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Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:12 pm
by Brian White
Bob, Great post! Couldn't have said it better

Tom, your points are well taken, but I have to
say, the more I read of JFK's life, the more I
admire him, not less.He may have been a
pampered rich kid, but he did a lot of things
in life he didn't have to, especially in the face
of poor health.Took a lot of guts,IMHO.

Take a look at who his enemies were, and
it says something about his greatness(yes,

I've never said he was a saint, and never expected
him to be one. Adultery is inexcusable,of course.
No defense there.

I think we should take some of this stuff with a
grain of salt, especially having Marilyn murdered.
Seymour Hirsh had to retract a lot of things he wrote.
Remember, the CIA is quite capable of planting stories
about someone they hated, in order to take some
shine off Camelot.

Allegations about dropping acid and smoking pot
in the White House are bullshit, in my opinion,for
various reasons.An incumbent president is going to
risk having an acid flashback on national TV?It does
cause flashbacks, you know. Did anyone ever see him
laughing inappropriately, with red eyes?Did they ever
smell pot on him?Did he get the munchies and send
the Secret Service to McDonald's for 20 hamburgers?

C'mon, use some common sense, folks! Handing out
photos of nude pool parties,something that would surely
be used to blackmail him? Things like that would be worse
than reckless, they'd be flat-out stupid, and I'm sure no
one thinks JFK was stupid.

All in all, I'd say he had a pretty ambitious program
for a shortened, one-term administration.
Unfortunately, the Palace Guard (Secret Service), was
infiltrated,making Dallas possible.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:16 pm
by tom jeffers
DAN SAID: "Fascist! WTF! : a political philosophy, movement, or regime that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition "


TOM SAYS: yeah dan, that pretty much hits the nail on the head!

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:37 pm
by Bob
Here's a couple more...TORTURE and ILLEGAL WIRETAPPING. Sounds a little bit like Nazi Germany to me. Wait a minute. Who invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine? Dumbya's grandfather, Prescott. Wasn't he even charged with trading with the enemy in 1942? The answer is YES! But there is more, MUCH more. How about his being part of the attempted coup of FDR? ... 0723.shtml

Let's see, Prescott's father Samuel, sold arms to the Germans in WWI, while the U.S. was IN the war. Prescott was part of an attempted coup of FDR and supported Hitler. Poppy was part of the coup that assassinated JFK.

I would call that treason. And I would call those fascist ideals.


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:46 pm
by Dan
Bob & Tom - where did you serve?

Me thinks thou has been reading too much Flocco...

Lies Lies and More Lies

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:58 pm
by Dan
Oh how the lefty loonies are easily lead by the nonsensical propaganda put forth by the demonrats and the eurotrash propaganda websites.

Ken Lay and Enron had their huge increase in share price from 1996 to 2001 (those would be the Clinton years). The Enron collapse happened just months after the Bush administration took office (we finally had a serious regulator that wouldn't let them get way with the Rubin slime style of coporate accounting).

Lay's political contributions to the demonrats and to slick Willy far exceeded any contributions to President Bush or any republicans.

Just because you keep spouting propaganda doesn't make it true - maybe the Clinton's and Georgey Soros can control you that way - but some of us can still think for ourselves!

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:04 pm
by Dan
Bob wrote:Wait a minute. Who invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine?

That would be Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.!

KOOK Koo Cuckoo

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:13 pm
by Dan
tom jeffers wrote:DAN SAID: "Fascist! WTF! : a political philosophy, movement, or regime that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition "911, PATRIOT ACT, HOMELAND SECURITY, ELIMINATION OF HABEOUS CORPOUS, HALIBURTON, BLACKWATER. IRAQ WARTOM SAYS: yeah dan, that pretty much hits the nail on the head![/quote]

This is one of the most nonsensical posts I have ever had the misfortune of reading at this forum.

This is a non sequitur. The list doesn't follow the definition. You have provided no example of a centralized autocratic government, a dictorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation or forcible suppression of opposition. You show that you know very little about the patriot act, homeland security, 911, Haliburton, Habeous Corpus, Blackwater and the Iraq war.

Maybe if you actually lived a life as an American (serving your country in the armed forces or volunteering with a crime victims organization, etc.) instead of spending every night reading leftist propaganda - then you may actually have a handle on reality!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:10 pm
by Bob
Dan wrote:Bob wrote:Wait a minute. Who invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine? That would be Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.!

Joe Kennedy had some obvious flaws. He was a bootlegger and an isolationist before WWII. But compared to Prescott Bu$h, he WAS NOT a supporter of Germany once the war started like Prescott was. His favorite son Joe Jr. died fighting the Nazis. Your theory is off the mark AGAIN.

Re: Lies Lies and More Lies

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:22 pm
by Bob
Dan wrote:Oh how the lefty loonies are easily lead by the nonsensical propaganda put forth by the demonrats and the eurotrash propaganda websites.Ken Lay and Enron had their huge increase in share price from 1996 to 2001 (those would be the Clinton years). The Enron collapse happened just months after the Bush administration took office (we finally had a serious regulator that wouldn't let them get way with the Rubin slime style of coporate accounting).Lay's political contributions to the demonrats and to slick Willy far exceeded any contributions to President Bush or any republicans. Just because you keep spouting propaganda doesn't make it true - maybe the Clinton's and Georgey Soros can control you that way - but some of us can still think for ourselves!

Once again Dan, you are WRONG. Yes, Lay did give to the Dems during the Clinton years, but it was nothing like he gave to Dumbya and the Repubs.

The long-term trials and implications of Enron's collapse are somewhat unclear, but there is considerable political fallout both in the U.S. and in the UK relating to the money Enron gave to political figures (around US$7 million since 1990). During Clinton's eight years in office, the company and Lay contributed about $900,000 to the Democratic Party. In 1999 and 2000, the company gave $362,000 in soft-money donations to Democrats. Since 1996, between 72% and 94% of yearly American contributions went to the Republican Party, including heavy contributions to George W. Bush's presidential campaign.

Do the math Dan. The means he gave about $1.2 million to the Dems and $5.8 million to the Repubs and Dumbya Bu$h. Also, remember he was also at the secret Cheney energy meetings BEFORE 9/11, with all the heads of Big Oil to discuss among other things the Iraqi oil situation.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:23 pm
by tom jeffers

whoa..... your getting a little personal. Do not pretend to know what I do with my spare time nor imply that I and my family have not served our country. You don't know me or know about me. I oparate a very successful accounting practice with 2 offices. (how conservative can you get) I don't have time to surf the net looking for whacko theories, but I do read and study history, the history they want to shove down your throat and thye history they don't want you to know. My family has sacrificed many lambs to the military, my uncle was in the navy in the 50's and was experimented on with lsd by our fine government. My dad broke his back in WW2, my son has had 2 trips to Iraq as the squad leader of the scout sniper group in charge of taking out targets, my other son is graduating in the top 20 percent of his class in the air force acadamy. I was not allowed in because of a childhood bone disease or I would have served. I donate my time and resourses to my community for various charities. If you knew me personally, you would find that I am a giver and not a taker. So please take a step back before you attack those on this sight personally.
