The three tramps

JFK Assassination
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Bob »

Welcome to the posting world Anthony. Let me just say this about Chauncey Holt, he is a provable CIA asset, based on the photograph where he and Oswald were photographed in New Orleans, plus other documented things and his verbal version of what happened. Harold Doyle and the other older tramp wannabe's (except for Hunt) have no CIA connections or hitman connections. Holt, Rogers and Harrelson all do. As I said, Hunt and Sturgis were in Dealey Plaza that day, but NOT as tramps.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

AnthonyAthletic wrote:My first post on the site, after being registered for quite a while; since buying the book and dvds package set. Which are pretty much essential reading and listening for anyone interested in the events before & after the fateful day.I won't say I am unsure as to Holt's claims that he is the smaller tramp. Although the interview dvd seems sincere, and even after looking at the expert analysis the tramp does look more like Hunt than Holt. It could be either or neither, the man in the long jacket on the plaza does look like Hunt also.After watching a dvd which was given away Free with The Daily Mirror (UK) newspaper in which Lamar Waldron & Thom Hartmann basically discuss their book Ultimate Sacrifice and the December 1st, 'Cuban Coup', the authors much later on, via the internet, speaking on radio; actually interviewed Chauncey Holt and wrote him off as a Fraud. The authors of the book do feature Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli as "hitman and organizer". And moreso, probable and possible assassin(s) of one or more 'hit teams'.TonyI'm curious about Waldron's and Hartmann's dismissal of Holt as a fraud. What was their basis for dismissing him like that? The facial recognition expert that analyzed Holt's face and that of the smaller tramp and confirmed that they are the same is in the Guiness Book of World Records for her work. That's pretty heavy corroboration. Do you remember what their basis was for dismissing Holt like that?
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Re: The three tramps

Post by AnthonyAthletic »

I'm curious about Waldron's and Hartmann's dismissal of Holt as a fraud. What was their basis for dismissing him like that?Pasquale, the Waldron quote came from If I recall correctly, one of George Noory's shows shortly after the last revelations of E. Howard Hunt. It was basically a couple of lines of dialogue where Waldron was talking about having to investigate all deathbed claims, in his words wether it be 'Marcello, Hunt or Chauncey Holt'. Holt was dismissed by Waldron & Hartmann as a fraud so I guess there must be an interview somewhere in the archives. They did meet and form their own conclusions.In the book, the do however leave off at the point where Roselli and Nicoletti were described as very possible and probable key players in the assassination. The mention the fully rigged assassination cars of Nicoletti, and the time one car was captured by the Poice in a bust, remarking 'if Nicoletti went to so much trouble building and furnishing a car like this for Normal assassinations; then surely this is a Man who takes his work very seriously'?If only they could have gone one step further and perhaps realized or included that Nicoletti was not alone that day? Maybe that's just too much to ask? or maybe the authors don't know of associates of Nicoletti?
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Jsnow915 »

First off...Pennyworth,you sound paranoid...I'm no one but me....check out written here by me is MY opinion...I don't have to agree with anyone...I don't look up to ANY politician...they are not Gods to me...Kennedy might have changed the world,we don't know,he didn't live long enough...but to me they are nothing but manipulators fucking up a world which should be promoting peace and love and not war and far as the book I mentioned...yes I did mention a book by Harold Yardum...I don't know the title and I don't care to...I've played in a band with him ...the only thing he's an expert on is pot smoking and basically his brain is toast and is financially set for life due to an inheritance...I know the guy personally and know for a fact that his brain is mush...for any of you who put your faith in someone else,especially a politician,good luck...the Kennedy family wouldn't give you a free bottle of booze don't ever question who I am...I'm not a phony hiding behind a fake name is John Snow...and proud of it.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Bob »

