JFK Assassination
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Two Movies...

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Re: Two Movies...

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Re: Old David Illuminati.....

Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="Paul Pennyworth"] :

shock: [/quoteExcerpt from above link......

One and a half century later, the Illuminati-Freemasons found another puppet and volunteer to pursue their vicious agenda further. This person himself was a high level Illuminated-Mason by the name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. His successors and Lieutenants, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky too, were Masonic-Satanists. (Texe Marrs. Codex Magica. P. 44, 256) Stalin, before he became a Satanist, had attended a theological seminary to be a priest. The Illuminati bankers and financiers smuggled Lenin from Switzerland to Russia in a closed train with millions of dollars at his disposal. Trotsky was smuggled by the same groups from New York to run the Bolshevik Revolution together with Lenin. He was given an American passport and $10, 000 USD by the Illuminate US President who plunged Americans into the First World War so that the League of Nations, the first stage to World Satanic Government is established at the end of the War. When the Red Army of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were almost destroyed by the Nationalist forces of the Mensheviks, the same group of Illuminated-Masons "capitalists" financed and equipped, and rescued the Red Army by levying arms and supplies embargo on the armies of the Mensheviks and by sabotaging them in many ways. (Stanley Monteith. Brotherhood of Darkness. P. 69-72) They also lent Lenin over $100 million USD later. He paid between 1918 and 24 over $400 million rubles in interest and principal to these "capitalists". But if these Satanic bankers and financers were capitalists, we wonder, how come they championed communism? Was it because capitalism was a system of exploitation to enhance communism which was the future form of world government. David Rockefeller is a good example of what I was saying. He was the first capitalist Illuminati-Mason who visited Communist China in 1973. After he met his fellow Illuminati-Mason Satanist by the name of Mao Tse-tung, (David Icke. The Biggest Secret. P.285) who had wiped out 40 to 60 million of his people for the sake of Illuminati agenda, David Rockefeller said, "... The Social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in history." (Monteith, Stanley. Ibid. P.44)

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Illuminati Eternal Flame.......

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WORLD TRADE CENTER TO BE MEMORIALIZED WITH AN ETERNAL FLAME ...The Illuminati always leaves some occult signature when they carry out an event .... JFK's eternal flame was also in the middle of a circle, which carries a ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

JFK was killed by the illuminati and freemasonryThe eternal flame is the symbol of the illuminati. ... JFK was threatening that, in the sense of he had just recently signed documents that would bring the ... - 69k - Cached - Similar pages

The Great White Brotherhood. illuminati,purified ones,The eternal flame that burns in mockery upon the grave of our fallen President, John F. Kennedy. The eternal flame that stands atop the obelisk in Dealey ... ... erhood.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

an informal look at history w/ Illuminati & numerology [Archive ...Knowing that the illuminati have preferences for certain numbers, 6,11,13, .... These are the reasons President John F. Kennedy got an eternal flame at his ... - 104k - Cached - Similar pages

-9/11- The NaCirema Dream - Illuminati (Pt. 2) [Archive] - Rap ...THE ETERNAL FLAME This Is A Major Illuminati Symbol, Found In Many, Many Places And Formats. ..... Why do you think JFK is dead? He threatened to destroy an ... - 168k - Cached - Similar pages

-9/11- The NaCirema Dream - Illuminati (Pt. 2) - Rap Worlds ForumsTHE ETERNAL FLAME This Is A Major Illuminati Symbol, Found In Many, ... JFK Was Not Killed By Any 'Random Guy'...Look It Up, Go To A Library. ... - 118k - Cached - Similar pages

The George H. W. Bush - JFK Murder ConnectionIlluminati Design And Symbolism In The Israeli Supreme Court Building ..... By closing off the roads leading to Kennedy's Eternal Flame, ... - 64k - Cached - Similar pages

Welcome to - You are currently within the 'The ...THE SYMBOLISM ARCHIVE. THE ETERNAL FLAME. Home · The Illuminati ... As with 'Sun Symbolism', the Eternal Flame carries with it the classic theme of ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Dagny's Closet - We're in it Together - Eternal Flame Illuminati ...Dagnys Closet - Intellectual Ammunition for Fighting the New World Order Conspiracy, Illuminati symbol of the Eternal Flame. - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

ILLUMINATI UNCOVEREDThe Brotherhood - Illuminati control may be identified through the symbols ... Symbol of Eternal Flame. When Diana, Princess of Wales, was murdered in the ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

The Great White Brotherhood. illuminati,purified ones,(Illuminati Front Group) (aka Initiates of the Flame, The Purified Ones) ... The eternal flame that burns in mockery upon the grave of our fallen President, ... ... erhood.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Bangles : Eternal flame - hébergé par NC. - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Illuminati Symbolism - The eternal flameAs with 'Sun Symbolism', the Eternal Flame carries with it the classic theme of 'Illuminism' (not to be confused with general 'Illumination'). ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Illuminati SymbolismHome / The eternal flame ... RSS Feed: The eternal flame (New images). Powered by 4images 1.7.4 Copyright © 2002 - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

New World Slaughter: Illuminati Endgame?Because the eternal flame is a known symbol of the Illuminati, or "Illuminated Ones". They are rumored to worship Lucifer, which means "Bringer of Light", ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
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666 Pennsylvania Ave....

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Re:Movie Twice Delayed .....

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote: ... Disgusting News...... ... 535Release of Jennifer Lopez film 'Bordertown' delayed indefinitelyBy Sue Vorenberg (Contact)Friday, October 12, 2007 "Bordertown," a movie starring Jennifer Lopez and filmed in New Mexico more than two years ago, won't be showing at a theater near you any time soon.The film was scheduled for release in some U.S. cities on Oct. 19. But its distributor, ThinkFilm Co., took "Bordertown" off its list because of "circumstances beyond our control," said Dylan Marchetti, ThinkFilm's director of distribution and marketing."We're unsure as to when it will return," Marchetti said.He declined to give more details as to why the film was removed."Bordertown" is based on the true story of the killings of hundreds of women in Juarez. It was directed by Gregory Nava, and the cast includes Martin Sheen and Antonio Banderas, in addition to Lopez.Part of the film was shot in The Tribune's newsroom in June 2005.Budgeted at $21 million, the film's producer, Mobius Entertainment/Bordertown Productions Inc. defaulted on a $2.35 million loan from the state film investment program in March 2006.It paid off the loan, with interest, at more than $2.6 million in June.It is the only film so far to default on a loan by the film office, which has worked with about 19 TV and film projects.
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Brazilian police investigate TV network acquisition by sect leader
+ - 11:36, October 20, 2007

Brazil's Federal Police have reopened their investigation into the purchase of TV network Record by Bishop Edir Macedo, leader of the sect known as the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG), local media reported on Friday.

The police questioned the origin of the money Macedo used in his 1989 acquisition of the TV network, which is headquartered in Sao Paulo. Earlier investigations showed that Macedo probably used money from UCKG tithes to build his personal empire, which includes Record, its affiliated broadcasters, a publisher and several other companies.

Record now legally belongs to Macedo and his wife.

The case was first opened in January 2004 when the bishop was charged with embezzling 3.2 million U.S. dollars from the church's tithes.

In 1997, Macedo collected the money by asking the UCKG followers to help him pay his debts to Brazil's Internal Revenues Service. The money was allegedly used to pay debts generated by his acquisition of Record instead.

The police will also investigate Macedo on other charges, such as identity theft.

Source: Xinhua