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Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:43 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Pennyworth wrote:kenmurray wrote:Hey this is for you Von Pein. One of your heroes of the Warren Report. No wonder the Warren Report is one of the biggest frauds ever put before the American public. So let's go down memory lane for one of the biggest political blunders ever to come forth by a sitting President. of past President Ford, his attempted assassin is up for release on August 16,2009...Squeaky...Speaking of Ford, you reminded me to tell you guys that I actually saw a watch with the brand name Nixon on it. I almost broke a rib laughing. I kept asking the sales clerk if there was 18 minutes missing from the dial. She was in her early 20s and just didn't get it.That's a joke waiting to happen. A watch called a Nixon...that has 18 minutes missing from the dial! Then I said something like, "Eh...I'm perfectly happy wearing my Ford or my Kissinger." Then she SORT of got it.

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:49 am
by ThomZajac
"Nixon Watches"Yes he does. But he's dead now.

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:29 pm
by Jsnow915
that was funny Pasquale...I can't beat that

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:40 pm
by kenmurray
Bob long as your homework is done and you continue to get A's in class, you can go out for awhile Pasquale and Ken. But be home by 11:00! Seriously, let's try and keep the focus here and to the research we are doing. We are getting recognition and responses from two of the very best research minds in the JFK assassination community in Robert Groden and Jack White. Let's keep the momentum going! Sorry Bob, I was out past 11pm last nite. I had a few beers lol. Hey Pasquale, " junkyard dog" was a pro wrestler. Are we in that category too? Thanks for the support. As far as Beckham goes, he is as about as important to me as a fly on the wall. I could care less about that forum anymore. As Bob said, let's keep focus here.

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:54 pm
by Pennyworth
Pennyworth wrote:kenmurray wrote:Hey this is for you Von Pein. One of your heroes of the Warren Report. No wonder the Warren Report is one of the biggest frauds ever put before the American public. So let's go down memory lane for one of the biggest political blunders ever to come forth by a sitting President. of past President Ford, his attempted assassin is up for release on August 16,2009...Squeaky...AftermathIn 1979, Fromme was transferred out of the women's prison in Dublin, California, for attacking a fellow inmate, Julienne Busic, with the claw end of a hammer. On December 23, 1987, she escaped from the Alderson Federal Prison Camp in Alderson, West Virginia, attempting to meet up with Manson, who she had heard had testicular cancer. She was captured again two days later and is now serving time in Texas at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell. Fromme's projected release date is August 16, 2009,[11] although she has consistently waived her right to a hearing. Fromme has been eligible for parole since 1985 but must attend the hearing and be granted parole in order to be released.Seventeen days after Fromme's assassination attempt, Sara Jane Moore attempted to assassinate Ford in San Francisco. squeaky assassination attempt interview....

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:18 pm
by Bob
Speaking of old Gerald Ford...I guess folks like Von Pein, Bugliosi and others have forgotten this...

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:19 am
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:Speaking of old Gerald Ford...I guess folks like Von Pein, Bugliosi and others have forgotten this... Bob. I wonder if they swept this under the rug too: ... relatedFox news actually did a good story for once lol.

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:08 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Pennyworth wrote:Pennyworth wrote:kenmurray wrote:Hey this is for you Von Pein. One of your heroes of the Warren Report. No wonder the Warren Report is one of the biggest frauds ever put before the American public. So let's go down memory lane for one of the biggest political blunders ever to come forth by a sitting President. of past President Ford, his attempted assassin is up for release on August 16,2009...Squeaky...AftermathIn 1979, Fromme was transferred out of the women's prison in Dublin, California, for attacking a fellow inmate, Julienne Busic, with the claw end of a hammer. On December 23, 1987, she escaped from the Alderson Federal Prison Camp in Alderson, West Virginia, attempting to meet up with Manson, who she had heard had testicular cancer. She was captured again two days later and is now serving time in Texas at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell. Fromme's projected release date is August 16, 2009,[11] although she has consistently waived her right to a hearing. Fromme has been eligible for parole since 1985 but must attend the hearing and be granted parole in order to be released.Seventeen days after Fromme's assassination attempt, Sara Jane Moore attempted to assassinate Ford in San Francisco. squeaky assassination attempt interview.... thought she actually shot the gun and missed. So, she got life in prison for pointing a gun and not actually shooting it? Nixon gets to obstruct justice (as per doing things like turning over tapes with 18 minutes ERASED from them), and he gets how much time? Oh yeah. He got pardoned by FORD!!!!Interesting.

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:19 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
kenmurray wrote:Bob wrote:Speaking of old Gerald Ford...I guess folks like Von Pein, Bugliosi and others have forgotten this... Bob. I wonder if they swept this under the rug too: ... relatedFox news actually did a good story for once lol.What's the name of the book? Those news anchors did a terrible job of interviewing the author.

Re: David Con Pein Is Calling Us Names

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:55 am
by neab
I just realised this is a guy who's got videos on youtube right? I saw quite a few a few months ago, didn't know what side he took, but interesting nonetheless. Like someone said, you guys should take it as a compliment if you're getting crap from outsiders, you must be touching a nerve.