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JFK Assassination
Paul van Beek
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Paul van Beek »

Floris Wakka wrote:Also, a qustion that came up in my head yesterday...Files told that when he came back in the car, the first thing Nicoletti asked him was: "Didn't you shoot a little to early?" I find this just so very strange. How could he be so sure that Files had fired the fatal head shot? Because if we have to believe Files, his bullet and Nicoletti's bullet struck Kennedy in the head almost at the same time. Isn't it more logic that Nicoetti thought that he was the man who shot Kennedy in the head and that Files had to tell him in the car that he also struck Kennedy in the head.Or could both men have observed that they shot at the same time and both have hit Kennedy in the head...It's just so hard for me tog get this straight... How about you guys?How about..... He observed the same thing as Files (At the same moment) but whas not sure about his own shot.... Thats maybe why he made a question out of it... He most have seen Kennedy swing to the left at almost the same time he shot.I think he was not sure i'ff he had made a hit himself.That could be possible...In his mind Files was a backup,incase there was no deadly shot from the back.I think mr Files is telling the truth...And nothing but the truth...
Paul van Beek
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Paul van Beek »

dankbaar wrote:I am very sorry Wim, but I just can't believe that Nicoletti is capable of shooting Kennedy in the head and that he is able -at the same time!!- to observe that Files had hit him also...------------------------You may be right that Nicoletti didn't observe the Files shot, but he did observe Kennedy being thrown back and to the left. And unlike the Warren Commission and Peter Jennings, Nicoletti knew the laws of physics. And he was a verry...verry cloose observer...
Paul van Beek
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Paul van Beek »

Paul wrote:dankbaar wrote:So what do you think about the shooters in the TSBD? We know there were shooters there, and that it was not Oswald. I guess you would also not pick that place to shoot from? Yet they did.... and got away ....WimThey didn't have to wait for some time in a getawaycar isn't it? If I had a choice I would have choosen the place at the TSBD and could have escaped easily at the back and wouldn't have choosen the DalTex and then wait some time in a getawaycar for the driver who isn't there!Gr. Paul.But how would u react to the situation,as they tell u.... Ur escape route will be free,just make it a fact that the bullet comes out of the bilding,that we want it to come....
Paul van Beek
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Paul van Beek »

That Nicoletti made a last change in his plan,can also be because he wanted the presedent to be dead for sure... Even when there would be some traces at the front.... Because i'ff Kennedy would have survived,this case would never had bin cloosed,and he had to run for it all his live.I think he was less scared for the cover up,then the words of Kennedy that he would grab the mob by the ball's.And wasn't that the main reason why the mob was there that day....
Alex Wagenaar
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Post by Alex Wagenaar »

First post on this forum.
I've read on the site of "De leugen regeert" that the docu by Peter r de Vries as shown on SBS6 will be aired again on nov 22 of this year. Can anyone tell me if this is correct?

gr alex
Posts: 999
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by dankbaar »

It will be aired again, as any major program of Peter, but around 22 november is not sure, but it seems a logical date and was suggested by me.
