JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Bob:Outstanding, powerfully analytical Post. I have been analyzing the rapidly developing changes of President Obama, as I analyzed them during the campaign vs. where we are today. Agreeing to send 30,000 more Americans to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan marked a true watershed moment for my previous beliefs, and my current evaluation processes.Your Post covers more material than I have read anywhere. Your Post is timely for me, as I have been seriously following these developments in conjunction with another Headline of mine wherein I predicted the possible assassination of Obama ala JFK style, or RFK style. I was convinced that Obama would be a thorn in the side of today's Military Industrial Complex equal to, or greater than JFK, MLK, and RFK. As of today, I see no such threat to the War Profiteers. I will Post a simple Addendum to that Headline so that it is brought forward on the JFK Forum, and more easily found for reading, analysis, and comparison by todays JFK Forum Members.Bob, you, and perhaps a few others reason through many of my challenging points. Few take time, or appreciate some of my points about JKF that carry negative implications. Yet few realize or remember that I am Polish-Irish Roman Catholic, educated in a private Roman Catholic Grade School, High School, College, and Seminary. Law School was my first taste of non-religious training.While I am overall a fan of JFK, MLK, and RFK, I see fit to question the Kennedy's moral imbalance in their personal lives. If JFK were Baptist, Lutheran, Jewish, or Muslim, I would still question the Kennedy's moral imbalance. As a very strictly raised, and educated Roman Catholic, I can question these moral inconsistencies no less. As a Roman Catholic I do not give fellow Roman Catholics a pass. And to maintain the appearance of an objective reality questioning force, I seldom admit that I liked JFK for many things that he sought to accomplish in such a short time. I feel that if we remain blind to the faults of the Kennedy's here, the JFK Forum suffers from true objective analysis and respect by other forums, or other researchers.In law school, and later clerking and interning for a powerful downtown Chicago law firm, we often prepared and argued both sides of the case for trial preparation. On a major insurance case involving tens of millions of dollars, I spent one full year working with partners, associates, and other law school students researching, preparing, and arguing the side of the case opposed to our client's. This developed our case to diamond clarity, ready, and at times impervious to all arguments, counter arguments, etc. These are the processes that I have used here for the benefit of the JFK Forum, with my ULTIMATE GOAL being the perfection in all that I know about James Earl Sutton/Files. Bob, am I making total sense to you yet ?After some of the blasts against me in the past, I seriously considered switching sides with you. Asking you to attack JFK, MLK, and RFK for a full year, while I only extolled the strengths of JFK, MLK, and RFK. At that time, you were involved in a life altering car crash, and I never even hinted that to you, until today. I doubt that role reversal will work well now.Bob, all that said in an effort to better explain my thinking and analyzing processes, I ask you to compare and contrast your above Post with my previous Headline about President Obama's possible assassination, both when I Posted it during the campaign vs. today.Bob, let me know what you think. If anyone can plow through my multiple reasoning processes, surely you can. Any shortcoming should be attributed to me.Certainly, Comments from all others are welcome.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.I hear you Bruce. I am a Irish Roman Catholic, but I certainly have had many doubts about my faith, not so much about the teachings of Christ, but in the implementation of those teachings by the "leaders" of the Catholic Church. You are right about the morals of JFK, or lack there of, but look at the pediphile behavior exhibited by so many priests. Even though JFK, RFK and MLK had their vices, they were exceptional leaders. After all, we are just men and women. No one is perfect. But the U.S. and the world were heading to a much better place when JFK was President, as opposed to the course it has taken since his assassination.Now in terms of Obama, I have heard through Wayne Madsen, that old Barry was once a CIA operative at Columbia University. That makes sense now, based on his protection of the CIA's torture tactics, not to mention the escalation of the war in Afghanistan and the still ongoing struggle in Iraq. Meanwhile, The CIA's best friend...Wall Street...has been bailed out again by Obama and has kept up it's unscrupulous behavior with nary a wrist slap.Bottom line, not a good start for Barry in his first year, but McCain exhibited the type of behavior as a leader that could have led to WWIII, while Obama at least won't allow that to happen. I think. In addition, Thom and I had an interesting discussion about the Presidency and it's CIA connection since Poppy held office. Here was one of my takes in a response to Thom, who thought that every President since Poppy has been an operative of the CIA...The Clintons are tied to the hip to Poppy and the CIA because of all the drug running that went through Mena when Slick Willie was Governor of Arkansas. As Secretary of State, Hillary can make sure the CIA will get or continue their wars and the profits that go with it, either via war profiteering, regime changing or drugs...or all three. It's ironic fighting in Afghanistan, with all the "Poppy's" over there. Plus, I think you are right about Dumbya Bu$h as well. Like his father before him, he was supposedly part of companies that were for the most part failures. I think it is pretty obvious that they were just fronts. Dumbya also had a hand in the JFK assassination cover up. Look at this from Wim's section on Poppy Bu$h...During the preparations of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, pressure is applied to Texan Bill Lord not to testify for the committee. Bill Lord was a fellow marine and roommate of Lee Harvey Oswald on a ship voyage to France. Lord expresses his concern in a letter to president Carter. He writes that Oswald was connected to the FBI and CIA and concludes that the CIA and the FBI are complicit in JFK's death and the coup d'etat that occurred on 11/22/1963. He also states that one of the Midland, TX politicians applying pressure to him, was Mr. George W. Bush junior . This letter to President Carter was declassified some years ago. Here's a fragment:One of the parties which has blitzed me with telephone calls trying to persuade me to tell them what I know about Oswald, is engaged in a very costly project which allows them to locate, interview, monitor, and influence every single available person who ever knew Lee Oswald--and this, just in advance of the new governmental investigation by the house select committee on Assassinations. I finally consented, not to grant an interview, but to allow the publication's representative to explain their project to me in person. After a lunch interview with this researcher, I was told that if I had refused even to meet with him, pressure was in the offing from two Midland men: Mr. Jim Allison, publisher of the ultra-conservative Reporter-Telegram, my employer (out of necessity, and for the moment!), and Mr. George Bush, Jr. ... Shortly thereafter, my mother discovered that her telephone had been tampered with. The casing around the dialing aparatus had been pulled out about one-half inch... we cannot doubt that someone entered the house at a time when I was at work and my mother was away; she returned to the house, however, at an unaccustomed time... I have been in anguish for weeks, Mr. President, trying my best to laugh at my apprehensions and to see these events as fortuitous ones... Speaking as the man who spent more than two weeks in the same ship's cabin with Lee Oswald at the time of his 1959 "defection", and speaking as a man who has been the subject of the above. In addition, President Obama has kept alive the wars which the CIA supports in Afghanistan and Iraq, stopped torture prosecution against the CIA and has gone out of his way to protect Wall Street. Wayne Madsen also recently inferred that Obama was once a CIA operative.
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Post by ThomZajac »

