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Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:15 am
by Dealey Joe
I think we are amiss when we do not consider the future. we know what has happened in the past and not to put it to work makes it a total loss.Every day I pause to think how amazed I was, and am, about how we all let Obama steal the election and at all the people I know who evidently voted for Obama. I am baffled at why anyone could support him. Blows my mind.Democrat or Republican does not matter. His associations and allegiances, his fundraising with 10 times the money to spend than his opponent supplied most likely illegally.I even lost acquaintances over trying to explain what was going on, but it also is hard to think about the fact that we really are offered no real choice, yes we vote but for who? does it really matter if is McCain or Obama? Are we naive enough to think they are there for us?I am also amazed at the opposition to Sarah Palin as a dumb ass idiot?Maybe we need a dumb ass idiot. Maybe we need someone who don't fit the mold. Not that she would have made any difference as VP and I don't know what would happen if she or Ron Paul were President? I like what Paul says but he is still part of the establishment and if elected would either go along for the ride or end up in a Zapruder film.Then are we going to be offered another Bush man from Texas, I can't get over how much Perry is like G.W., embarrasses me to think anyone could be swayed by that freak. So we have a choice of Perry or Obama? We will see.Who will you vote for? How can you make a choice? Ron Paul? I don't think so anyway if he is for real. I just do not trust any politician. He would either conform or be made into another Zapruer film.How many corporations are patriotic to the U.S.? damn few.

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:48 am
by Dealey Joe
Newer members please read this entire topic. these posts were made by Real Americans with American Values that are being eroded away bit by bit. since 11-22-1963

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:25 pm
by JDThomas
Joe,as regards Palin, I have to disagree with you; please not another dumb ass as president. Dumbya showed as that when you have one, it is the men in the shadows who hold and exercise real power. I don't think that you have to be highly intelligent or hard working to be a good President - just good judgement: who to trust and calling the right plays at the right time. Ivy league academic Wilson was considered one of the most intelligent and Jimmy Carter one of the most hard working, but today neither are considered amongst the best.By the way, do young think that there is a somewhat sinister media campaign against Ron Paul? Outside the US he is getting virtually zero publicity - even his strong showing in the Iowa straw poll only garnered him a small, begrudging mention.A couple of London news sites that have published my comments a number of times before have taken nothing from me about Ron Paul, despite some efforts ... particularly about his comments that Fort Knox is probably empty and the US gold reserves have gone. Perhaps gov. Perry has been brought in to discredit him by association, or at least split his vote.

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:52 pm
by Dealey Joe
JD, I was not intentionally endorsing Palin for president, but anything would have been better than Obama. Politics is an evil that we have learned to endure. Why do we even play politics when we already know the outcome? What is wrong with us that we still can even begin to think we matter?I guess I am a male chauvinist pig but I think women have no business in politics, but when men are so dishonest and corrupt women will move in and take over. Someone has to do it.I have always favored the people like Ron Paul but we need be ware that after all he is a politician, part of the system to some degree. It is a posturing they go thru to let us think we are in charge and are making all the decisions when in fact they a standing back a having a good laugh at our ignorance.Look at what has been going on especially since 1963, Our young men, the lifeblood of the nation are being sent to the slaughter making widows of the families, and for what, LBJ and all the criminals after him have special place in Hell for what they have done, how much guilt do we and our fathers have to share for standing by and watching? Makes me sick to think about this.Four soldiers have died in the last week just from our area.Gold in Ft. Knox? hell no, has been nothing there fro years, all stolen probably by foreign countries like China and the powers that be. What bricks that are there for show is a gold plated lead or some other heavy metal with little or no value. Ft. Knox is a joke anyway. little old unprotected place. I have been there a few times. The George S. Patton museum has more to see just down the road.All the elitist hide behind religious organizations, Zionist, Jesuit,Christian, Quaker,ect. ect.Study this.. ... orm/Starts right off with a religious concept that is in error, "everything can be boiled down to right and wrong" no I am sorry it is "Good or Evil" it is either "Truthful or Deceiving"Sorry about my rantings here, just in a bad mood I guess.

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:32 pm
by JDThomas
No need to apologise Joe, I expect that most members stand four square behind everything you say.It is interesting to note that there are so many powerful yet disparate groups in America; in business, ethnicity, religion, social standing that any presidential candidate has to try to be all things to all peoples. Upsetting any of these groups risks a negative publicity backlash that would kill a campaign and so the candidate ends up being nothing to nobody.I remember talking to an American journalist in Dublin when Bill Clinton was first running for President. The hypocracy of him playing on his meeting JFK as part of the Boys Nation movement and trying to identify himself with JFK's civil rights ideals, all in the same week as Billy boy went playing golf with Klu Klux Klan leaders - he could not ignore them.For humour if nothing else, I'd like to see Warren Buffet run for President under the banner of making the super rich pay more tax like he says they should! Wonder how far he'd get, or how many bullets he'd attract!

