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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:02 pm
by Robert Wagner
[quote="Davyjones"]Mr Wagner...As a newbe,in knowledge and posting terms to this forum, I am of course interested in opinions from all angles. I would think it very unlikely that any trace of J Files 1959 war record would exsist if he WAS the grassy knoll shooter.Its my comment that if JFKs murder was a conspiricy then ALL the evidence would be removed if possible. At this moment due to Mr Files holding on to whatever else he knows about that day in Dallas I am swayed to believe him by one thing and that is TRUST. I Trust Mr Dankbaar and the regular posters.You on the other hand for no obvious gain laid a TRAP in your post when you enquired about J Files service number,so I dont trust you.[/quoteI urge you not to trust me, Files, Marvin nor anyone else. Trust is how they sell magic tricks, financial planning and used cars. Don't look where the man tells you to look, watch the dog pulling the curtain aside. Think of me as the little dog who lets facts reveal truth.

Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:14 pm
by Davyjones
Mr Wagner.. A belated welcome to the forum. I am an older man with a lot of life experience,20 years police/security work in which I have bumped into all kinds of folk.Over the last 6 years I have read Mr Dankbaars posts watched his DVD on Mr Files and found him consistant,honest and nobodys fool. Of course I could be wrong, but so far he has been on the money for me. Thanks for your warning and concern but believe me I dont need it .

Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:43 pm
by Barney
I have corresponded with Jimmy Files for the past 16-18 months or so at Stateville Prison in Joliet, Il. out of friendship alone after readinghis story and watching his dvd confessions on the JFK Murder Solved teaser clips first, then I purchased the dvds and two books. Jimmy toldme that for so many years, even decades, his life was like walking down the blade of a straight razor. I sent at first two Bibles to Jimmy,one the King James version, and later on, a plain language, The Word, easy reader-understanding type Bible. I was taught many years agoby my Sunday school teacher, that this was the easiest manner in which to digest and understand the antiquated language in the King JamesBible. Jimmy since then has done a great deal of studying of The Bible, but other religions of other nations as well. He has a sincere interestin space aliens, spacecraft, planets we have yet to discover or explore with imaging devices. He loves to read about UFO's, and loves to drawcolored pencil drawings of butterflies, birds, raptors, other small animals, and has tried from time to time to draw pictures of persons, esp.of a weeping Jackie Kennedy, as he saw her sitting beside her murdered husband in Dealey Plaza on 11-22-1963. Jimmy, is trying very hardin a very bad criminal prison environment, a maximum security Level 6 prison, at Joliet, Il. ,to turn his life around tho he does not run around with a Bible thumping on it or forcing his beliefs on anyone. We need to respect the courage and fortitude of this extraordinary man, who is risking his very life and chances to gain his freedom by coming out of the shadows some years ago. Just remember around 300 people have found death as their payment for speaking out about the Kennedy murder and conspiracy. Our govt. casts a long dark shadow.

Re: Aid and Comfort Jane

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:34 pm
by Robert Wagner
Phil Dragoo wrote: What does Glenn Beck have to do with the extant discussion.Political assassinations in the 1960s were caused by right wing paranoia, cowboy mentality and stereotyping. Beck represents return to the goode olde dayse..

Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:32 pm
by Robert Wagner
Bob wrote:You can cover up truth. You can deceive people about truth. But you can never hide from truth. You say you use facts in your assumption Files is lying about Dallas and Laos. In which way? And what "facts"? You still have not responded to what Jim Marrs and Dan Marvin have said about Files, and how they can't find any holes in his stories. Marrs has as much respect in the JFK assassination research world than just about anyone. Dangerous Dan's track record with the military speaks for itself. ... 185531Then we will let the readers decide, as you say.Marvin says in the video he doubted Files' Laos story for the same reason I did -- it was a Green Beret operation and Files was 82nd Airborne. So Marvin, who had not been in Laos, asked a friend, who said they used 82nd Airborne personnel in logistical support roles. That doesn't prove Files was one of them, and disproves Files' claim he was one of the trainers. At best, it proves Files was a peripheral player who embellished the story to make his role more important. His story about shooting two Americans is disproved by DoD casualty records, and by the fact he didn't serve 5-10 in Leavenworth. Why hasn't Files produced his military record, on form DD214? He could get a free copy by asking for it.