Bob wrote-"Bottom line, not a good start for Barry in his first year, but McCain exhibited the type of behavior as a leader that could have led to WWIII, while Obama at least won't allow that to happen. I think."Bob, there is never really a choice- only the illusion of a choice. The Democrats and Republicans are two factions of the same party- the ruling elite war party. The MSM goes to great lengths to manufacture this illusion, and sadly, most of us are fooled.A second party would oppose the obscenely large military budget and bellicose behavior of this democratic republic. JFK and MLK (and other too, of course) have met their ends in this pursuit. Obama is a willing and effective tool of the ruling elite, and any good he does will stay within some very narrow boundaries. Did you listen to his pro-war Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech today? George Orwell was right.He only looks good by comparison (to McCain). The ruling elite are very clever.
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Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Bob wrote-"Bottom line, not a good start for Barry in his first year, but McCain exhibited the type of behavior as a leader that could have led to WWIII, while Obama at least won't allow that to happen. I think."Bob, there is never really a choice- only the illusion of a choice. The Democrats and Republicans are two factions of the same party- the ruling elite war party. The MSM goes to great lengths to manufacture this illusion, and sadly, most of us are fooled.A second party would oppose the obscenely large military budget and bellicose behavior of this democratic republic. JFK and MLK (and other too, of course) have met their ends in this pursuit. Obama is a willing and effective tool of the ruling elite, and any good he does will stay within some very narrow boundaries. Did you listen to his pro-war Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech today? George Orwell was right.He only looks good by comparison (to McCain). The ruling elite are very clever.Clever indeed. But evil is the first adjective I would use to describe them.
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Post by ThomZajac »

You know, I couldn't decide between 'evil' and 'clever,' and ultimately thought I'd try to be a little less negative. But you are right, 'evil' is the more appropriate word.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Bob and Thom Zajac:Grasshoppers, the journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step.You two (2) have agreed on a word.Small, but progress nonetheless.Best Regards to you both.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by ThomZajac »

Still laughing.....thanks Bruce!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Thom Zajac:You're welcome.Thom, I went to Marian Catholic High School. I grew up on the south side of Chicago, then moved to Olympia Fields, Illinois, 11.22.1963.David Zajac was a fellow class mate of mine at Marian Catholic. He was a terrific guy.Any relation ? I've been meaning to ask.Best Regards, Always.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by ThomZajac »

Not that I know. Zajac is actually a fairly common Polish/Slavic name (meaning jack rabbit or hare). My clan is of Philly/Jersey origins and I grew up (Catholic) on Long Island.
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Post by Bob »

Look who the MSM loves now... ... 0.htmlWhat a freaking crock.
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

See this as well. The rich get richer... ... enu-43/915