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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:56 am
by kenmurray
Why is the so called sniper's nest on the 6th floor surrounded by plexy glass, eh? Oh i know, the museum is afraid some people might jump out the Oswald window and commit suicide.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:05 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Kathy Becket wrote:Hi Bob,Thank you for your PM reply regarding the computer glitch wiping out our posts!! As luck would have it, I used the back arrow and was able to retrieve them!! My first post is the top one, which I copied from your post, and I put your answer in quotes. Thank you again for your help!!******************************************* Kathy Becket wrote:Folks, I do not understand all of this anger you seem to possess against Gary. He is most certainly not a LN, as alot of you seem to believe. With respect to the acoustical evidence (which Mack was instrumental in bringing to the attention of the HSCA, btw) I remember asking Wim where Files was supposed to be located, and he told me that Files was in the same location as Thompson's Hat Man. The acoustical evidence points to a shot at that location, and if you watched "Inside the Target Car", you would have noticed that Mack said there was a person there. If he believes that Oswald was the shooter, that, in itself, does not negate conspiracy, does it? No. So I don't understand what the problem is. He does not believe that the person in that position fired the kill shot. But he believes there was a person there, the same as you folks do. He just doesn't believe it is Files. I also see alot of you saying Oswald was innocent. Now wait a minute. IIRC, Files hung around with Oswald for a week: "At this point, Files had not been considered as a shooter in the coming assassination. He was assigned only as an aide to Mr. Nicoletti in weapon arrangements and to survey the location. A week before the assassination, Files drove into Dallas and stayed at the Lamplighter Motel in Mesquite, Dallas, where he called Mr. Nicoletti as well as David Atlee Phillips (who he claims was his “controller”). He claims that the next morning Lee Harvey Oswald (who shared the same “controller”) showed up at the hotel. Over the next five days, Files and Oswald spent the days together (a picture, which Files says was taken by Oswald, can be found here). Files claims that he and Oswald went to an empty field to test fire the weapons and calibrate the scopes that were to be used on President Kennedy, and that Oswald was picking up the shells as Files fired them. He also claims that he and Oswald never spoke of the assassination the entire time. Quoted from: If Oswald assisted in any way, he is a co-conspirator, and just as guilty. Files said, according to the same article, that Oswald never took a shot at Kennedy. You folks believe what Files said. Belief is not proof. I think the whole problem here rests on that. I recall one person some time ago, asked when the photo of Oswald in a white t-shirt was taken, and she said that Gary emailed her with the answer. She then sent a few emails back to him, and cut him off, more or less, because she, too, felt he had turned his back on the research community-- yet he was the only one to answer her question. Why not just consider him a great resource? If you have a question he will do his best to answer it for you. You can't ask for better than that. As Mark Knight once said about Gary, on another forum,"He is doing everything he can to keep this case alive." Isn't that what everyone wants--truly?**********************************************************************************************************Postby Bob on Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:22 amFirst off Kathy, you are certainly welcome to your opinion. But i have to say that I vehemently disagree with your premise. Gary ONCE was someone who cared about a possible conspiracy, and maybe he still does, but he sure doesn't act like it or sound like it. To begin with, the job he has a curator of the 6th floor museum at the TSBD that pays him at least $180,000 a year, does NOT allow ANY conspiracy theory books or vids at the museum. Do you call that open minded? There is nobody I respect more than Jim Marrs and Robert Groden about the JFK assassination and the research they have done, and they have BOTH called out Mack as a fraud. The JFK assassination specials that he appears in on the Discovery channel have been lambasted by almost all of the real JFK assassination researching community. I'm sure Gary is a nice guy, and is still a voice regarding the JFK assassination to some, but it's a voice I stopped listening to a LONG time ago."Follow the money." - Deep ThroatBobUser avatarBob Posts: 2010 Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:39 pm Location: Florida************************TopRe: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"Postby Kathy Becket on Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:51 amBob,Although I respect Robert Groden and Jim Marrs too, I do not give them carte blanche permission to make up my mind for me on who is a fraud, and who is not.And I have to disagree with you about the museum not carrying conspiracy books. I have purchased both David Talbot's "Brothers" as well as Wrone's "The Zapruder Film"--both which are considered conspiracy books, at the Museum Bookstore. I must ask you--have you ever been there?Whether I change your mind about Gary or not is not why I posted. I see a whole lot of people over here cutting on someone who they think is a horrible traitor and turncoat, and I believe that they are being misled. I want you to know that there are of of people out here who are CTs, as well as LNs who have a great deal of respect for him.KathyAlso, I believe that Mack emailed someone here, although I don't remember who it was, i just remember reading that he said that the 180,000 is way off, and that he had a long way to go before he ever got to six figures.Kathy Becket Posts: 6 Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:35 pm Location: KCMOTopPrevious Display posts from previous: Sort byPost a reply32 posts • Page 3 of 3 • 1, 2, 3Return to Who shot JFK, and why?Jump to:Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guests * Board index * The team • Delete all board cookies • All times are UTCPowered by phpBB © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB GroupKathy,Have you seen the documentary on Discovery Channel that he was in? It was a disinformation piece in my opinion. I remember seeing them shoot through two mock human torsos, barely showing the bullet for a brief moment (which you can now find pictures of anywhere on the internet), and then claiming that the magic bullet theory was possible. That was Gary Mack in on that, wasn't it? That test with the mock human torsos didn't prove a thing. The bullet was deformed, and it did not replicate the alleged path of CE 399, and there Mack was agreeing with it. WTF?How he could even participate in such a disinformation piece is beyond me. I think he was a legit voice of truth at one time, and I also think he changed positions on the assassination publically either because of his job and/or for some other reason.