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Re: Who of you has a website?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:27 pm
by Pennyworth
Pennyworth wrote:I've also seen the name ADDER come up a few years back on the ' whose browsing this forum' display as I was posting some stuff about vegas.Add to the list 'For The Love Of Alamo' on whose browsing this forum after I made a post that might have surprised Mr. Giovanni. I did not see MSN Bot Media posted next to these names either he's got another way to hack into this board imo

Re: Who of you has a website?

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:43 am
by Ed Teach
Well I was looking for a thread I thought I saw the other night when Win or someone asked for help to defeat spambots.Let me begin by saying I registered through the standard email and verification process and it took a few days before someone finally caught my email and enabled me. I have created and ran a few phpBB forums in my time and I currently run Nikon camera photography based forum now. Here is what you need to do so that you can open automatic registration back up and probably gain a whole bunch of new members and not have to go through the tedious process of doing it manually and more importantly no spambots will be able to get to your forum.From what I can tell you guys are running an old outdated version of phpBB. You really need to upgrade to version 3.0 ASAP particularly as this is the 50th anniversary year and readers need to be able to register easily. It is an easy process. You back up the database on this forum. You upload the 3.0 version onto your server. Then you install the backed up database and the upgrade is complete.BUT if you insist on running this old version (now I am not sure that the 2007 version has these capabilities but it may) you may be able to go into your ACP (administration control panel) and look over at the left hand column. You will see Board Configuration and under that Spambot Countermeasures. Click on Spambot Countermeasures and look for the box that says available plug ins. You want to set that for Q&A. Then click on configure plug ins. This will have you create a question that must be answered upon registration. It will actually let you create several questions. I use two questions on my forum. Basically the idea behind this is to be able to fool these spammers which are not people per se they are just computer bots that register and then write their drivel everywhere. Since they are computers they have a hard time answering questions although some bots nowadays can google questions and get in that way. The questions are typically like this... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 what is the middle number in this series? The answer would be 4. With this forum maybe you could create a question that relates to JFK such as What was Jimmy Files actual surname? A guest who has been looking at the forum would easily be able to answer Sutton. A spambot can't do that. (At least not yet)Set this up and you will be able to get members registered automatically and they will not have to wait for someone to manually register them.