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:46 pm
by Dealey Joe
HE probably means everyone except him and his friends?you possiubly get a better view of the U.S. than we do here.

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:45 am
by JDThomas
From BBC:Warren Buffett demands to pay more taxWarren Buffett Mr Buffett said he had never known anyone to shy away from an investment because of high taxesWarren Buffett has called for Congress to make him and his "mega-rich friends" pay more income tax.In a piece in the New York Times newspaper, the billionaire investor and philanthropist said the rich should do more to help plug the deficit.He called for a tax rise for those earning more than $1m (£600,000), and a higher rate for those on over $10m.In a rebuttal of arguments made by Republicans, he said tax rises would not hurt investment or jobs in the US.He told Congress to "stop coddling the super-rich"."Our leaders have asked for 'shared sacrifice'," he wrote. "But when they did the asking, they spared me."Challenge to CongressMr Buffett explained that, like many top earners, his income came entirely from investments rather than from employment, which are subject to lower taxes in the US.He said last year he paid an effective tax rate of 17.4%, less than the 33% to 41% paid by the employees in his office.He dismissed arguments made by senior Republicans, including John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, that taxing higher earners more would damage investment and job creation in the US."I have yet to see anyone... shy away from a sensible investment because of the tax rate on the potential gains," he said.He pointed out that the effective tax rate paid by the highest earners was much higher in the 1980s and 1990s than in the last decade, and yet job creation was much higher in the earlier decades.His proposed tax rises would not affect 99.7% of taxpayers, he claimed, adding that a 2% payroll tax cut passed in December should stay in place to help the poor and middle classes.However, Mr Buffett also set a challenge for the Democrats who are set to form a special Congressional committee with Republicans to agree $1.5tn in budget savings.He said "job one for the 12 [committee members] is to pare down some future promises that even a rich America can't fulfil".While Republicans have been implacably opposed to tax rises, Democrats have been loathe to cut healthcare and social security benefits that some economists claim will become unaffordable as Americans live longer and baby-boomers retire.

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:11 am
by Dealey Joe
Sounds like my kinda guy, Im afraid his tax "10M " hike might affect me

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:52 pm
by Devlin MacGregor
Members and Readers:This discussion was begun on February 27, 2007 by Mr. Brychek. As somebody who studies major governments, wars, and of course the U.S.A., I was awe struck when I first read this quote and discussion that followed a while back. I have been curious to see if, and how many commentaries would develop about the 2012 Presidential Primaries and Election in the U.S.A. As some U.S.A. citizens and some of the rest of the world watch the charade called the U.S.A. Presidential Primaries and Election play out, I revisited this discussion, and gave it deep thought today.This powerful analysis may be lost in its laser like analysis, and the precision of its accuracy. Or do Americans on whole simply no longer care, and have simply thrown in the towel ? Which is it ?When less than 50 % of Americans legitimately vote in most major elections unless they are bought off with favors, paid off with cash or other considerations, or have a strong financial vested interest, maybe the Silent Majority and Apathetic Americans are even more beyond this assessment and analysis than I can surmise. If the members and readers here are more interested and motivated than the rest of the American populace, how little attention is being paid by the rest of your Fellow Americans ?In the final analysis, do Americans on whole view this sham of a Democratic Process being nothing more than an opiate for the masses, who are now immune to this drug induced stupeification of the intellect by your hypnotic media, joined with a crooked ruling elite ?Further, I also note a distinct lack of interest by Americans for: September, 11, 2001, along with Mr Hall's discussion about Mr. Obama's status and background. He is technically running the U.S.A. today, and may get the assignment again for the next 4 years. I notice more attention and discussion today where Mr. Peyton Manning will play football next year. Note, in your 60 minute football game do you notice that only 1 minute on average is spent kicking the football ? Curious.Thank You.

Re: Karl Marx vs. Bruce Patrick Brychek:

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:24 am
by Dealey Joe
Devlin, Welcome to the forum, great post. The case of the lack of voter turn out is on one hand complex and on the other maybe simple.The American people at least need to see a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow whether it be religion or politics.Most sense that any vote is cast in vain, maybe because there is nothing in it for them or nothing to gain.How long has it been since there has been a ligitimate choice on the frederal, State and even local levels.It is not worth peoples time to even go vote. Thats the simple.Now the complicated aspect of the News media controling our mindless minds telling us what to think and who to favor and which way to turn. maybe even how hopeless it is to even make a choice.Lets face it the sheep are not in charge of their own minds or thoughts.staring at TV all day long, I heard years ago they were experimenting with the power of suggestion by putting in a frame every so oftem? Havn't heard much about the lately?