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Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:08 am
by SeamusCoogan
turtleman wrote:Regarding Roger Craig. He seems a thoughtful man of ordinary means and intellect. Very much blue collar and dependable within work ethic and of sound mind. But what he went through would be too much for almost anybody. No doubt they were after him and whether or not he offed himself I am not sure. But I think there is a strong chance they finally got him. Like Baker it makes me feel very bad for Craig. Telling the truth and look at the shit storm they walk into.Yeah, amazing stuff alright. Well you know according to Craig and others they tried to blow up his car. So lord knows, I think with everything Turtle and Joe I think he could have been at least led into it my god he lost his life and his family remind me never to tell Homocide anything about suspicious persons and weapons at murder scene in Dallas.


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:49 pm
by Bob
SeamusCoogan wrote:Bob you should email Len that and ask if hes ever received any threats of that kind. Fetzers a lovely bloke regardless of my differences of opinion with him on some matters. He doesn't need that BS no one does.I'm sure that Len has received his share as well. The same goes for Robert Groden, Jim Marrs, Jack White, Jim D and others of that ilk too. I know Wim has heard from his share of crackpots too. That just means that our message is getting to them.


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:50 pm
by kenmurray
14 reasons to believe in Judyth Vary Baker: ... -vary.html


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:25 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:14 reasons to believe in Judyth Vary Baker: ... lExcellent Ken! Speaking of reasons, this is yet ANOTHER reason why we call you the Wizard of Link or the Great Link.


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:47 pm
by Dealey Joe
I want to express my regards to Jim Fetzer for taking this stand in favor of Judyth.when so many of the so called researchers are trying to discredit her it is a breath of fresh air.We all make the beds we lay in and Judyth is no exception but sometime we get involved in things we cannot controlJudyth was just a young impressionable gal who was exposed to things that would make your head swim.Judyth knows things that someone does not want us to know, she may not even be aware of exactly what it is.I think it might be more the cancer thing than LHO.There have been very few who have stood beside her all these years. Wim, Jim and a few others.Also to thank you all here for supporting her.I am afraid there are some plants in the conspiracy group who's job it is to keep things disrupted and chasing rainbows.It is high time to get back to basics and to discover the key players in Dallas.There are some who have never been looked at and the pieces of the puzzle put together.Untill this happens we will never really know what happened for sure in Dallas.Some of these are.Porter Bledsoe.H.H.Grant.J.D.Tippit.William R. Dobkins.Robert Kaffke.Jack Rubenstein and others.Most or all of these people were in Oak Cliff on 11-22-1963we have a big start on accomplishing this with the Bledsoe document that most all the researcher GuRue'ssay is a fake.Now we also have the UPI report on H.H.Grant but we still do not know who he was.I am on the trail of Porter Bledsoe and William Ray is kinda odd that most researchers think Mary Bledsoe was jusy a crazy old woman, how funny.

Posner Proves Baker

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:09 am
by Phil Dragoo
GentlemenWe are told by Posner-linked Duffy of U.S. News & World Report (who told CBS Sixty Minutes Baker story not substantiated) that we are barking up the wrong tree----QED, in this wilderness of mirrors, we are barking up the very right tree indeed.Excellent piece by Professor Fetzer (linked by kenmurray) ... -vary.html which was linked at another forum where an email from JVB confirms she is indeed aware of events.Of course, the ghost of Allen Dulles ("that little Kennedy--he thought he was a god") is still screaming at Lifton, "You've got NOTHING! You've shown me NOTHING!"All these earthquakes are merely an angry Dulles pacing the floor of Hell.Audience laughter


Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:14 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
It's interesting how the mysterious "Timothy Powell" who sent the death threat to Fetzer appears to use the rational that because he supposedly had a friend who died in the Pentagon that 9/11 was NOT a false flag operation and didn't involve controlled demolitions. Actually, I think his exact words were that 9/11 was not an inside job. I guess I can agree with him on that one since the evidence regarding 9/11 seems to point to Israeli entities and companies.Then again, "Timothy Powell" seems to be a real d**k head. ;pHere's a word to you guys from a private investigator. Guys who make threats are the same kind of guys who DON'T follow through on their threats. Either they DO or they DON'T, but they don't announce it. What a moron! LMAO )


Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:41 pm
by Dealey Joe
Yes Pasquale.There are intimidators or bullies of the cyber nature who hide behind a keyboard, crash web sites and thrive on disrupting.Sometime perpetrators leave notes ect. but most likely don't announce there intentions in advance except on TV programs.But Intimidation does take a tole on the intimidated just like terrorism.Even more when you see people falling around you.At some point paranoia tkes over


Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:54 pm
by Bob
Just a perspective from a former bouncer, but usually the guys with the biggest mouths were the guys who either ran from a fight once it started, or went down like a bag of bricks whimpering during the scuffle. You know the Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck types. Teddy Roosevelt had it right, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."


Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:54 pm
by Kirk
I can attest to that as well as a former Bouncer for a thankfully brief time. Another bouncer tip is always beware of the little guy. I was one of 3 bouncers at a place called Cardies which mostly had bands past their prime or moment, and just loud music in the speakers. Kind of a Gilleys but instead of country it was pop rock. It was a dumber version of the movie Road House at best. Lots of drunks and loudmouths, partly because to the sound system. Well everynight we would have some thing. Of the bouncers there was me, kind of average size and not that big, another guy, who was huge. He was black and looked menacing, but was a real sweetheart, and then there was this little guy that was probably 5 inches shorter then me, and may have weighed in at 120 soaking wet.Anyway when trouble would start we would move in, and mostly try to talk the fools outside, and not create a scene, but you know about talking to fools. Anyway I would tell them that I was not the one needed to worry about, and they would say of course that would get help from the big black guy. He would come over, and tell them that he wasn't the one they needed to worry about either. That they needed to leave before that little guy with the flashlight got there, and it was true. That guy loved to hurt people, especially with that a flashlight, and he would be grinning ear to ear the whole time.Bob wrote:Just a perspective from a former bouncer, but usually the guys with the biggest mouths were the guys who either ran from a fight once it started, or went down like a bag of bricks whimpering during the scuffle. You know the Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck types. Teddy Roosevelt had it right, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."