Jsnow915 wrote:First off...Pennyworth,you sound paranoid...I'm no one but me....check out written here by me is MY opinion...I don't have to agree with anyone...I don't look up to ANY politician...they are not Gods to me...Kennedy might have changed the world,we don't know,he didn't live long enough...but to me they are nothing but manipulators fucking up a world which should be promoting peace and love and not war and far as the book I mentioned...yes I did mention a book by Harold Yardum...I don't know the title and I don't care to...I've played in a band with him ...the only thing he's an expert on is pot smoking and basically his brain is toast and is financially set for life due to an inheritance...I know the guy personally and know for a fact that his brain is mush...for any of you who put your faith in someone else,especially a politician,good luck...the Kennedy family wouldn't give you a free bottle of booze don't ever question who I am...I'm not a phony hiding behind a fake name is John Snow...and proud of it.First off, I believe John is who he says he is. Plus...John also loves the Beatles...which is a plus in my mind. However, John does not care for Neil Young, but other than that, he's all right. JUST kidding. Everyone has their own musical tastes and their own opinions. Speaking of opinions and this forum...FIRST a little history...this forum has been hacked at least twice as far as I know and taken off line. Plus, we now have these Bots (MSN botmedia and Ask Jeevs) that come around from time to time. Plus, Paul has had an issues with a former member named Dan, who may be someone else now, but Paul is very suspicious of almost everyone now. I will say this again...I think John Snow, Chad Duncan, Sara and others are who they say they are. Have we had others in this forum that were disinformation folks using ficticious names? YES...absolutely. I just wanted to give a little history lesson here so everyone knows what has gone on in the past. I used to get in pissing matches with Dan all the time, but it wasn't worth it. It was wasted energy. That's what the disinformation guys try to do. That's what corrupt politicians do. They keep you off message and any possible investigations, and they try to create another subject matter which is trivial, but they want the focus OFF them. Bottom line, that is why Paul is protective. Sometimes I agree with his opinions, sometimes I don't. But that is what a forum is all about.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Jsnow915 »

Bob...I don't completely hate Neil Young...he has good songs...I can't handle his anything else in life,if there is a problem,go to the source...I would have personally emailed him first,but Paul chose to do it in the open forum,which is fine with me,I have nothing to hide...I understand the whole sneak attack from others...but I won't stand by and let someone talk down to me...I don't think anyone else in their right mind would take it either...and sorry,but,I still think the Kennedy's arent any better than any other politician.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Jsnow915 »

Also....thank you Bob for vouching for me.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by ChristophMessner »

Welcome Anthony! Is there any proof, that the 3 tramps, who looked so dissimilar, ever really acted as a team in the parking lot behind the fence? Chris
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Re: The three tramps

Post by AnthonyAthletic »

ChristophMessner wrote:Welcome Anthony! Is there any proof, that the 3 tramps, who looked so dissimilar, ever really acted as a team in the parking lot behind the fence? ChrisChris,Thanks for the Welcome!!The three tramps is certainly one issue which I wouldn't try to explain. I have been loosely studying the JFK assassination from The Bay of Pigs and Missile Crisis onwards for about 10 years on and off, I am a novice and learn as much as I can each day. The last 2 to 3 years I have studied the events seriously and avidly (and lurked reading some great theories and postings on these boards). For many years I basically thought 'USA Government cover up' and didn't throw too much light on the Mafia influence on the whole series of events. From reading this site and purchasing the James Files book and dvd's this took me seriously onto the major background from the Mafia and CIA connection, and how it unfolded. I don't have any answers, but I guess most persons theories are along similar lines on these boards.What were the tramps doing? I don't know. The reason to sit in the box car and hide away is all too strange. Surely if Holt is/was one of the tramps, why such amazement when the horrific action started outside??? Holt was physically shocked when realization hit home, possibly hiding through panic, surely nobody would be that gullable or that left in the dark ie (Sit in a box car at 12:25pm the day the President rides through the district, and not know what is going on). I can see where that would be a shock to the system.We know it has been claimed that Harrelson, Rogers and Chauncey Holt were the three tramps arrested in Dealey Plaza on 22nd November, 1963, if this is the case I wonder why that it was not until 1992 that the Dallas Police Department revealed that the three tramps were Gus Abrams, John F. Gedney and Harold Doyle? Doesn't 29 years after the event seems a tad late to issue a denial/cover story. Then again, we may read too much into the 3 Tramps story. (something which I haven't looked into too much).Maybe it was just that simple when they were simply "let go"?
tom jeffers
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Re: The three tramps

Post by tom jeffers »

It is hard not to believe chaunceys story as being fact, he is quite convincing. i have always believed that the purpose for him and others to be there were multiple patsys in case things happened differently. there were probably no less than 12 arrests made that day at various times and later released. chauncey would make a great patsey. a loner type that traveled in circus jobs, previous criminal record, mob ties etc.