My conclusion on James Files...

JFK Assassination
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ChristophMessner »

andries wrote:For instance an important arguiment for meFiles makes the best first rang witnesses and some other honest people to dreamers. Why this? ThomZajac wrote:Personally, I find the story of James Files compelling and it could very well true, perhaps even likely, but I do have my doubts, as I think most anyone would, and I think it's safe to say that we will never have absolute certainty on the matter. True. ThomZajac wrote: That said, I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference if he was a knoll shooter or not. True. ThomZajac wrote: We know there was one (at least) and we know the president was hit from the front as well as behind. We know there was CIA and Mafia presence all over the place, we know the Secret Service did not do it's job. (That's for starters- we know a lot more than that obviously). True. ThomZajac wrote: Although it is natural to try to figure out the precise details of Dealey Plaza, it is much like trying to figure out what arrangement the feathers were in before the pillow was busted open. True. But it should not make us give up any further research from the start, because this process of search for the truth is valuable.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ThomZajac »

Reading my post again, and Christoph's response, I now realize I left out some key things-I think the JFK assassination is of tremendous importance still today, and that we should do everythingwe can to get to the truth and put pressure on our government to reopen the investigation.My point was that we know enough about the goings on at Dealey Plaza to move up the ladder of responsibility in the hopes of reaches the top rung. I also like the idea of starting at a perceived top ('the very top of US government,' which means different things to different people, I know) and working down, and seeing how well the two ends line up- and I think they line up exceedingly well. Time spent on who was standing where and who did what when reaches a point of diminishing returns and takes resources away from 'higher' pursuits. I certainly don't mean to diminish the work that Wim has done regarding James Files- it is extraordinary. But let's put the heat on the bastards who ordered it (and the entities they represent).
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ThomZajac »

Again, sorry for all the typos (you'd never know I publish a newspaper...)
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ThomZajac wrote:Personally, I find the story of James Files compelling and it could very well true, perhaps even likely, but I do have my doubts, as I think most anyone would, and I think it's safe to say that we will never have absolute certainty on the matter.That said, I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference if he was a knoll shooter or not. We know there was one (at least) and we know the president was hit from the front as well as behind. We know there was CIA and Mafia presence all over the place, we know the Secret Service did not do its job. (That's for starters- we know a lot more than that obviously).Although it is natural to try to figure out the precise details of Dealey Plaza, it is much like trying to figure out what arrangement the feathers were in before the pillow was busted open.Very well said, Thom.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks Pasquale. I'm working on a schematic of the assassination, and I'm looking forward to your input and feedback.And everyone else's too.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ThomZajac wrote:Thanks Pasquale. I'm working on a schematic of the assassination, and I'm looking forward to your input and feedback.And everyone else's too.No problem. That's what we're here for anyway.
tom jeffers
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by tom jeffers »

did anyone see the movie watchmen? they did a re-enactment in dealey plaza showing the head shot and one of the super heroes was behind the picket fence with a rifle. they did a nice job of setting up the scene to look like the zapruder film.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

tom jeffers wrote:did anyone see the movie watchmen? they did a re-enactment in dealey plaza showing the head shot and one of the super heroes was behind the picket fence with a rifle. they did a nice job of setting up the scene to look like the zapruder film.I had no interest in seeing that movie, but now you made me want to watch it just for that part!
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:tom jeffers wrote:did anyone see the movie watchmen? they did a re-enactment in dealey plaza showing the head shot and one of the super heroes was behind the picket fence with a rifle. they did a nice job of setting up the scene to look like the zapruder film.I had no interest in seeing that movie, but now you made me want to watch it just for that part! Yeah, I wanna see it too. I saw the the movie "The International" about a banking system involved in assassination, and arms dealing. In the assassination of an Italian leader, there were 2 shooters. Interesting and good movie.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by turtleman »

My take on Files is that he knows too much of some things and is rather uninformed of the bigger picture. He seems to lack curiosity and is probably not a particularly sophisticated criminal but possesses ample skills to do what was asked of him. I also feel he would have been tripped up in a multitude of ways regarding his story. And I know to some extent he has. But not enough to be a phony. We know more has come forth since his earliest interviews and he still knows more than he is telling. Still holding back. I don't see him as a habitual liar the way he rattles off info during his interviews and I can't see him having much creativity or imagination that would be required to fabricate such a story. Has he misled? I would say yes. But his story has too many pieces of the puzzle in place. What stumps me is how is he still alive? Especially in Stateville. Can you say survival skills?