Toni, and Jimmy, and Chuckie, oh my

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:41 pm
by Phil Dragoo
I am generally aware of JM-WAVE and ZR-RIFLE, the agency of Harvey, Veciana, Morales, the use of deniable assassins, the use of non-U.S. Cutouts in Bay of Pigs and elsewhere, in sum, that Dallas was the way business was done.I have the Double Cross in re Sam Momo Giancana by brother and nephew, and JFK and Sam by daughter Antoinette.Time constraints will limit this address to page 196 of that work:In June 1997 Antoinette Giancana wrote to Files in Joliet, Illinois, and asked if they could talk. It was reasonably assumed by the authors of this book that if Files were genuine in his story about his relationship with the Chicago mob and the hit in Dallas, he would likely respond. On the other hand, if his story had been made up and Files was a fraud, then he would not respond. But on July 1, 1997, Files wrote a very warm and cordial letter to Antoinette Giancana. This letter by itself strongly suggests that files was in fact a member of the Chicago mob and that his story is credible. Since the James Files Story is an embarrassment to the FBI and CIA, a number of individuals have told Antoinette Giancana that both of these organizations have tried to discredit him and have labeled him a phony. Even his military record, as part of the Eighty-second Airborne, was challenged, but Files provided documentation for us through John C. Grady, an airborne researcher, that he had indeed been attached to the Eighty-second Airborne. During a lengthy face-to-face interview, Antoinette was impressed by the clear details given by Files. He gave the name and telephone number of an individual who knew about his prior relationships with the Chicago mob. That individual (KL) with mob contacts proved to be the owner of a Chicago-area motel. Through her contacts, Antoinette Giancana talked with KL, who verified that James Files had been closely related to Chuckie Nicoletti and the Chicago mob.Phil's footnote:Jimmy was wheelman for Nicolletti, a gunman for Giancana. Nicoletti was murdered March 29, 1977, the day DeMohrenschildt had his head blown off by the intruder indicated by the alarm sound on the tape referenced by the LaFontaines.DeMohrenschildt had pled with George H.W. Bush to end the harrassment.And, voila, he did.And Epstein had interviewed DeMohrenschildt hours earlier, and Fonzi was on deck—Fonzi from the HSCA who unraveled the Phillips-Bishop-Veciana-Oswald thread.Many connections.A tapestry woven with infinite care, stained with the blood of our late president, and several hundred of our fellow citizens, and fifty-eight thousand lives of the noblest men, and millions in Asia who today are making the rags you buy off the Wal-Mart racks.Nice, nice, very niceSo many people in the same device

Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:56 pm
by Bob
Robert Wagner wrote:Bob wrote:You can cover up truth. You can deceive people about truth. But you can never hide from truth. You say you use facts in your assumption Files is lying about Dallas and Laos. In which way? And what "facts"? You still have not responded to what Jim Marrs and Dan Marvin have said about Files, and how they can't find any holes in his stories. Marrs has as much respect in the JFK assassination research world than just about anyone. Dangerous Dan's track record with the military speaks for itself. ... 185531Then we will let the readers decide, as you say.Marvin says in the video he doubted Files' Laos story for the same reason I did -- it was a Green Beret operation and Files was 82nd Airborne. So Marvin, who had not been in Laos, asked a friend, who said they used 82nd Airborne personnel in logistical support roles. That doesn't prove Files was one of them, and disproves Files' claim he was one of the trainers. At best, it proves Files was a peripheral player who embellished the story to make his role more important. His story about shooting two Americans is disproved by DoD casualty records, and by the fact he didn't serve 5-10 in Leavenworth. Why hasn't Files produced his military record, on form DD214? He could get a free copy by asking for it.Robert, you are a clear example of someone who sees what he wants to see, hears what he wants to hear or reads what you want to read. In addition, you say what you want to say, misleading or not. You have the Dan Marvin story wrong. What a surprise. Dangerous Dan said he had a friend who served in White Star. A friend who died on his fifth tour of duty in southeast Asia. Dan found out about the logistical support of 82nd Airbourne to the Operation White Star mobile team from the now General Heintges, who was then a Colonel, when he led the mobile team. So, he didn't hear it from a buddy, he heard it from the LEADER of that unit. Dan went on to say that he corresponded with Jimmy Files after that and that Files proved his authenticity to him, not only about what happened in Laos, but also in Dallas, when Files was the grassy knoll gunman. The only thing your response proves is that you can't discern what was really said and WHO said it, and that you indeed had an agenda when you posted in this forum. In other words, you reek of disinformation. Because that is what people that use disinformation do. They confuse the true facts and give a completely new version of how the events actually happened. Disinformation agents deliberately provide misleading information. That is precisely what you have done since you have posted in this forum. You sir...are the embellisher...not Jimmy Files. Again...we will let the readers and the forum members decide if I'm right.

Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:32 am
by bob franklin
I think he discerns just fine, Bob. But it is exactly as you say - he's disinfo. He chooses the lie. I wasn't aware of the cross verification provided through General Heintges. Interesting stuff.

Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:06 am
by Robert Wagner
Bob wrote:Robert, you are a clear example of someone who sees what he wants to see, hears what he wants to hear or reads what you want to read. In addition, you say what you want to say, misleading or not. You have the Dan Marvin story wrong. What a surprise. Dangerous Dan said he had a friend who served in White Star. A friend who died on his fifth tour of duty in southeast Asia. Dan found out about the logistical support of 82nd Airbourne to the Operation White Star mobile team from the now General Heintges, who was then a Colonel, when he led the mobile team. So, he didn't hear it from a buddy, he heard it from the LEADER of that unit. Dan went on to say that he corresponded with Jimmy Files after that and that Files proved his authenticity to him, not only about what happened in Laos, but also in Dallas, when Files was the grassy knoll gunman. The only thing your response proves is that you can't discern what was really said and WHO said it, and that you indeed had an agenda when you posted in this forum. In other words, you reek of disinformation. Because that is what people that use disinformation do. They confuse the true facts and give a completely new version of how the events actually happened. Disinformation agents deliberately provide misleading information. That is precisely what you have done since you have posted in this forum. You sir...are the embellisher...not Jimmy Files. Again...we will let the readers and the forum members decide if I'm right.You wrote "show me ONCE where I called you a name." In the next message, you unleashed a torrent of ad homina. Your tergiversation means you are dishonest with either yourself (hypocritical) or readers (two-faced).Another self-contradiction is that your own evidence -- the Marvin video -- proves Files could not have been a trainer in Laos. Please post more. With enemies like you, I don't need friends to prove my points.

Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:10 am
by kenmurray
Dangerous Dan Marvin on the Real Deal from 2009: ... arvin.html