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:07 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Kathy Becket wrote:Hi Bob,Thank you for your PM reply regarding the computer glitch wiping out our posts!! As luck would have it, I used the back arrow and was able to retrieve them!! My first post is the top one, which I copied from your post, and I put your answer in quotes. Thank you again for your help!!******************************************* Kathy Becket wrote:Folks, I do not understand all of this anger you seem to possess against Gary. He is most certainly not a LN, as alot of you seem to believe. With respect to the acoustical evidence (which Mack was instrumental in bringing to the attention of the HSCA, btw) I remember asking Wim where Files was supposed to be located, and he told me that Files was in the same location as Thompson's Hat Man. The acoustical evidence points to a shot at that location, and if you watched "Inside the Target Car", you would have noticed that Mack said there was a person there. If he believes that Oswald was the shooter, that, in itself, does not negate conspiracy, does it? No. So I don't understand what the problem is. He does not believe that the person in that position fired the kill shot. But he believes there was a person there, the same as you folks do. He just doesn't believe it is Files. I also see alot of you saying Oswald was innocent. Now wait a minute. IIRC, Files hung around with Oswald for a week: "At this point, Files had not been considered as a shooter in the coming assassination. He was assigned only as an aide to Mr. Nicoletti in weapon arrangements and to survey the location. A week before the assassination, Files drove into Dallas and stayed at the Lamplighter Motel in Mesquite, Dallas, where he called Mr. Nicoletti as well as David Atlee Phillips (who he claims was his “controller”). He claims that the next morning Lee Harvey Oswald (who shared the same “controller”) showed up at the hotel. Over the next five days, Files and Oswald spent the days together (a picture, which Files says was taken by Oswald, can be found here). Files claims that he and Oswald went to an empty field to test fire the weapons and calibrate the scopes that were to be used on President Kennedy, and that Oswald was picking up the shells as Files fired them. He also claims that he and Oswald never spoke of the assassination the entire time. Quoted from: If Oswald assisted in any way, he is a co-conspirator, and just as guilty. Files said, according to the same article, that Oswald never took a shot at Kennedy. You folks believe what Files said. Belief is not proof. I think the whole problem here rests on that. I recall one person some time ago, asked when the photo of Oswald in a white t-shirt was taken, and she said that Gary emailed her with the answer. She then sent a few emails back to him, and cut him off, more or less, because she, too, felt he had turned his back on the research community-- yet he was the only one to answer her question. Why not just consider him a great resource? If you have a question he will do his best to answer it for you. You can't ask for better than that. As Mark Knight once said about Gary, on another forum,"He is doing everything he can to keep this case alive." Isn't that what everyone wants--truly?**********************************************************************************************************Postby Bob on Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:22 amFirst off Kathy, you are certainly welcome to your opinion. But i have to say that I vehemently disagree with your premise. Gary ONCE was someone who cared about a possible conspiracy, and maybe he still does, but he sure doesn't act like it or sound like it. To begin with, the job he has a curator of the 6th floor museum at the TSBD that pays him at least $180,000 a year, does NOT allow ANY conspiracy theory books or vids at the museum. Do you call that open minded? There is nobody I respect more than Jim Marrs and Robert Groden about the JFK assassination and the research they have done, and they have BOTH called out Mack as a fraud. The JFK assassination specials that he appears in on the Discovery channel have been lambasted by almost all of the real JFK assassination researching community. I'm sure Gary is a nice guy, and is still a voice regarding the JFK assassination to some, but it's a voice I stopped listening to a LONG time ago."Follow the money." - Deep ThroatBobUser avatarBob Posts: 2010 Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:39 pm Location: Florida************************TopRe: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"Postby Kathy Becket on Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:51 amBob,Although I respect Robert Groden and Jim Marrs too, I do not give them carte blanche permission to make up my mind for me on who is a fraud, and who is not.And I have to disagree with you about the museum not carrying conspiracy books. I have purchased both David Talbot's "Brothers" as well as Wrone's "The Zapruder Film"--both which are considered conspiracy books, at the Museum Bookstore. I must ask you--have you ever been there?Whether I change your mind about Gary or not is not why I posted. I see a whole lot of people over here cutting on someone who they think is a horrible traitor and turncoat, and I believe that they are being misled. I want you to know that there are of of people out here who are CTs, as well as LNs who have a great deal of respect for him.KathyAlso, I believe that Mack emailed someone here, although I don't remember who it was, i just remember reading that he said that the 180,000 is way off, and that he had a long way to go before he ever got to six figures.Kathy Becket Posts: 6 Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:35 pm Location: KCMOTopPrevious Display posts from previous: Sort byPost a reply32 posts • Page 3 of 3 • 1, 2, 3Return to Who shot JFK, and why?Jump to:Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guests * Board index * The team • Delete all board cookies • All times are UTCPowered by phpBB © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB GroupKathy,Speaking of books that are sold at the museum, is Rush to Judgement by Mark Lane sold there? Is Plausible Denial by Mark Lane sold there? Are any of Groden's or Marrs' books sold at that museum?

