Back to the scene of the crime

JFK Assassination
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by ChristophMessner »

conspiracybuff, Bob, thank you VERY MUCH for this songtext and songs from John Lennon! This songtext is really touching me at a central point of my political mind and heart! "You say you'll change the constitutionWell, you know we all want to change your headYou tell me it's the institutionWell, you know you better free you mind insteadBut if you go carrying pictures of chairman MaoYou ain't going to make it with anyone anyhowDon't you know it's gonna be all right"Yes, John Lennon knew, what's going on and he pronounced, that heart and mind is more important than institution or constitution. I agree. The spiritual is more important than the material. BUT: John Lennon was a Popstar, he collected the millions of pounds and bucks his fans were willing to pay for him. It's easy to say: "Free your mind!" and sing all day while your account and stomach is more than full. It is not enough to say: "Free your mind!"Go to the slums, to the workers, to the ones who are in debt, to the palestinians ... and tell them "Free your mind!"No it's about order, control, self-control, resistance to aggression, defense of values, balance of powers, just division, money printing only as high as real economy growth, fair deals, mutuality, use of earth's ressources with reason, recycling, ... it's about politics and institution and constitution and the material, too, because the human mind is never totally free, it is dependant from things. Only with full stomach shoes on your feet, roof above head, bed to sleep and no fear from tomorrow you start to sing. Only if the freed mind flows into a free-mind-guaranteeing political system, which has the stamina to fight with it's life against the powers who do not want a free-minded peoples world, only then we will make a difference! "Don't you know it's gonna be all right " ... The headshots on Kennedy prove, that it's not just gonna be all right, if we just sing around in pop concerts and leave the ones who have control over the reccources uncontrolled. The materialistic will always rule the spiritual, if the spiritual don't resist them. Kennedy-murder-case solving will only be useful, if it's enlightenment beams reaches the black spots in constitution which lay the ground for future headshots on presidents or murder-witnesses. And the black spot in the US-constitution is: freedom guarantee to limitless individual possession is more than freedom by common share. John Lennon certainly did not play totally free on the piano. He obeyed the rules of harmony. Chris
John Beckham
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by John Beckham »

John Lennon was NOT just a popstar. he used his talent and influence to try to stir the people. he was very political in the 70's. the FBI investigated him in fear of him being a revolutionary! the song "Come Together" was written for Timothy Leary and his campaign for govenor. Leary knew Mary Pinchot Meyer... In his biography, Flashbacks, Timothy Leary claims that Mary phoned him the day after Jack was assassinated: "They couldn't control him any more. He was changing too fast. He was learning too much... They'll cover everything up. I got come see you. I'm scared. I'm afraid."well, alright. alright! Alright!! ALRIGHT!!!
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by Bob »

I have to agree with John, John Lennon was NOT just a pop star. He put his money where his mouth was. He was the biggest advocate against the Vietnam war in the music industry, although there were a lot back then. Lennon was all about bringing peace to the world. Lennon used his celebrity to further that cause. Lennon was on Richard Nixon's enemies list. He was investigated by the FBI. He was silenced by a Manchurian candidate-type assassin, just months before another Manchurian candidate-type assassin tried to do the same thing and kill Ronald Reagan and make Poppy Bu$h President. I don't know if you have ever seen Imagine, the movie...but here it is... ... re=related
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by Jsnow915 » you know I'm a BIG Beatlehead...I often wondered about the Lennon murder...problem is there isn't anything to substanciate the claim...I 'd like to know why Chapman went to (I think) did he pay for his trips ...there is alot of little clues that point to a conspiracy...but I haven't been able to find any hard evidence to say he was a Manchurian Candidate...if I go on gut feeling,he's guilty...if I go on facts and evidence,he's guilty of being a lone assassin nut case.
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by Bob »

John, I just think it was a very strange murder. The lone nut once again. The manchurian candidate-type of guy, which the CIA loved to use. That scenario was used in the murders of John Lennon and RFK, and the attemped murders of Ronald Reagan and George Wallace. Also, remember that the murder of Lennon and the attempt on Reagan were just months apart. I'm sure you have read about MK Ultra... line, I don't believe ANYTHING my government says anymore. Here is another interesting thing to look at... ... eport.htmI don't agree with everything from that site, but there are some interesting things to look at. One thing I don't agree with, is that Ronald Reagan had anything to do with Lennon's death. Reagan was a propped up puppet that didn't know anything that really went on behind the scenes. Poppy Bu$h was the wizard behind the curtain with episodes like Iran/Contra led by his direction.Then there is also this starnge coincidence, speaking of manchurian candidate-types. Sirhan Sirhan was supposedly programmed at a racing stables in Santa Ana, California by two CIA mind-control specialists -- one of them a priest. A co-worker of Sirhan at the stables was Thomas Bremer, whose mind-controlled brother Arthur, shot Governor George Wallace in 1972.
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by Jsnow915 »

Bob...I know it all fits well together...but in the big picture...if these things are the truth,we'd all love to see them brought to justice in our lifetime...but if no one takes it seriously and takes it to the courts...we can only hope that a higher power takes care of it...otherwise we're all just speculating...and for me,not seeing anyone really pay attention to any of this is a let down.
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by Bob »

Yes, it's unfortunate, but very few people care about these types of things or incidents. The government and the MSM have them programmed too well. The sheeple keep shuffling along and then get it in the ass again and again and again. It's like the $700 BILLION dollars that just went Wall Street and half of it is unaccountable. BILLIONS of dollars in the Iraq war are unaccountable. But the sheeple just shuffle along.
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by ChristophMessner »

After watching and listening to "Imagine" I must say that John Lennon was NOT just a popstar, he was really very political.
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Re: Back to the scene of the crime

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:After watching and listening to "Imagine" I must say that John Lennon was NOT just a popstar, he was really very political.I had a feeling you would see things differently after watching that.