JFK Assassination
Jim Thompson
Posts: 226
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Re: W O W !

Post by Jim Thompson »

Jim Thompson wrote:Billy Boggs wrote:[You can download the videos right from the google page, the instructions are on the right side.Thanks. Maybe I've got this wrong. I thought you could download the video, yes, but then to play the video you had to have had downloaded the Google Player as the only method for playing or viewing. Right? This means that you cannot take the video files & burn them to a DVD, which is what I want to do. Ideas? "SIDE NOTE" It wasnt a cruise missle tha hit the pentagon, it was a navy plane panted to look like a 757. Sorry, cant think of the name of it right now.What is the source on this? Thanks- Jim

Disregard re: google video files. I may have found a way to circumvent the google extension problem.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

What I do is play the video in full screen mode and rout the output to the TV. From there I burn the video on a DVD burner attached to the TV. You can then take that disk and make copies using Nero or the program of your choice. I have found that the DVD burners in computers just dont seem to be compatible all the time with all the DVD players. You can get a separate stand alone DVD/ VHS burner at just about any store for a reasonable price. Walmart is finally good for something.

To interface with your computer you can get a little video box that controls and converts anolog to digital or digital to anolog.

This one works great ata great price too
Jim Thompson
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Good News

Post by Jim Thompson »

Billy Boggs wrote:What I do is play the video in full screen mode and rout the output to the TV. From there I burn the video on a DVD burner attached to the TV. You can then take that disk and make copies using Nero or the program of your choice. I have found that the DVD burners in computers just dont seem to be compatible all the time with all the DVD players. You can get a separate stand alone DVD/ VHS burner at just about any store for a reasonable price. Walmart is finally good for something.To interface with your computer you can get a little video box that controls and converts anolog to digital or digital to anolog.This one works great ata great price too

This is great advice. I've been considering some stand alone equipment. Clearly the way to go if you get alot of Video off the web. Thanks for the link!

By the way, windows media player 11 beta will play google vid. downloads.
Maarten Coumans
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Post by Maarten Coumans »

Dankbaar wrote:

"Okay, for the sake of argument, let's play then."

"All the opposite is valid for WTC 7. That's why the Dutch explosive expert agrees that was a controlled demolition"
"Please describe how they pulled off the wiring of the buildings. Add as much detail as you can. Who, where when? How much time was needed. How long in advance, the chain of command, people in the know, control, silencing power, etc? " For Building 7. CIA, and security bunker were there!
Sure you have seen a receit.

"Not to mention the sheer impossibility to wire those skyscrapers in advance undetected. Such an operation would involve months and months of preparation very large crew of skilled blackop guys. This operation was never detected and alls those guys keep their mouth up to this day?" Again for Building 7? With the CIA watching over their shoulder.
"Why blow them up in the first place? If you want to create a pretext for war, is four planes full of american citizens plus an equal amount in the towers not enough? " Have you seen passenger seats anywhere? If those two were not meant to go down, why Pull Building 7. "HOGWASH" HS

"What's the differrence between 1000 and 3000 marketingwise?"->"Kill a man, and you are a murderer. Kill a million, you are called a conqueror."

Maarten Coumans
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Post by Maarten Coumans »

Anyone seen Loose Change?

About 15 minutes, they show a landpost on the road. The scene is all wrong. I dunno who thought of this.
The lamppost is dropped on the road. Breaking the glass in front of where the car now stand. Cut the lamp in half, at a very, very, very unusual place. Should have broken of at the transition, lamp to post. Like what happened to the lamppost that Sr's plane hit earlier. That one was totally bend. - No such thing on 911 at the Pentagon. Either tha lamppost was cut by hydrolic scissors, or exploded. For that I like to refer to a later Picture that shows a lamppost as well. And from the picture you can tell that the iron is flowering in every direction. Consistand with an explosion, not an impact from a plane. That would be one direction. Horizontal.

Where is the debris from the wing?
Why are there so few Casualities at the Pentagon?
If building 7 was sabotaged by "other than internal" How come the CIA watched. It would have been more profitable to blow it up with Guilliano in it. No, they wait till he has left. And then Pull. Siverstein PULLED. A deliberate miss ..... DUUUUH. Same with Pentagon, why not hit Rumsfelt. Fly-path is way easier. May get a few more. No to the other side, where there are no people. DUUUUUH.

I would say the primary target (first to hit) would have to be the White House. Guess not. "HOGWASH-SHIT" (For the Duth: "Gewassen Zwijnen Stront". Ruling out all religions that do not like pig-meat.)

Jim Thompson
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Gewassen Zwijnen Stront

Post by Jim Thompson »

Maarten Coumans wrote:"Gewassen Zwijnen Stront"

True. Here's proof, see:

Explosions on 911

- Jim
Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

Yeah, that's after the buildings collpased. Great proof.

After such a fire storm it's no surprise you'll get explosions (from normal gastanks for example)

Jim Thompson
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Smoking Gun

Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:Great proof. gastanks for example

Notice, on full screen & pause frame, that:

1.) At the sound of the explosion the fire-fighter looks up.

2.) As the camera swings up in the direction of the explosion, the camera points up to a very tall skyscraper which looks like the last tower to fall. Smoke seems to be erupting from near the top of the building, but the building is NOT beginning to fall, - from the explosion.

3.) The sound of the explosion is massive & short, much too loud for a gas tank. It sounds exactly like a very large high explosive military or DEMOLITION charge explosion.


- Jim
Maarten Coumans
Posts: 46
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Post by Maarten Coumans »

Hi Jim,

Some gastank....... HS!

Never heard of building codes, Wim?
What about the white cloud, before the towers fell. Shown once on CNN?
Anti-smoking commercial?
Your own questions await you......

Jim Thompson
Posts: 226
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Post by Jim Thompson »

Maarten Coumans wrote:Hi Jim,Some gastank....... HS!

Ja. See also: