Gerald Ford dies

JFK Assassination
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Sept.11, 2004...

Post by Pennyworth »

Nuclear Test in North Korea?

By bjlhct in News
Tue Sep 14, 2004 at 05:36:59 AM EST
Tags: News (all tags)
On September 11, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported a huge blast and a 2.5 mile diameter mushroom cloud in North Korea 6 miles southwest of Yongjori Missile Base...on Thursday.


Just recently, there have been reports that the Bush administration had received intelligence indicating preparations for a nuclear test, in accordance with the traditional extravagant military demonstrations on the 56th anniversary of North Korea's founding.
Nuclear tests leave many telltale signs. The explosion can be seen on seismographs around the world. Fallout can be detected with geiger counters hundreds of miles away from the test. For a few thousand dollars, one can order a 1-meter resolution satellite image of a resultant cloud, and the military can do much better. Indeed the US military has been able to detect nuclear tests in real time since early in the Cold War, and it has only gotten better at it since then.

In light of this, the reports that we have gotten seem very suspicious. Very suspicious indeed. Condoleeza Rice has said that "further analysis" is being done and suggested that the mushroom cloud was created by a forest fire. Forest fires can create mushroom clouds, but the Bush administration should have noticed the event without being told about it and should know - no, does know - with certainty whether or not this blast was nuclear.

North Korea and China have no comment.

The lack of positive or negative reports on seismic data and radiation readings is suspicious indeed. Some college seismographs show an anomaly at the time in question. The USGS seismic survey site is now back up.

Between the timing and the evidence, it seems clear that there was a nuclear test. Yet the Bush administration is reporting that though they do not know what it was, they think it was not a nuclear test. Rice's suggestion of a forest fire, however, is improbable enough to dismiss. Something fishy is going on.
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Revelation 9:11

Post by Pennyworth »

Revelation 9:11

This is the great dragon of chapter 12, Satan or Azazel. He has a number of names, but in each case, he is the king of all the demons, Lucifer, who became Satan.
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Post by Pennyworth »

1987 - CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, angry over being preempted for a tennis match, marches off the set, leaving affiliates with six minutes of an empty news desk.
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Post by Pennyworth »

1998 - Independent counsel Kenneth Starr sends a report to the U.S. Congress accusing President Bill Clinton of 11 possible impeachable offenses.
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Sept.11, 1998...

Post by Pennyworth »

September 11, 1983 in History

U.S.S.R. performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk U.S.S.R.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.31.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:12.27.2006 - Mark Johansson Posted this simple Headline.A lengthy discussion followed that covered many facts and points ofview.Eight years later what are our collective thoughts of Gerald Ford ?Gerald Ford lied, cheated, deceived, and helped steal the Truth from theAmerican People, and the People Of The World who had studied, and currently study 11.22.1963, and the Assassination of JFK.Gerald Ford ultimately admitted that he changed and covered-up factsand information for the Warren Commission Reports.Nothing changed. Nothing happened. Main Stream Media ignored this.Gerald Ford changed the positioning of the bullet wound to JFK's back.Gerald Ford's deception helped Sell The Lie of the Magic Bullet Theory ofArlen Specter.Concerned Americans and Citizens of the World Died before Gerald Ford'slies and deceptions saw a hint of daylight.They died never knowing the truth as told by Gerald Ford before his owndeath.Where is the Main Stream Media ?Why hasn't the Single Bullet Theory been soundly retracted with asGreat Headlines As The Single Bullet Theory ?WHY HASN'T HISTORY BEEN REWRITTEN WITH THE TRUTH ?BECAUSE HISTORY WILL NEVER BE REWRITTEN.HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE VICTORIOUS.Even when a blaring, flagrant cover-up and lie are eventually toldrelative to the JFK Assassination, nothing is done or changed.The Cynical and Facetious sides of me say how can we ever expect anything to change ? Business as usual.We are not a Democracy. We never were. Alleged Representative Government by and for "We the People…" is all a placebo - a lie -a sham - a hoax - an illusion.This in part is why I think that we must Think More Outside Of The Boxthan the usual paths followed by the JFK Research Community.Who Benefitted from the Removals of JFK, MLK, and RFK ?Did burying These Events encourage and help bury The Truth for eventslike the Oklahoma Bombing, and 09.11.2001 ?Who had the Power to Accomplish these Events ?Who had the Power to Cover-Up these Events ?Who today has the Power to Continue The Ongoing Cover-Ups ?Who today continues to Benefit from The Ongoing Cover-Ups ?WE CAN NOT SOLVE THIS PIECE BY PIECE.What ground have we really covered in 51+ years ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole NewGeneration of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Gerald Ford dies

Post by JDThomas »

As you said Bruce:Where is the Main Stream Media ? The fact that they didn't/wouldn't run with Ford's admission speaks volumes.The mockingbirds still sing all-day long
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Re: Gerald Ford dies

Post by Slav »

Who continues to cover up?That's the magic question to all the answers, there is only one person alive who can cover it up today, I believe the jfk files were locked away until he passed nobody including himself thought he would live so long, remember the orig date was 2025, he was also head of the cia when people stated to die again after so many years, George dem and johhny ros, could he have done all this and cover it all up, he is a good liar denies he is in Dallas yet he stands in front of the sbd with the General.Who else can possibly cover it up for so long? That is still alive?