that would happen, and guys like Gary Mack seem to just ignore that and actually tries to prove that it COULD be done. Mack didn't prove a thing except that he presented a case for JFK being shot by Oswald from the back and, in doing so, ignored scores of witness in Dealy Plaza, ignored the Zapruder film, ignored the acoustic tests that place a shooter on the knoll, and ignoring what ALL the doctors and nurses and ambulance drivers who said that JFK had a gaping hole the size of a fist in the back of his head. I mean, Mack was putting out the badgeman idea, and he didn't go out and have a grown man stand in exactly that position to see if it looked the same? That made me step back and think, did Mack do that on purpose as a distraction from the truth? Also, as for Nicoletti asking Files to participate at the last minute, you have to remember that Files was the expert with rifles in that Nicoletti-Roselli crew. I mean, Files was the one who cleaned and calibrated the weapons for them. He was an advisor in Vietnam.As for Files changing his story, I don't think he has changed facts, only added them. I haven't read or heard Files going back on anything that he said. He might have left out certain things, like the identity of the Tippit killer and Lansdale, but I don't think he ever retracted anything that he said. That makes him very credible.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Bob »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:conspiracybuff wrote:if Files is real, and his story about leaving a calling card (coins, canaries, bitten shells) and doing things on a hit that pissed off Nicoletti. why in the heck would he choose him at the last minute to shoot? gosh knows, if you believe everyone who was behind it, back out on the last minute, you wouldn't get offed yourself? besides the story of Roselli being on the west coast that day?Well, I can tell you that Files does have certain knowledge of things that's very interesting. My uncle, Pasquale DiFabrizio, for example, was the "shoemaker to the stars," and among his clients were such people like Sinatra and other Chicago types. I've known from my uncle since I was in high school that Marilyn Monroe was given the drugs that killed her in her rectum because Melvin Belli, Ruby's one-time attorney and client of my uncle's at one point, told him so. When I read that Files had mentioned that too, it was just one more thing that he mentioned that made sense to me too. The canary thing really was done on at least one occasion that my uncle told me about too. It was slipped into the mouth of a murder victim because he was talking to the police. The picture, posted above in this threat, I believe, shows a figure walking away just like Files said he did. The House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977 or 1978 did an acoustic test and placed a shot on the knoll in exactly the position where Files said he was. Tosh Plumbley, the CIA pilot who also testified at the Iran-Contra hearings, verified Johnny Roselli's presence in Dallas that day as well. Also, the sheer number of critics that have attacked Files have never presented arguments that hold water. One critic actually said that the Remington Firebal wasn't even in production at that time. That turned out to be false too as it WAS. As for Nocoletti asking Files to be a shooter at the last minute, didn't Nicoletti ask him that after Roselli mentioned something about the abort team or abort order? Also, as for asking him to be shooter, what would the difference have been to Files and Nicoletti? Files had already been in Texas for at least a week, cleaning and calibrating the weapons, timing stop lights and trains, with Oswald showing him around. Files was already VERY involved anyway, so asking him to be a back-up shooter is not that extraordinary because he (Files) was already an "accessory BEFORE the fact" or a "conspirator" subject to the SAME sentence in a court of law as the actual shooters.There's also that report that we discussed in a recent posting threat about Robert Kennedy being told by a doctor that the doctor had extracted or expressed his opinion that JFK was shot with a .22 magnum which, if you read the thread, the Firebal ammunition is just about identical to a .22 except for the ultra-high velocity and much taller shell casing. In all, therer is a MOUNTAIN of evidence in Files' favor.Don't forget that the Zapruder film CLEARLY indicates a shot from the front. The head being thrown back and to the left indicates a shot from the front and toward the right. It's high school physics...transfer of momentum. There is NO way that someone (wearing a back brace or not) is going to be shot in the head from the back and then their head moving backward too. No way that would happen, and guys like Gary Mack seem to just ignore that and actually tries to prove that it COULD be done. Mack didn't prove a thing except that he presented a case for JFK being shot by Oswald from the back and, in doing so, ignored scores of witness in Dealy Plaza, ignored the Zapruder film, ignored the acoustic tests that place a shooter on the knoll, and ignoring what ALL the doctors and nurses and ambulance drivers who said that JFK had a gaping hole the size of a fist in the back of his head. Also, as for Nicoletti asking Files to participate at the last minute, you have to remember that Files was the expert with rifles in that Nicoletti-Roselli crew. I mean, Files was the one who cleaned and calibrated the weapons for them. He was an advisor in Vietnam.Excellent retort Pasquale.
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale, thumbs up! Applause! You say it! Chris
John Beckham
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by John Beckham »

