Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by tom jeffers »

the gun has always been a mystery to me. after reading "first hand knowledge" by robert d morrow, he delivered 3 modified manlichers to the cia a few months before 11-22. he had no idea what for but he modified them so they could be diassembled. what happened to the other 2? i don't know but maybe they were planted in other locations for whatever reason. the question for the lone shooter nuts is why would oswald leave a paper trail in ordering this pieace of shit gun in the mail when he could have walked into any sporting goods store in texas and walked out with a good used hunting rifle for the same kind of money. the laws were lax in those days.my theory on why all the weapons were not the same, i think that the fbi was going to take control over the investigation and they could swap evidence as they needed to. as long as the calibers were similar. in fact there is a lot of controversey on the provinence of the shells, when they were found and by whom. initials were missing and the record of provinence showed signs of tampering.do you remember about 2 years ago when the news reported that the method that the fbi had been using on matching bullets for the last 50 years was flawed? it created a big stink because alot of people had been convicted because of that evidence. the news said that bullets that were made on different days in different shipments passed as being made at the same time. so if someone throws the fact that the bullets matched, then you can come back with the above.http://www.talkleft.com/story/2003/11/21/521/19545
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

All points well taken, Tom.Here's something (which won't prove anything one way or another...)If the first shot hit JFK in the back, wouldn't that have been a horrible shot- so bad as to defy believability? It seems safe to say JFK was to be shot in the head, and any shooter would have the most time to aim for his FIRST shot. There were no sudden movements by JFK just prior to the first shot- how could a shooter (Nicoletti or whoever) assigned to do the biggest hit in US history, supposedly a expert marksman, miss by so much, over a foot?Also, even if the FBI ( and/or secret service) planned to deal with all the bullets, how did they plan on removing such bullets without altering/enlarging the wound? Or were they planning on just letting the autopsy proceed and falsifying the evidence after discovery?Just wondering about your thoughts on those aspects.Thanks,Thomps. can anyone direct me to evidence of damage to JFK's face?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Wonder what kind of marksmman Nicolletti was?seems like I recall Jimmy Files remarked in one of his videos thathe warned Nicolletti about shooting from above at a moving target on a down hill grade?
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by dankbaar »

Nicoletti was much less a marksman than James Files. Chuck used to shoot a man from point blank. That's how he got his jobs done. He respected James for his marksmanship, his military service and his effectiveness. First as a driver, then he discovered his other "assets", just like David Atlee Phillips had done before. The JFK job required sharpshooting. No wonder he asked Jimmy to be his backup. Miss, miss, miss......... then Jimmy finished the job. For Jimmy it was just like "shooting fish in a barrel". When failure was not option, Jimmy was asked. Right Bruce? Wim
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

It doesn't make sense to me that Nicoletti would be asked to a job for which he was so poorly qualified- the most important job of the century!I realize that sometimes things are illogical, but it's hard for me to accept that the killing of the president would have been planned and carried out in such a slipshod manner.Stranger things have happened, I suppose, and I will try to keep an open mind.Also, if Nicoletti firing from behind was part of the plan, what did the plotters intend to do with his bullets- what plan did they have for covering those tracks?Thom
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by dankbaar »

