Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

JFK Assassination
Alex Hidell
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by Alex Hidell »

Actually it WAS LBJ who insisted on the "Warren Commission".It was LBJ's marching orders, as dictated the evening of Oswald's murder, to make sure the world was convinced Oswald was a lone assassin with no foreign or outside help that drove the entire investigation.The actual title of the group was "The President's Commission on the JFK Assasssiantion". Quick brainteaser- which president were they referring to, yep-LBJ:)It would have been a little too obvious to call it LBJ's Commission. That would have made the cover up look like it was being sponsored by the one man who had the most to gain by JFK's murder and the American public certainly wasn't quite ready for that so they conveniently titled the group the "Warren Commission".
Phil Dragoo
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Alex Hidell does not exist, either.

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The Creation of the Warren CommissionBy Donald GibsonMost of the people who have done research on or are knowledgeable about the performance of the so-called Warren Commission are convinced that a number of its members and counsel played an important role in the post-assassination cover-up. Those seriously interested in its work, including the author, are convinced that the commission's oversights, distortions, and other shortcomings represent something that is explainable only in terms of the intentions of people such as Allen Dulles, John J. McCloy, J. Lee Rankin, and Gerald Ford. Although a massive amount of work has been done on the Commission's performance, the story of how the Commission was created has remained incomplete. This story needs to be completed because both reason and the facts indicate that the formation of the Commission, like the performance of elements of the FBI and the media, was as much a part of the cover-up process as was its Report. We can get closer to that complete story now because of the release in 1993 of the White House telephone transcripts for the period immediately following the assassination. In combination with material already in the public domain, those transcripts allow us to clearly identify the people who were directly responsible for the establishment of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, later dubbed the "Warren Commission." These transcripts demonstrate that the people who have been "credited" with the creation of the Commission had little to do with it-like LBJ's longtime friend and advisor Abe Fortas-or were following the lead of others, as with President Johnson and Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach. The transcripts show that the idea of a commission was pushed on LBJ by people who were outside of the government at that time and that this effort began within minutes of Lee Harvey Oswald's death. Until Oswald was dead, there was no way that such an effort could be undertaken. (Introduction posted; balance of article at link)http://www.ctka.net/pr596-gibson.htmlThese transcripts demonstrate that the people who have been "credited" with the creation of the Commission had little to do with it-like LBJ's longtime friend and advisor Abe Fortas-or were following the lead of others, as with President Johnson and Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach. The transcripts show that the idea of a commission was pushed on LBJ by people who were outside of the government at that time and that this effort began within minutes of Lee Harvey Oswald's death. Until Oswald was dead, there was no way that such an effort could be undertaken. Summarizing, no, LBJ, did NOT form the commission.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by Alex Hidell »

The article is very clear- Katzenback, Hoover, LBJ, RFK, Dirksen and other govt offcials had a hand in creating the WC.NO ONE outside the govt created the WC and NO ONE is mentioned in this article as creating the WC other than those above.
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by kenmurray »

Alex Hidell wrote:The article is very clear- Katzenback, Hoover, LBJ, RFK, Dirksen and other govt offcials had a hand in creating the WC.NO ONE outside the govt created the WC and NO ONE is mentioned in this article as creating the WC other than those above.This article IS very clear. LBJ did NOT form the Warren Commission.
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by kenmurray »

Alex Hidell wrote:What's the point? If I say men landed on the moon in 1968, is that a big deal??EVERYONE already knows men landed on the moon in 1968.Why would me reporting an event 40 years after it happened that everyone knows about, be a big deal.I dont' get it:(Correction: Men landed on the moon in 1969. Sorry for the reality check.
Phil Dragoo
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Douglass' Unspeakable Killed Kennedy

Post by Phil Dragoo »

These transcripts demonstrate that the people who have been "credited" with the creation of the Commission had little to do with it-like LBJ's longtime friend and advisor Abe Fortas-or were following the lead of others, as with President Johnson and Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach. The transcripts show that the idea of a commission was pushed on LBJ by people who were outside of the government at that time and that this effort began within minutes of Lee Harvey Oswald's death. Until Oswald was dead, there was no way that such an effort could be undertaken. In the above excerpt the operative clause is:The transcripts show that the idea of a commission was pushed on LBJ by people who were outside of the government at that time hencethe idea for the Commission was not Johnson's, but was pushed on him by people outside the government at that time.Johnson is a facilitator and false sponsor.The plot to kill the president arose from the exercise of power which flowed around Johnson as though he were a rock in the stream: it existed before, during and after his political life.This concept appears in the work of L.Fletcher Prouty, George Michael Evica, James Douglass, Peter Dale Scott et al.CIA writes the screenplays compromising a broad swath of injured parties, tinging each with the stain of guilt, false sponsors all, Johnson, the mob, the Cubans, et cetera.The acting Secretary of the Treasury (overseeing the Secret Service) on that day was married to the sister of the Bundy brothers, advising Kennedy on foreign policy and national security.McGeorge Bundy likely cancelled the final B-26 raid on Castro's trio of .50 cal. armed T-33 jets--then wrote NSAM 273 undoing Kennedy's withdrawal, finally overseeing the blood-red recarpeting of the Oval Office that Saturday as Sorenson and Moynihan saw him as "icy" and realized "it's over."Elmer Moore the Secret Service agent who badgered Perry and was at Rankin's elbow thought Kennedy was a traitor.That would be projection, would it not.Treason doth never prosperWhat's the reasonFor if it prosperNone dare call it treason
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by kenmurray »

Excellent Phil!!! Keep up your tremendous analysis.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by Alex Hidell »

LBJ, Hoover, Katzenback, Dirksen and RFK all had input to the creation of the WC.Remember, the real name of the WC was "The President's Commission on the JFK's Assasination".Who was the President? LBJ.
Phil Dragoo
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Rostow, Acheson et al, not Johnson

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Johnson initially resisted calls for investigations beyond the FBI report, which was being written that first week – see his phone call with Washington Post columnist Joe Alsop. The long-told story that Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach and Justice Department lawyers were pushing for the "blue ribbon commission" is now shown to be only part of the truth. The Johnson phone calls reveal that some powerful men outside the government played an important role in the push for a Presidential commission. Besides Alsop, these men include Eugene Rostow, Dean of Yale Law School, and Dean Acheson, one of the elder statesmen of the Cold War. http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.p ... missionThe commission concept did not originate either with Johnson or Katzenbach.Note the name is not “Katzenback”--but rather Katzenbach, “Alex Hidell.”That is the man's name. What is your name, “Alex Hidell”?
Alex Hidell
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by Alex Hidell »

LBJ, Hoover, Katzenbach and others supported creation of the WC. Whether they took advice and counsel from RFK, Dirksen on any other senior legal advisor within or outside the govt is immaterial.Fact of the matter is- LBJ/Hoover/Katzenbach supported creation of the WC and directed the WC members that they must prove Oswald was the lone assassin. That was their mission statement and the order came from LBJ/Hoover/Katzenbach in the form of internal memos. NOOOTTTT from somewhere outside the govt.By the way, my real name is Alek Hidell. Alex is a mis-spelling during registration process.