Lee Harvey Oswald - Pro-Castro or Anti-Castro

JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Dan, you have said that you watch FOX news and support the war in Iraq. O'Lielly is the poster boy of the FOX network. And Rumsfeld is the architect of the Iraq war, including the planning and the occupation. Why are these Generals speaking out against Rummy? Generals that have led troops in Iraq. I know, the insurgency is in it's last throes.
Jim Harwood
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Post by Jim Harwood »

Bob wrote:Dan, you have said that you watch FOX news and support the war in Iraq. O'Lielly is the poster boy of the FOX network. And Rumsfeld is the architect of the Iraq war, including the planning and the occupation. Why are these Generals speaking out against Rummy? Generals that have led troops in Iraq. I know, the insurgency is in it's last throes.


I recall Bill O'Reilly as the host of some TV produced "hollywood/current events" syndicated program during the late 1980's. It was similar to "Current Affair", "Access Hollywood" this type of programing.
Folks like O'Reilly are simply actors and today O'Reilly plays a different character han he did in the late 1980's. He is now the "conservative, anti-liberal, pragmatic" voice who represents a certain segment of the American population. O'Reilly is appealing to and manipulating a certain mind set which exists primarily with the upper 20% income bracketts inside the United States.
But he is just an actor playing a designated role for the Fox Network.

He is like Lou Dobbs on CNN. In the late 1990's Lou Dobbs was the poster boy for everything Wall Steet. The stock market bubble would grow into infinity according to Lou Dobbs. When the whole sheebang came down in Y2000-2001 CNN reshaped the Dobbs TV character and now he is the voice of "populist" Americans burned by the very corporate greed which they themsleves gladly participated in during the 1990's.And all while the real productive US economy was stripped to the bone.
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Post by Bob »


I would agree with your assessment. But O'Lielly interviews newsmakers and politicians on his show all the time professing to know all and shouting down any discourse. The man is a phony who makes factual mistakes just about every show (like the Malmedy reference). He claims to be a "journalist", but he is really an actor. A bad one at that. And his recent ratings are proving that true. Maybe he can have on Ann Coulter every night. That should attract all the neo-nazis.
Jim Thompson
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An Idiot?

Post by Jim Thompson »

Bob wrote:The man is a phony who makes factual mistakes just about every show (like the Malmedy reference).

The outrage is that O'Reilly reversed the Malmedy victims (i.e., stating the killed were german soldiers instead of american soldiers) on TWO separate broadcasts.

Jim Harwood
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Post by Jim Harwood »

Bob wrote:Jim,I would agree with your assessment. But O'Lielly interviews newsmakers and politicians on his show all the time professing to know all and shouting down any discourse. The man is a phony who makes factual mistakes just about every show (like the Malmedy reference). He claims to be a "journalist", but he is really an actor. A bad one at that. And his recent ratings are proving that true. Maybe he can have on Ann Coulter every night. That should attract all the neo-nazis.

We could discuss all day long just how stupid Ann Coulter really is. But sadly this is what appeals to many Americans. "Dont make things too tough for us to understand, make it simple stupid". And unfortunately thats the secret of success for Bill O'Reily, Ann Coulter and Fox TV.
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Al-Zarqawi is Room Temperature

Post by Dan »

You may see this on Fox News, but CNN will keep you in the dark because it doesn't fit their agenda:

Al-Zarqawi is dead!

God Bless the USA, and God Bless George W. Bush!
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Post by M.C.Newton »

It is important to know that in leaked documents a Zarqawi PSYOP (Psychological Operation aka Propaganda) program was used in the creation of the importance of Zarqawi. One of the specific targets of this PSYOP program is listed quite clearly as the "U.S. Home Audience" I first became aware of the program from a website:


Some good information available here seemingly noble causes (anti-globalisation)
Then my findings were corroborated when the Washington Post received the leaked documents. Link to the article:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 90_pf.html

Well your not going to be hearing that on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, ETC...

Who you gonna believe me or your own eyes?
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Post by Dan »

You seem smarter than that!

Don't be so gullible!

If you want to get info from sites like that spew propaganda then just read Flocco.com.

Another book on the list should be the bio of Katherine Graham - the Washing Post's now deceased owner. Please read that and see how objective the Post is?
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Post by M.C.Newton »

I care not for the views of the Post. But a leaked document is a leaked document is a leaked document. Read between the lines, and be scrutinising. A view different from your own can still yield valuable information. I suggest that Dan, and everyone for that matter, read Bernays' book Propaganda. It's a non Partisan book from 1928 that really sheds light on the thought process' of the ruling class.
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Post by Dan »

Sounds like an interesting read - I'll check it out.