Gary Mack-isms

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by John Beckham »

lol! if Sara turns away because of my remark. then i'm ashamed of myself. "we're not here to hurt, but help! it takes everyone's views. you may see something others don't!". and i said i was sorry. and i am! again, i'm sorry Sara if i offended you. PLEASE accept my appology! anyways, my feelings don't get hurt over other peoples opinions on Gary Mack amoung others. it's not the first time i've been ridiculed, or the last!
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by Jsnow915 »

John....I will say this...on the Target car show...Gary Mack showed a sniper from the height and distance of a shooter...they got the results they least on the take they aired...I have never seen anyone do the knoll shot or any thing other than the was never up for debate.
John Beckham
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by John Beckham »

Jsnow915 wrote:John....I will say this...on the Target car show...Gary Mack showed a sniper from the height and distance of a shooter...they got the results they least on the take they aired...I have never seen anyone do the knoll shot or any thing other than the was never up for debate.i did watch it. i won't give my opinion on it. we should focus more on the assassination conspiracy. if people put their passion into that rather than Mr. Mack, it would be more productive...BACK TO THE JFK CONSPIRACY. NOT TV! John
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by Jsnow915 »

John....he doesn't give a fair and balanced veiw of what could have happened if a shot came from the knoll...all he is doing is selling his angle.
John Beckham
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by John Beckham »

let's get back to business, ok? we're not solving ANYTHING bickering. i saw the show. you saw the show. i'm NOT going to talk about it here. BACK TO THE JFK CONSPIRACY!
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by dankbaar »

conspiracybuff wrote:let's get back to business, ok? we're not solving ANYTHING bickering. i saw the show. you saw the show. i'm NOT going to talk about it here. BACK TO THE JFK CONSPIRACY!I disagree. The name of the opposition's game is disinformation and Gary Mack is a master in it.If you want to ignore that, or even believe that Mack is a great helpful guy, then you have a lot to catch up on. Wim"I can kill more people with my typewriter than you running around with a shotgun."- David Atlee Phillips to James Files "What is history, but a fable agreed upon?"- Napoleon Bonaparte
John Beckham
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by John Beckham »

Wim, give it up! i'm trying to research in MY way, not yours!!!
Posts: 451
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by Jsnow915 » bickering is going statement was, there wasn't any representation of a conspiracy in the show...that is covering the JFK assassination...and FACT is,he never covered the Grassy Knoll angle...they show a guy making a shot from a bucket at the right obsticles in the way,no pressure to make the window...trying not to be seen...and no attempts from the knoll...the easiest shot...John,you brought this subject to light about Gary Mack...don't expect us to sit here and not comment...everything here has ga joob
John Beckham
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by John Beckham »

well, i thought it was coo-coo ka joob? i'm just tired of talking about it because no one see's my point. it's "nowhere man"!
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Re: Gary Mack-isms

Post by Bob »

John...what we are saying is that this Gary Mack... ... =relatedIs a lot different then the current Gary Mack. The Gary Mack now the appears on the Discovery channel specials on the JFK assassination that CLEARLY fabricates the truth. The Gary Mack who is the curator of the TSBD museum, the museum that still depicts that Lee Harvey Oswald is the lone assassin and that Mack makes at least $180,000 a year in doing that job. A job by the way, that Robert Groden turned down because he was told he would need to stop being a conspiracy theorist. Listen to what both Groden and Jim Marrs have to say about Mack and other things concerning the JFK assassination in this interview. Groden and Marrs come on about 1:07 into the program... ... n.htmlThat is what some of us are saying. But I would still let Gary explain his change of positions in this forum. I would be very cordial as well.