Thom, what you don't understand is that it was not "the most important job of the century" to them. It was just a job, like any other. For James Files it was like "putting out the garbage". James still thinks that you should be more concerned about the jobs he did in the southern hemisphere, where he killed dozens of innocent women and children for the CIA "in a day's work". He thinks you should be less concerned about "the death of only one man, who deserved it". What I wanted to say is that Nicoletti could shoot, also from a distance, but that James was much better at it. Therefore it was logical that Giancana asked his most trusted enforcer, that Nicoletti was. And therefore it was logical that Nicoletti asked James to be his "backup", especially because this was no ordinary job where he target would be killed from point blank. I am positive that Nicoletti was not the only one. I believe that Richard Cain, Roselli, Alderisio and Caifano were there too. Not to mention the CIA guys that were tossed into the mix, like Orlando Bosch, Luis Posada and David Morales. So even if Nicoletti would screw up, there was enough "backup". Jimmy was the "backup" that "overreacted and shot too fast", as Nicoletti had hit JFK in the head too. Nicoletti was very pissed about that. WimPS: Thom, Have you actually seen (one of) the interviews with James Files?
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks, Wim.Yes, I have purchased Files on JFK, and seen the video. I understand the story, and I find Files to be a compelling character, but I have reservations.The way I view the medical evidence makes it easier for me to consider that Files is telling the truth about firing from the grassy knoll than it is to believe that Nicoletti hit JFK in the head a split second earlier; no one at Parkland observed anything that could be considered an entry wound caused by a bullet fired from behind. I suppose the exit wound in the back of JFK's head could have obliterated such a wound, so I don't rule it out entirely, but I'm not convinced. Thom
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wim is right on several evaluations. "Failure was not an option," and JFK could not be allowed to live.Also, you must understand the concepts of "Orders," and "Compartmentalization." My sources indicate that the order for the JFK Assignment came through Tony Accardo, to Sam Giancanna. Sam gave the JFK Assignment to his most trusted confident, Charles Nicoletti. Chuck assembled his team, including Chuck's most trusted and experienced assistant, James Earl SuttonFor the JFK Assignment, several factors were mandatory: Trust, Skill, Will, Ability to Succeed, Previous Heavy Duty Assignments, and Tools. These existed at every nexus from Accardo to Sutton, in this "Total Team."Wim is also correct about Chuck being highly experienced at "short shots." In addition, Chuck was a highly qualified "long shooter," who never disclosed any of his previous assignments, let alone "methodologies." Few living know of Chuck's many successful assignments. This in fact was Chuck's biggest complaint/lesson to Jimmy, i.e., "Jimmy, just do the job, and tell nobody nothing."Wim is also correct that this was just another assignment for skilled professionals. Once undertaken, and once orders were given from Sam to Chuck, Roselli saying he got a CIA Abort Order meant nothing to Chuck and Jimmy's Chain of Command. This is like the Army telling the Marines or Navy what to do.Additionally, many JFK Researchers miss the importance of the fact that Accardo, Giancanna, Nicoletti, Roselli, and Sutton were all originally on the same page. BUT Roselli backed out on the Mafia's apparent team, under orders to abort from the CIA, as first Sutton/Files indicated, which was later underscored by Robert "Tosh" Plumlee. Many researchers fail to follow this thread. Where does Roselli display his loyalty at this point in time to his "Two Masters ?" This coupled with Roselli's obvious murder of Sam for the CIA supports the thread that the Mafia tortured, dismembered, and put Roselli in a 55 gallon oil drum, adrift in Florida. Connecting two (2) points made a straight line for the Mafia's analysis of Roselli's loyalty to the Mafia.Moving onto Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall's previous post on 11.04.2009 under this headline. Joe, Thank You for that response, and several other posts of yours. Joe, I want to fill you in a little about what I am working on, in case you are of a mind to try what I am experimenting with at this point in time. I was impressed with your shooting attempts. My own lines or perspectives of interviewing, investigation, research, testing, and writing along these lines are directed to my own agenda. That said, a very close friend of mine and I have possession of three (3) Remington XP 100 Fireballs. One (1) is circa 1962, and two (2) are circa early 1963. All are .221.I originally had been test firing my Fireballs only, with "very modified" ammunition. I had been test firing at:1. Coconuts.2. Cantaloupes.3. Honey Dew Melons.4. Pumpkins.I have now limited my test firings to:1. Coconuts.2. Cantaloupes.I use coconuts and cantaloupes approximately head size, preferably a little smaller. I make a one (1) inch hole in them. Drain any liquid, only. I then put in four (4) ounces of red food dye, followed by Spray Foam Insullation. I then make quick drying plaster of paris with red food dye. I cover the coconuts and cantaloupes with red dyed plaster of paris with approximately 1/8" - 1/4" thickness. When that all dries for 24 hours, I then wrap a wet chamois around the dried, dyed red plaster of paris to duplicate flesh. Then I place the coconuts and cantaloupes on five (5) foot wooden dowels (rods).I shoot at the chamois covered, red dried, dyed plaster of paris covered, red dyed foam spray insullation filled objects from approximately 80 - 90 feet, on 20% - 40% downward angles. I shoot "highly modified" ammunition through my Remington XP -100 Fireballs.I am trying to duplicate Jimmy's shots, and study the results. I intend to publish my very interesting results down the road.Anyway, Joe, this is how I am testing shots to study explosion, disintegration, blood splatter, etc.Moving on, Joe, simply put I believe that there was no bullet wound through JFK'S throat, either from the front, or back. I think that this is another red herring that the less educated and read naive JFK Researcher's buy into. It defies logic and my experiences, and is totally impossible to support by any line of reasoning. I very strongly believe that Jimmy's fragmenting mercury filled Remington XP - 100 bullet exited through JFK'S throat and face. Locate and read the excellent previous work from Wim about JFK'S face being filled with mortician's wax and clay, covered with make-up Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

