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Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:29 pm
by tom jeffers
joe,i am sorry but i got to agree with bob. i do not think greer could have even seen the other agent approaching the car, he would have beeb directly behind him and nelly and jackie. if you listen carefully to greer's interview, does anyone else detect a little uneasiness in greer's answers, instead of pondering the questions, he appeared to answer them rather quickly with a nervous and almost defensive tone. they appeared to be rehearsed with a hidden agenda masked.tom

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:15 pm
by Dealey Joe
Evertone is entitled to be wrong once in a while Hell he ccould have easily been hit or killed too.Well Tom if I had been driving that Limo I would be bery nervous myself.I would look closer at someone who was Mr Kool.If that happened on my watch I can only imagine what kind of wreck I would have been.I just cannot see how we could in any way think he was involved.But we will never know for suresome things we just have to agree on or not.

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:01 am
by Kirk
I agree with you about the danger involved in driving or riding in a car that is being shot at. This is kind of why I have always had some difficulty believing that Connelly really knew what was happening. I don't believe he would endanger himself in that way, nor his wife Nellie. Now, he might have suspected that something was going to happen, but just not what, when or how, but I do think in the end. He knew why. Same is possible even for Greer and possibly Kellerman. Maybe they were well trained, and felt safe during it, but would have been shocked when all the bullets kept bouncing around. For me it is a miracle that no one else was killed or wounded in that car besides JFK and Connelly.Dealey Joe wrote:Evertone is entitled to be wrong once in a while Hell he ccould have easily been hit or killed too.Well Tom if I had been driving that Limo I would be bery nervous myself.I would look closer at someone who was Mr Kool.If that happened on my watch I can only imagine what kind of wreck I would have been.I just cannot see how we could in any way think he was involved.But we will never know for suresome things we just have to agree on or not.

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:24 am
by Dealey Joe
You have hit on an area that concerns me most, Why are they firing into a car full of people.this may be the reason for the stand down.My guess is that they had moved the point of impact maybe to the Trade Mart and do an RFK thing.even at the RFK shooting several other people were wounded, but it does cut down on the number of witnesses.Another thing,I think we should consider someone innocent until we can show otherwise,What else do we have except he was either a shaky nervous witness or a smooth cookie.and the possibility that he stopped in the middle of the road so someone could make sure JFK was dead?I do think that he was taken to a room at the hospital and told what to say or not to say.

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:36 am
by Bob
Bottom line, Emory Roberts showed me he was in the conspiracy when he waved off the two Secret Service agents at Love Field that would have ridden directly behind JFK on the rear bumper of the limo. Doug Horne shows that without a DOUBT, that both Roy Kellerman and Bill Greer were involved in the coverup at Bethseda, especially Kellerman, who was the guy who presided over the dog and pony show at Bethesda, with coffins being wheeled in and out of facility, not to mention the pre-autopsy procedure and the fake autopsy photos after the FBI agents left. Greer's performance as a driver that day was incompetent and embarrassing (and traitorous), plus Greer's performance completely broke every rule of a driver assigned to protect a high profile politician. At the FIRST sound of gunfire, Greer should have driven out of Dealey Plaza like a bat out of hell. Instead, he slowed down. As I said, some witnesses said he came almost to a complete stop. Kellerman acted like he was on a Sunday drive. To me, at the very least, Roberts, Greer and Kellerman were complicit in the assassination.

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:37 am
by Kirk
I think that is a possible reason for a stand down, but you would think in all the preparation that this would have been a stumbling block from the start. Maybe the Trade Mart was a better choice, or maybe even in Austin on the next stop. I finally believe now that LBJ knew something was going to happen in Texas, and maybe even in Dallas. I don't believe he knew the details for certain, just like Connelly. When LBJ asked Agent Youngblood if any of the shots were aimed at him, I think that was an honest question coming from LBJ. I don't think LBJ trusted anybody or anything, but maybe Lady Bird.Dealey Joe wrote:You have hit on an area that concerns me most, Why are they firing into a car full of people.this may be the reason for the stand down.My guess is that they had moved the point of impact maybe to the Trade Mart and do an RFK thing.even at the RFK shooting several other people were wounded.

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:55 am
by Dealey Joe
I agree

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:10 pm
by Bob
I'll say this matter where this was going to go down...Emory Roberts, Bill Greer and Roy Kellerman were in on it.As I said earlier, Roberts showed me he was in the conspiracy when he waved off the two Secret Service agents at Love Field that would have ridden directly behind JFK on the rear bumper of the limo. Doug Horne shows that without a DOUBT, that both Kellerman and Greer were involved in the coverup at Bethseda, especially Kellerman, who was the guy who presided over the dog and pony show at Bethesda, with coffins being wheeled in and out of facility, not to mention the pre-autopsy procedure and the fake autopsy photos after the FBI agents left. Greer's performance as a driver that day was incompetent and embarrassing (and traitorous), plus Greer's performance completely broke every rule of a driver assigned to protect a high profile politician. At the FIRST sound of gunfire, Greer should have driven out of Dealey Plaza like a bat out of hell. Instead, he slowed down. As I said, some witnesses said he came almost to a complete stop. Kellerman acted like he was on a Sunday drive. To me, at the very least, Roberts, Greer and Kellerman were complicit in the assassination.

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:29 pm
by ThomZajac
Good morning, Bob!I agree, absolutely. but here's a (loaded) question: why do you suppose, Kellerman, Roberts, and Greer, were willing to take such key roles in the killing of the president?

Re: Jim Marrs' take on Jimmy Files

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:38 pm
by Bob
ThomZajac wrote:Good morning, Bob!I agree, absolutely. but here's a (loaded) question: why do you suppose, Kellerman, Roberts, and Greer, were willing to take such key roles in the killing of the president?Good morning Thom. Obviously the conspirators, whether it be those in the CIA, FBI, Government, Secret Service, Military Industrial Complex, etc., didn't have the same ideology as JFK, nor did they believe in his policies. In fact, they vehemently opposed them. For the conspiracy to work, you didn't need those organizations to have everyone from them participate, you only needed a small amount of people, but KEY people from those organizations to participate. That included Roberts, Kellerman and Greer obviously.