My scenario of the shooting

JFK Assassination
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Post by Giovanni »

No! It's in the U.S. History section at my school library.
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Post by Bob »

Anybody that has visited this site for a couple of years knows that some will NEVER be convinced of the REAL truth. Some come with open eyes and ears and try and learn. Some come with an agenda and soon enough that will come out in a post. No matter. I have studied the JFK assassination for over 30 years. I have read a LOT of theories. But there is no doubt that this web site has the best information regarding the assassination of any out there. You don't have to believe anything, but study everything you can on this site. One of the areas on this site this interests me is the Bu$h factor. It is pretty obvious if you have ever read some of my posts. I was pretty oblivious to this factor for most of my adult life. But since I have researched the family history of the Bu$hes, I believe Wim has uncovered a huge factor in this assassination. The main stream media will NEVER touch this subject. There are too worried about money, just like the Bu$hes. Remember, Prescott Bu$h help found CBS. He was a man that had the world by the balls in the 1950's. He was a Senator that was rich because the media refused to mention that he made most of his fortune by investing in and profiting from the Hitler war machine in WWII. He was very tight with the director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, and he also know John Foster Dulles, he would be Eisenhower's Secretary of State. Bu$h also developed proteges, like Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Bu$h also convinced Eisenhower to run for the Presidency and to add Nixon to the ticket. Through all of these times, Bu$h made tons of money on Wall Street, where he got his start in business. Bu$h and his son George H.W. (Poppy) Bu$h also invested in the world of oil, while at the same time Poppy used it as a cover while he was in the CIA. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a threat to ALL of that when he was elected President. Wim tells that story in the George H.W. Bu$h section of this site. When the events of today keep getting bleaker, think about George W. Bu$h, and WHERE he came from. He comes from a family that now has FOUR generations of war profiteering. Who are the winners in the Iraq war? It certainly isn't the U.S. soldiers that die needlessly everyday. Or the countless number of Iraqis that have died. But the war profiteers are clear winners. And that is why Dumbya Bu$h doesn't want this war to stop. Here is some history on the Bu$h family legacy... ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2

The war in Iraq was based on lies. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. LIE!!! Saddam was connected to Al Quada and 9/11. LIE!!! Iraq was a looming threat of causing a "mushroom cloud". LIE!!! But the real reason there was a war in Iraq was 9/11. The Ameican public was TERRIFIED of another attack. Just like Germany in 1933. How did Hitler gain power in Germany? Because of the Reichstag fire. Read about it. ... /burns.htm

Also PLEASE read about Operation Northwoods.

9/11 was like a page that was taken from Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was a plan hatched in the early 60's that Prescott Bu$h and Poppy Bu$h endorsed with many other neocons. Dumbya Bu$h made it happen for real. Some of us know that already. Others will eventually know the truth, just like we will eventually solve the JFK assassination. This web site proves that!
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Post by Anton »

dankbaar wrote:The car did not stop, it only slowed down. Jimmy never said it stopped. Wim

Houston Chronicle Reporter Bo Byers (rode in White House Press Bus) - twice stated that the Presidential Limousine "almost came to a stop, a dead stop"; in fact, he has had nightmares about this. [C-SPAN, 11/20/93, "Journalists Remember The Kennedy Assassination"; see also the 1/94 "Fourth Decade" article by Sheldon Inkol]

ABC Reporter Bob Clark (rode in the National Press Pool Car) - Reported on the air that the limousine stopped on Elm Street during the shooting [WFAA/ ABC, 11/22/63]

TSBD Supervisor Roy Truly - after the first shot "…I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in the area…[it stopped] for a second or two or something like that…I just saw it stop." [3 H 221, 266]

UPI White House Reporter Merriman Smith (rode in the same car as Clark, above) - "The President's car, possibly as much as 150 or 200 yards ahead, seemed to falter briefly..." [UPI story, 11/23/63, as reported in "Four Days", UPI, p. 32]

DPD motorcycle officer James W. Courson (one of two mid-motorcade motorcycles) - "The limousine came to a stop and Mrs. Kennedy was on the back. I noticed that as I came around the corner at Elm. Then the Secret Service agent [Clint Hill] helped push her back into the car, and the motorcade took off at a high rate of speed." ["No More Silence" by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 129]

DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Joe Dale (one of two rear mid-motorcade motorcycles) - "After the shots were fired, the whole motorcade came to a stop. I stood and looked through the plaza, noticed there was commotion, and saw people running around his [JFK's] car. It started to move, then it slowed again; that's when I saw Mrs. Kennedy coming back on the trunk and another guy [Clint Hill] pushing her back into the car." ["No More Silence" by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 134]

Clemon Earl Johnson - "You could see it [the limo] speed up and then stop, then speed up, and you could see it stop while they [sic; Clint Hill] threw Mrs. Kennedy back up in the car. Then they just left out of there like a bat of the eye and were just gone." ["No More Silence" by Larry Sneed (1998), p. 80]

NBC reporter Robert MacNeil (rode in White House Press Bus)---"The President's driver slammed on the brakes - after the third shot…" ["The Way We Were, 1963: The Year Kennedy Was Shot" by Robert MacNeil (1988), p. 193]

DPD Earle Brown - "…The first I noticed the [JFK's] car was when it stopped..after it made the turn and when the shots were fired, it stopped."

DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Hargis (one of the four Presidential motorcyclists)---"…At that time [immediately before the head shot] the Presidential car slowed down. I heard somebody say 'Get going.' I felt blood hit me in the face and the Presidential car stopped almost immediately after that." [6 H 294; "Murder From Within" by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 71.

Dallas Morning News reporter Robert Baskin (rode in the National Press Pool Car) - stated that "…the motorcade ground to a halt." ["Dallas Morning News", 11/23/63, p. 2; "Murder From Within" by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 71]

Alan Smith - "…the car was ten feet from me when a bullet hit the President in the forehead…the car went about five feet and stopped." ["Chicago Tribune," 11/23/63, p. 9; "Murder From Within" by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 71]
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I knew it stopped
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Post by Giovanni »

I don't believe the limo stopped. I believe it only slowed down.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

In this game thats what its all about what we belive in casue theres no proof yet.
Maarten Coumans
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Post by Maarten Coumans »

Giovanni wrote:Maarten, if you don't like what I have to say, then don't bother responding to my posts.I won't take anymore of your crap.

You responded my posts, with throwing BULL!

So: "Giovanni, if you don't like what I have to say, then don't bother responding to my posts.I won't take anymore of your crap. "

john hines
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Post by john hines »

What is proof? They, meaning the elites, are always gonna be on the attack.
Maarten Coumans
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Post by Maarten Coumans »

john hines wrote:What is proof? They, meaning the elites, are always gonna be on the attack.


You give them too much credit, IMO....

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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My scenario of the shooting

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.07.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:02.23.2007 - Mr. Kevin Fisher Posted this interesting Headline.A long discussion evolved covering many facts, points of information,and opinions that many may not be aware of today.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of these subject matters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.