interesting Pravda article

JFK Assassination
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Tweedledee and Tweedledumb

Post by Dan »

MC - Slander is spoken defamation! So you must have a text reader in that library - since you can't read - and are claiming these words are spoken defamation!
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Post by Pennyworth »

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Post by M.C.Newton »

have you really fallen so low that you've resorted to semantical arguments. you are pretty weak bro.

let us not start fine tooth combing eachother's posts dan. if only you could add substance to your posts and stop attacking personally. this would probably be a lot less hostile. but the fact is that you don't know how to be civil. you don't understand what debate is. you believe what you want and everyone else can be damned. when questions are raised you resort to name calling and hyperbole. you can't back up your opinions so you call names? ridiculous. you call bush a hero then say that the NAU doesn't sit well with you, it's HIS project. last time i checked American heroes usually don't sell the country down the river.

i see that I also spelled 'see' se. what does that mean about me dan? i also didn't capitalize any of the letters at the beginnings of my sentences. are you going to ridicule me 'cause i don't know how to use the 'shift' key?

stop attacking people and they won't attack you (or more correctly defend themselves). answer questions directly. engage in debate. it's healthy. name calling is childish. you're a sad sad man.
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.._. .._

Post by Dan »

Take your best shot!

I'm the worst speller in the world, but if you want to claim a legal argument - at least get the right tort - and if you want to get to the whodunnit - at least get the right guy.
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Re: LOL!!!!!!

Post by Pennyworth »

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Re: LOL!!!!!!

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote::roll:


I see the nasty little poem has been deleted..
some might take it as a joke, whereas others might be offended. I have the great gift of being able to laugh at myself..I look forward to Dan's obscene e-mails to me , while I can see that someone else might be deeply offended by them . I was being sarcastic in my response
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TO DAN ..........

Post by Pennyworth »

Posts: 2931
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: TO DAN ..........

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:


[edit] Old Testament
The number 666 appears several times in the Old Testament, including in 1 Kings 10:14-22 as the number of talents of gold received by King Solomon in one year. "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold".

Scholars such as Dr. Ellen Aitken, Dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University, have speculated that the reference to this passage was a way of speaking in code about then contemporary figures about whom it would have been politically dangerous to criticize openly.

According to the Bible, Solomon fell into apostasy and built altars to Chemosh, Moloch, and Ashtoreth, pagan gods to whom human sacrifices were made. (See 1 Kings 11:4-8.)

[edit] Interpretations