Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

I thought I left the oil spill behind when I left my home in Florida near the Gulf of Mexico to come to our summer home on Lake Michigan in Wisconsin. Now it looks like Lake Michigan might join the Gulf as a victim of Big Oil... ... ty-at-best
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by NickMarinich »

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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

NickMarinich wrote: ... mbeddedAny thoughts on this?Excellent question. Who runs the world today? The Military Industrial Complex (which includes the CIA), big banking and big oil. Who killed JFK?
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

You KNEW this was going to happen... ... d0ae9.html
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:See this... ... storyF'ing bastards!!! Your so right!!!!
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

No surprise here... ... updatesThe CIA and big oil have always been partners. Right Poppy?
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

This is yet another reason to NEVER trust what the govennment or the MSM tell you...The President and BP said that the well was capped and that most of the oil has been cleaned up. The Coast Guard said that the Gulf only had, 'Only A Few Lingering Trouble Spots' .Yeah right! The Warren CommissionThe 9/11 CommissionNow the commission of crime by BP, which gave the United States the worst ecological disaster ever in their massive oil spill. Like both the JFK assassination and the events of 9/11, this crime has been covered up by both the U.S. government and the MSM.Oh...and guess what...President Obama is allowing more oil drilling in the Gulf now as he has lifted the moratorium.Who would have thought that Obama would turn out to be Bu$h-lite.But Barry is. Both Barry and Dumbya serve the interests of the CIA, big oil, big banking, big insurance and the military industrial complex....that's for sure. As did Slick Willie and Poppy Bu$h.
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by kenmurray »

Bob, I have long come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter who is in the White House, Democrat, or Republican. Both are bought and are puppets for the CIA, big Oil companies, Big Banking, and the Military. We need an independent candidate. Someone like Jesse Ventura who would tell them where they can shove it.
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Bob, I have long come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter who is in the White House, Democrat, or Republican. Both are bought and are puppets for the CIA, big Oil companies, Big Banking, and the Military. We need an independent candidate. Someone like Jesse Ventura who would tell them where they can shove it.You are spot on with your assessment Ken.Here is my response to recent Presidents like Barry, Dumbya, Slick Willie and Poppy... would only change part of the song. Instead of take THIS job and shove it, it would be take YOUR job and shove it.