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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 8:11 am
by JDThomas
Habeas corpus - produce the body- just the small matter of a centuries-old principle upon which our nations were built that has been cast-aside.Please will everyone, when they have a moment, spend a few minutes listening again to JFK's secret societies speech and apply what he says about the world we live in TODAY.What is the point of ensuring the survival our nation(s) if our values do not survive with it?

Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:12 pm
by tom jeffers
When I watched the tillman story, I was touched. Most people do not know the whole story. Pat had already served one tour of duty in Iraq and the government was willing to give him an honerable discharge so he could play football again but he and his brother declined because they signed up for 3 years and they were going to honor their agreements. In fact his brother finished his 3 year commitment after Pat was killed, that is what I call integrity. Pat's family received a silver star originally but later refused it because they said Pat would not want to receive a medal for something he had not done. The government's story said Pat saved many of his platoon's men while under fire. What actually happened was his platoon separated into two units and half went around a hill while Pat and a couple other guys went over the hill. When the soldiers came around the hill, they spotted the soldiers coming over the hill and started shooting at them. Pat's last words were "I'm Pat fucking Tillman, why are you shooting at us?" Later his body was said to have been hit by fire less than 10 yards away which meant whoever fired at him, knew what they were firing at. Pat's brother was just coming over the hill and ducked for cover and was not told that Pat was hit by friendly fire. In fact, soldiers were threatened not to tell. I really reccommend you watch the tillman story. If you cannot get it, email me with your address and I will burn you a copy.

Osama Bin Laden 1957-2001

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:18 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Osama Bin Laden 1957-2001

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:49 am
by Mike Ellwood
kenmurray wrote: article. More coherent than Alex Jones' (with all due respect) ranting.Here is a link to the specific article, since presumably the blog link will show other articles as the blog gets updated: ... -2001.html

Bin Laden was a Porno Freak

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:57 am
by kenmurray

On a lighter note: Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 8:47 am
by Mike Ellwood
On a lighter note.....well, it is the weekend: ... lasphemous(This might be less funny if we really did believe he had only just been killed....but as many of us believe he's been dead for about 10 years ... well....).

Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:16 pm
by Dealey Joe
I have a What If.Something has been bothering me.If Bin Laden is a friend of GHW Bush it is hard for me to believe he was killed at all.Wouldn't he get a little protection or just be sacrificed?

Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:12 am
by bob franklin
I think that depends on whether or not he had George's phone number on him at the time of his death... But seriously, Bush has no friends, only people he uses.I'm still not sure this guy is dead or if he's even real. Lot to be said for the theory that he's nothing more than an invention of the CIA...

Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:26 pm
by Mike Ellwood
Dealey Joe wrote:I have a What If.Something has been bothering me.If Bin Laden is a friend of GHW Bush it is hard for me to believe he was killed at all.Wouldn't he get a little protection or just be sacrificed?What I find astonishing is the apparently long-lived close relationship between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family. Osama was supposed to have been the "black sheep", so that is apparently why the Bushes have not publicly distanced themselves from the Bin Ladens, but he's been a "black sheep" now for a very long time. I am surprised that the American public has not risen up in protest at the continued relationship before now, even before 9/11, but especially afterwards.I don't know if has ever been verified, but there were stories going around that members of the BL family were hastily conveyed out of the country soon after the WTC attack by jet, when no other aircraft were allowed to fly. Even if the stories were not true, the existence of such stories should surely have provoked some public distancing of the Bin Ladens by the Bushes, if only for appearance's sake.A possible explanation for the continued relationship is that the Bushes feel invulnerable. They have got away with so much that they truly believe they can carry on getting away with it, and sadly, apparently they can.

Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:04 pm
by tom jeffers
I have always believed that bin laden accepted his role willingly for his family to benefit. he knew that he had kidney disease and would only live a few months anyway and with some american assurrances that he would never be captured, he agreed to participate. The US government has probably secretly shoveled money to his heirs and will keep them in the manner in which they are accustomed to.