Documentaries To Watch?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Seamus Cooghan on John Hankey

Post by SeamusCoogan »

tom jeffers wrote:SeamusCoogan wrote:Phil Dragoo wrote: ... 776#thanks, i enjoyedtomGlad Phil and I were of service. DId you catch the Bush Family Fortunes Tom? Its very good.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Michael Dell wrote:Bob wrote:Call them MCs or lone nuts or whatever. But Sirhan, Bremer, Chapman and Hinckley all had the same odd behavior and characteristics. So who is responsible for this? Three letters...CIA.Agreed.And this brings up another interesting connection to Hollywood. Are movies like "The Manchurian Candidate" made to warn people or to further hinder any exploration of truth? Now whenever someone mentions the idea of a Manchurian Candidate, people scoff and think it's nothing more than fictional movie nonsense. It creates an uphill battle for anyone interested in truth. Of course, John Frankenheimer, the director of the original 1962 Manchurian Candidate film, was good pals with RFK. He even drove RFK to the Ambassador Hotel on the night of his murder. Just one of those fascinating historical twists...One thing to keep in mnd is that everyone sees these things with a different view depending on their personal education and understanding oi a subject.kinda like when someone says "Dog" Bob mentally sees a Beagle, I see a Swiss Mountain Dog.
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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Post by andries »

Joe i mentaly see dashhounds what about them ?their little bags off explosives, when it comes to food.Got one myselfHER name is Ed
Dealey Joe
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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Post by Dealey Joe »

andries wrote:Joe i mentaly see dashhounds what about them ?their little bags off explosives, when it comes to food.Got one myselfHER name is Ed Saemus why does that not surprise me?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gentlemen this is too good not to share with you all.It's like driving in Dallas traffic.ABSOLUTELTY AMAZING 1905 FILM CLIP MADE IN SAN FRANCISCO. SCROLL DOWN AND CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW.The number of automobiles is staggering for 1906. Absolutely amazing! The clocktower at the end of the street at the Embarcadero wharf is still there. (I'm also wondering ... how many "street cleaning" people were employed to pick up after the horses? Talk about going green!Sort of sad to think that all the people in this film are now gone. Notice all the long dresses and everyone is wearing a hat of some sort.One thing is for sure...if you were in a hurry, you didn't ride the street car. A film taken from a streetcar traveling down Market Street in San Francisco in 1906, a few days before the earthquake/fire destroyed the area. Click below: Here today and gone before the end of the week.This film, originally thought to be from 1905 until David Kiehn with the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum figured out exactly when it was shot. From New York trade papers announcing the film showing to the wet streets from recent heavy rainfall & shadows indicating time of year & actual weather and conditions on historical record, even when the cars were registered (he even knows who owned them and when the plates were issued!).. It was filmed only four days before the quake and shipped by train to NY for processing. Amazing but true! A slice of time captured for eternity.
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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Post by andries »

You must be having some 25 bernes arround your yard, all named James That,s dutch humor
Dealey Joe
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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Post by Dealey Joe »

you are correct on the number.We have all sorts of names.Fritz, Bono, Barrett,Sissy, Pudge on and oooooooon
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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Post by andries »

People from lauterbrunen in the berneroberland i sometimes visit, have named their bernesdog northface ! after the notorious infamous northface off the eiger.He,s verry hard to handdle
Dealey Joe
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Re: Documentaries To Watch?

Post by Dealey Joe »

You and I are hard to handle too arent we?
Posts: 47
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Wow that footage is incredible Joe.

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Dealey Joe wrote:andries wrote:Joe i mentaly see dashhounds what about them ?their little bags off explosives, when it comes to food.Got one myselfHER name is Ed Saemus why does that not surprise me? Lol me I'm a German Shepard man. But I saw a daschund get its head ripped off by a pit bull bad bad accident that oh boy. Now that was a pocket full of atomic bombs vs crackers.That footage was amazing next day rubble wow man i liked the beats as well its a moving piece. I watched it twice there was so much i missed the cop at the start wow, the paperboy, the butchers apprentice, the cyclist wow and how the tower all came into focus i didn't want it to end. Thanks man thats cool.