This is how I think it all might have came down:Originally here was going to be more than one team of shooters doing the job.Some shooting was to be done from the book depository in order to have a patsy..At the last the CIA for some reason called it off, maybe they were uncomfortablethat the cover up would work the way they wanted?Nicholetti decided to go ahead with the shooting.When the shots rang out and JFK was hit they had to put their plan back into action.They had to plant a gun and some fired rounds in the snipers nest area.They did not have Oswald in the proper place in the building.LHO thinking things had gone wrong and that he might be in trouble headed home.I think LHO and Tippet knew one another and Tippet went to warn LHO that he was to be eliminatedso LHO headed out to hide out or meet Phillips at the theater or somewhere.Nicoletti's hit man that was to kill Oswald ran into Tippet and things went wrong again, BANG BANGSo they still had to get Oswald shut up so they sent in Ruby to do the job.I think we give these guys too much credit about have everything all planned out.They just fly by the seat of their pants knowing they have enough contact people to make things happen their way.I also think the second .222 cartrige if in fact there actually was one was a plant to throw shadows on the truth ir it be found out.i realize this is just my opinion and that it is most likely to damn simple.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by tom jeffers »

ThomZajac wrote:It doesn't make sense to me that Nicoletti would be asked to a job for which he was so poorly qualified- the most important job of the century!Also, if Nicoletti firing from behind was part of the plan, what did the plotters intend to do with his bullets- what plan did they have for covering those tracks?ThomThom, first we do not really know if chucky was going to be an original shooter that day until roselli pulled out. he may have only been the radio man with roselli being the shooter which gives the story even more credibility in having him ask jimmy to shoot that day as a back up. i am sure everything was preplanned that day on who had access to the dal-tex building through brading and that is why jimmy had to get a different location instead of just replacing roselli in the building.namaste'remember each team had their own radio guy and he probably had binoculars as well. they were all probably instructed to get the head shot and if a headshot occurred early then the later shots might not have happened. now your point is well taken regarding an early shot missing by so much. normally, the first shot should be the most accurate so that leaves us to speculate as to if it was a hair trigger pulled too soon, or the gun may have had its scope misaligned from an accident or a similar mistake. after all somebody missed the car altogether and shot the curb and probably the stemmons sign so even pros screw up. that is probably why the had 4-5 different teams there that day.as far as the doctors in dallas, the secret service had them squeezed so tight that day that they probably didn't really realize how much they were manipulated that day. after all the head wound was pretty traumatic and it was the president. blood pressures were running high that day and nobody at the time would have thought of any reason that they were being manipulated other than as out of respect for the president or jackie and it was probably quite apparant that his head wound was not to be recovered from.