Pickett Fence

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Dealey Joe »

The problem is that we are so few and the 1000's of folks going to the disinformation display have no way of knowing about a boycott and might not even care. they are there to observe history.We have nothing there to see.It does no good for us to boycott because we do not go there anyways.I don't know that there is any sustainable difference we could make,or how.6th floor just laughs at the threat of Len Osanic's boycott attempts.That was the reason for my comments about Robert getting on the inside .the other possibilities would be to get a foundation with a jillion buck to attackthe 6th floor total control.i wish I could think one person could make a difference, but I don't think so.Where are those that should stand with Groden and his first amendment rights.
bob franklin
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by bob franklin »

Word would have to get out, you're right. I don't believe it's insurmountable. We have certain tools. there's this forum, black op radio, & youtube, to name three. I'm sure further brainstorming could determine others. This is doable, just takes out of the box thinking. That's we do best.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Dealey Joe »

I may be wrong but to me it would have to be a frontal attack most likely a court involvement to get a display in the museum.That takes money and persistence.There has to be someone somewhere who has the finances and the interest.Of course if we had a spot there it would be a war to decide what was going to be displayed.It would most likely be turned over to Lancer or some such.we are our own worst enemies and they know it.
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Jsnow915 »

Jerry...any chance of posting your pictures here?
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Kirk »

First you have to believe that it worthwhile. Second you have to believe that it is possible. Third you want to make sure that it is successful. Is it worthwhile? In my opinion yes, and probably in most on this forum, and I bet many on other forums as well. Everybody likes a parade, unless you are late for something, and can't use it as an excuse.So is it possible? Of course it is. It is purely a matter of willingness, and shared effort to make it successful or as successful as it can be, but a requirement is that the cause is more important then one's personal feelings, meaning that our motives are pure.I say get as much input as possible from all. Make sure we know what the ultimate goal is, and work on a plan to get there. There is no rush. I have a theory that time means almost nothing, but timing means everything.I think protesting with permits, if permitted in Dealey Plaza with media coverage that is about substance and not style would be a good start.Just my opinion from the experience of my own mistakes..
Dealey Joe
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Dealey Joe »

Kirk wrote:First you have to believe that it worthwhile. Second you have to believe that it is possible. Third you want to make sure that it is successful. Is it worthwhile? In my opinion yes, and probably in most on this forum, and I bet many on other forums as well. Everybody likes a parade, unless you are late for something, and can't use it as an excuse.So is it possible? Of course it is. It is purely a matter of willingness, and shared effort to make it successful or as successful as it can be, but a requirement is that the cause is more important then one's personal feelings, meaning that our motives are pure.I say get as much input as possible from all. Make sure we know what the ultimate goal is, and work on a plan to get there. There is no rush. I have a theory that time means almost nothing, but timing means everything.I think protesting with permits, if permitted in Dealey Plaza with media coverage that is about substance and not style would be a good start.Just my opinion from the experience of my own mistakes..Don't forget the numbers it would take to pull it off.It has to be important to enough to get involved?
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Kirk »

Joe, True, but most thing start small and build. The more people know. The more people join etc. Back in my retail days I learned that people tend to shop places where lots of other people were. Crowds draw crowds and so on. I am actually an exception to that rule now. I do not like to shop where lots of people shop, and in fact I do not like to shop at all, since I ran a music store, but I am not a normal demographic. I really think it is about getting out the word, and word of mouth, but firstly having something worthwhile to say. There is something worthwhile to say, and that is a good start. If we believe that right makes might, then that it is just a matter of will.KirkI was going to mention that hurricanes begin with little weather systems coming off the African coast. I guess I just did.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Dealey Joe »

I am thinking about trying to getcontrol of the parking lot behind the fence.That would be an excelent location to have a bunch of people and info tables set up.It would draw huge crouds.
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Kirk »

That could work Joe. As I recall that a paid parking lot. We pay for the car that should be enough.Dealey Joe wrote:I am thinking about trying to getcontrol of the parking lot behind the fence.That would be an excelent location to have a bunch of people and info tables set up.It would draw huge crouds.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Dealey Joe »

I am trying to have Jerry find out about it?Right now the lot is controled by the same parking people as the 6th floor.L don't think it is part of the Museum??Robert parks there and so do I when I am there