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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:13 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:Bob wrote:By the way, I checked out The Huffington Post to see if they had any mention of Jesse's program regarding 9/11 last night, as they are a so called "liberal" web site. Not a mention. Zip...nada...nothing. But the Huff Po was able to link a story to the fake Oswald photo story about the idiot from Dartmouth a few weeks ago. Bottom line, it doesn't matter if a site or a network is leaning left or right, they will NOT touch the JFK assassination or 9/11, except to try and bolster the bullshit "investigations" regarding both. Thank God for TruTV. By the way, they are part of Turner Broadcasting. Ted Turner is a maverick, if there every was one. By the way, when I was getting out of college, I wrote every team in MLB about some possibilities about future employment. Some didn't write back at all, while others sent me the typical form letter saying they would keep my letter on file. I did receive a personal letter though from Ted Turner of the Atlanta Braves himself. He said that were not positions available at that time, but to stay in touch. He also gave me a bit of a pep talk about staying persistent, whether it be in broadcasting or whatever. Shortly, thereafter, I got a job in the media. I always remembered that letter, and when I found out about Jesse's new show, it makes a lot of sense that Turner Broadcasting is the mother ship of TruTV. Thanks again Ted! Very interesting there Bob. Since I'm a Braves fan. I wish Ted was back owning the team. Too bad they didn't hire you. You would had been great along side Skip Carey and Pete Van Wieren. Ken, I got to meet Chip's dad Harry at a ballgame once. Harry was eating lunch in the press box eating area with Jimmy Piersall when they were the announcers for the Chicago White Sox. Harry, Jimmy and I had about a 5 minute conversation and they both were very accomodating. I watched the game that followed outside in the mezzanine area directly in front of where Harry and Jimmy announced the game. Bob Uecker (I've met and interviewed Ueck as well) was next door doing the game for the Brewers. Anyway, I noticed that Harry was drinking beer during the game while he was announcing. I found out later that Harry had a clause in his contract to be able to drink while he was announcing games. I assume he did the same thing with the Cardinals and Cubs. Being from Milwaukee, I went to a LOT of Brave games when I was real young before they moved, and it was great seeing guys like Hank Aaron, Eddie Matthews and Warren Spahn. Milwaukee only has one World Series championship and that was the 1957 Braves. I was able to interview Matthews and Aaron at the 1983 All-Star game in Chicago (old timers game), which was the 50th anniversary of the first All-Star game at Comiskey Park. Talk about being a kid in a candy store.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:33 pm
by kenmurray
Great stuff there Bob. As a Braves fan i was fortunate to see Aaron hit several home runs in person growing up as my father took us to many games back then. I always thought Harry Caray had a few buds during the game. You could sometimes tell during the late innings of games, especially if the Cubs were losing

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:37 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:I endorse all of the superlatives to the Jesse Ventura Show, Conspiracy Theories,Volumes:1. Assassinations, Mind Control, Weather Control, et. al., and2. 09.11.2001, and pretexts for the Iraq War, et. al.We at the JFK Forum are excited, focused, and vindicated. It is Stimulating.Now I will argue the other side of the case, ala law school style.Who cares in total ? What will change ? I see the American society collectively as apathetic, indifferent, intellectually lazy, "mind controlled," and resigned, "the Silent Majority."I invite rebuttal.Comments ?Respectively,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:52 pm
by Dealey Joe
Even though these shows deal with important issues I think they are presented as entertainment and that most view them as entertainment.I have enjoyed these two shows so far but I have no idea what the average person sees when they view them.I wonder what their viewing ratings are for the tru channel?would those uninterested in conspiracy even watch them?

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:10 pm
by andries
I,m afraid not to many american.s will spend mutch time and bother for that Joe Less we make it a good old wressle main eventJesse the body ventura vs gary the millionar mack

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:01 pm
by tom jeffers
it is unfortunate but if people do not think that it directly affects them, then they do not care. by saying directly affect them, i mean a visable chain to their paycheck. most people are apathetic. this is what the nwo preys on. they want you to think you are powerless and because of that they will succeed unless we all rise together. the other problem is that there is too much dissention within our own ranks and alot of egos trying to get fed. if we cannot stand together then we are powerless.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:31 pm
by Dealey Joe
I listened to a professor speek at a meeting of volunteers, Firefighter, resque, communication ect He said that people will volunteer to do things you could not begin to hire them to do.Also the American people are just like a Rat, They will not leave their comfort zone.A lot of rats will not go over a few feet in their entire lifetime as long as tney can get food water and sex.If they could get all that in a square foot, that is as far as they would ever go.That should tell us something.Also people like Unibomber, McVey, ect. who committ acts of so called terror I think do it because they feel there is no one to stand up for whatever they believe so thay just do it themselves.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:21 am
by andries
But is,t that all it takes to be happy ? food water,good sex and off course most important,, good health !! 60% off the worldpopulation is still despiritly looking for that.The rest off needs,habbits interest is pure individual and subjectief.I do care more to stop megaidiots bearfunhunters and other animal crulti than a lot off other things for example,

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:58 pm
by Dealey Joe
most are looking for good health out of a pill bottle.

Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:23 pm
by Jsnow915
Just a reminder...tonight...Global Warming.