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:34 pm
by saracarter766
i could'nt have said it better myself kenmurray and pasquale well said guys.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:09 pm
by dankbaar
Gary Mack is a Lone Nutter in disguise, a Warren Commission apologist, and Kathy is falling for it. He is also a provable liar. Wim

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:10 pm
by Bob
Kathy, thanks for re-posting our comments. ALL opinions are welcome here. Debate is healthy. In terms of what materials that are allowed at the 6th floor museum at the TSBD, here is a quote from the guy who runs the Fletcher Prouty web site...Some time ago I had submitted the Col. Prouty CD-ROM to the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, for review. To make a long story short, I have been told that because it does not conform to the "Lone Assassin" theory they will not look at it. (or stock it in the bookstore). Gary Hack who represents the Sixth Floor will not even look at the CD-ROM.! He has not replied other than his repeated, "you will be notified if we accept it" I have since found out the Sixth Floor has an agenda to support the Warren Report. I was not aware of this myself and was very surprised. This is more evidence of the continual cover-up. I suggest and urge that anyone thinking of visiting the Sixth Floor Museum in the near future to decline. At least until they change from the official "Lone Assassin theory" that Lee Oswald shot JFK, and at least show more that one side to the story. For those of you active on internet newsgroups, I hope that the topic be can brought up and discussed especially for anyone going to Dallas. I also understand they have refused to stock (banned) the "Assassination Science" and "Murder in Dealey Plaza" by James Fetzer. And many other good honest books. Len Osanic Okay, enough of that. In terms of Oswald, you are entirely correct that Oswald hung around Dallas for a week or so with Jimmy Files, prior to the assassination. That by itself would mean that he was probably involved in the conspiracy. But not if one looks closer. David Atlee Phillips was the controller for both Oswald and Files, that is the reason for their get together. I think it is pretty obvious to most, that Oswald was a CIA operative. But he was also a FBI informant. I think that there is clear evidence that the FBI was warned at least once, and probably twice about the upcoming assassination attempt, and I believe the person responsible for that report was Oswald. There was the teletype message that received by all FBI offices shortly before the assassination, and also the note that Oswald gave Agent Hosty of the FBI that Hosty destroyed. Plus we have other people that have confirmed Oswald's intentions and true identity like Judyth Baker. Were there other Oswalds, impersonating Lee? No doubt. That is what makes this whole situation even more murky. Plus, we also have Lee's relationship with George DeMohrenshildt. Plus DeMohrenshildt's relationship with Poppy Bu$h. By the way, Gary Mack himself told me that he saw no evidence of Poppy Bu$h being involved or connected to the assassination. NONE.That told me a lot right there about Gary's mind set.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:12 pm
by Jsnow915
I think Kathy like conspiracybuff have the right to their opinion..give them time and let them defend it...I totally agree that Gary Mack seems to be swayed to proving the single bullet theory right..I saw the show also and there never was a shot taken from where the Grassy Knoll shot came from.....if you put into context that Oswald was there doing his job suppossedly for the FBI by infaltraiting the CIA and hanging out with Files collecting bullets,sure he's guilty in the can't place him in the window at the time of the shooting or positively identify him as the shooter of Tibbit(who I think had a hand in it somewhere)....he may be guilty by association..but I dont think in a court of law he could be found guilty on circumstantional evidence.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:44 pm
by saracarter766
Jsnow915 your absolutely right she does have a right to her opinion but she really ticks me off by the misled comment and other things she said.i'm just sick and tired of the lies and cover ups and i am also fed up with this lone nut assassin theory but the fact is i highly admired and respected gary mack but after the doc inside the target car that left me feeling he turned on me and others who had so much respect for him. we americans who are honest and decent tax payers and elect those into office should give us the whole truth and not this warren commision bs cause if it was'nt for us none of the elected officals would be where they are now. why do they keep lying to us why i ask them.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:51 pm
by Jsnow915
Sara...this is how the BIG BOYS play...its a rude awakening if you truly believe in honesty and doesn't exist in politics...(wow...that last line sounds like a bumper sticker to me..."honesty and honor-it doesn't exist in Politics")

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:12 pm
by saracarter766
yeah i guess so. well anyways i'm outta here.