Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

JFK Assassination
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Re: Conflicting versions on grassy knoll/fence shooter

Post by Bob »

I like Jim Fetzer and I have been on his Real Deal show a couple of times in the past. But that doesn't mean I don't disagree with him at times. Jim and I have debated the story that Jimmy Files has told and Jim thinks the biggest thing that disqualifies Files is that he never said the motorcade stopped. My response was that Jimmy did tell Jim Marrs and Wim in his 2003 interview that the motorcade did slow down quite a bit, but that his main focus was on JFK and not the speed of the motorcade. Plus, in one my conversations with Jimmy and Bruce, Jimmy told me that he felt like the motorcade slowed to a crawl at one point. Jimmy wasn't sure if the motorcade actually stopped, because again his focus was on JFK, but it did slow down almost to a halt. That coincides with over 50 witnesses who have said the same thing.