ok, if that's Files in the Bothun photo, he's hookin' ass! lol, that's quite a distance to cover in a matter of seconds! check out the same figure in Bronson photo!
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

conspiracybuff wrote:ok, if that's Files in the Bothun photo, he's hookin' ass! lol, that's quite a distance to cover in a matter of seconds! check out the same figure in Bronson photo!The Bronson photo was shot some seconds before the fatal shot and there is no James Files on it. The Bothun photo was shot approx. 45 seconds after the fatal shot, so where is the problem?
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by ChristophMessner »

By the way, Lee Bowers said he heard 3 shots, the last 2 in close order. Could that prove that there were a second shot from behind the fence, probably into his throat? Files and the second shooter probably could have aggreed before to shoot only in the last moment. Maybe that's the reason for the close order. Any shot from TSBD or DalTex or Records building needed some time to travel at the speed of sound and reach Bower's ears. Also you see on the Willis photo and on the Mooreman photo the same dark parts between the fence and the tree crowns just where there should be only small trunks, that is left from Files seen from Files' perspective. It's clear that Zapruder and Sitzman must have heard these shots. In the TV interview Zapruder confirmed to have heard with his right ear. Sitzman spoke about a "crack of a bottle" thrown by children sitting on the bench nearby. Well, well, ...
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by dankbaar »

The second man behind the fence was Edward Lansdale, according to James. Lansdale was not there during the actual shooting, but came to check on James a few minutes before, whether he was in position. Wim
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

dankbaar wrote:The second man behind the fence was Edward Lansdale, according to James. Lansdale was not there during the actual shooting, but came to check on James a few minutes before, whether he was in position. WimI forgot about Lansdale. Is there a video of him talking about Lansdale visiting him? If no video, is there a transcript? I know...somebody is going to send me a link to this very website, but have mercy on me. I couldn't find it! LMAO
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Re: two people behind the fence

Post by Bob »

All I know is that Jimmy recently said that Lansdale spoke with him minutes before the assassination. Wim posted that awhile back. Plus, there is the photo of Lansdale passing the three tramps, where none other than Fletcher Prouty recognized him from a photo. So it is clear that Lansdale was in the immediate area. I would say that Lansdale and David Atlee Phillips were the actual brains behind the assassination, with help from subordinates like Poppy Bu$h, who was also seen in a photograph just moments after the assassination standing by the TSBD. In addition, Bu$h was a recruiter for Group 40, which obviously had a hand in the assassination.Jim Marrs : During that time, during the time of the Bay of Pigs, while you were training and moving around in the Caribbean, No Name Key and all that, did you ever hear the name George Herbert Walker Bush? James Files: Oh Yeah! Jim Marrs: What was his role? James Files: George Herbert Walker Bush. I don't know if, I think a lot of people are not going to believe this, but he worked for the CIA back as early as 1961 that I know of. Jim Marrs : How did he work? What did he do? James Files : I don't know all he did, but he did a lot of recruiting work. I know he was there at the beginning for what we called Group 40, a special operations group, Group 40. If you wonder what Group 40 was, an assassination group. Also, please look at the deposition of Lansdale... ... PageId=1We also have this...The interest in Lansdale was sparked, in part, by the inclusion of a character named "General Y" in the 1991 Oliver Stone film JFK. It was inferred that Lansdale was "General Y", the operational head of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. This theory was inspired by questions raised about Lansdale's presence in Dealey Plaza by a former colleague, L. Fletcher Prouty, who claimed to have recognized Lansdale in a photograph taken that day by a Dallas Morning News photographer immediately after the assassination. The photo allegedly shows Lansdale walking away from "the three tramps" who were arrested by Dallas police. L. Fletcher Prouty worked next door to Lansdale for 9 years and recognized the shape of his head, class ring and the stoop in his walk. The third tramp's body is blocked from view but for his feet. Although many speculative identities for the "tramps" have been offered, Prouty's identification of Lansdale has been corroborated by Lt. General Victor H. Krulak.