JFK Assassination
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Bush Wants $1.4 Billion For Mexico Drug War......

Post by Pennyworth » ... e-cen'What I can't understand for the life of me, is why coke is sooo popular???I tried it once(and never again ) a long time gives a 2-5 minute sort of a had the effect of also gave me chest pains and paranoa.... I get a better buzz off of beer and wine
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Mr. Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,

The real question that I want answered is why don't we spend part of the money investigating the Clinton - Bush Drug Cartel that operates out of Mena, Arkansas ?

Kudos Paul for yet another good post.

Best Regards,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Response To Mr. Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,The real question that I want answered is why don't we spend part of the money investigating the Clinton - Bush Drug Cartel that operates out of Mena, Arkansas ?Kudos Paul for yet another good post.Best Regards,Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

The Rockefellers own Arkansas...add on to the investigation with the Rockefeller controlled prescription drug industry
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Re: Movie Twice Delayed.....

Post by Pennyworth »

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Solar panels and sewing machines....

Post by Pennyworth »

TERLINGUA -- When the U.S.-Mexico border was closed several months after the 9/11 attacks, life for the villagers in the Mexican borderland changed literally overnight.

No longer could they cross and work as maids or busboys or lawn cutters at border resorts. No longer could they legally sell the crafts they had made for tourists visiting Big Bend National Park. Gone was the money made by the boatmen, who rowed visitors across the Rio Grande for a beer and a visit with the natives.

Many of the people moved from the border towns, and life became increasingly difficult -- even more so when the maquiladoras, or factories, were closed.

Cynta de Narvaez, a former outdoor guide who took tourists down river and into the Sierra del Carmens and other Big Bend area mountain ranges before illness slowed her, has long followed the plight of the poor Mexican villagers, and when she saw their quality of life declining rapidly in the border town of Boquillas, she decided to no longer sit and watch. She decided to act.

De Narvaez and others began making treks across the Rio Grande, teaching the women how to make handicrafts and ultimately how to quilt. She almost single-handedly changed the way of life for the small-town residents. In fact, some said she alone helped sustain the life of the village itself. Victor Valdez, a resident of the town, says he believes Boquillas would no longer be inhabited were it not for de Narvaez's efforts to help the people of the town learn to survive, create and stand strong in spite of the economic hardships brought on by the border closures.

Last November after having spent several months teaching the women of Boquillas how to quilt, a quilt show in Alpine that featured the work of the Mexican women brought in $15,000 to help further sustain life in the small village. This year, the women have gone from making just quilt tops to full quilts. This year's Friends of Boquillas Quilt Show will be Nov. 10 at First Presbyterian Church in Alpine. It is expected that as many as 140 Mexican quilts will be available for purchase at the show.

Since last year, 12 Boquillas women, using money made in part by the sales of quilts, have purchased solar panels and electric sewing machines, making the creative process that much easier. Following this month's show, de Narvaez says she will begin to scale back her visits to the village so the women will stand on their own and sell what they have made to people in Mexico.

"When we first started going over, they relied entirely on us," de Narvaez said. "Now we've brought their quality of work up and are starting to wean off of going down regularly now that they do have some confidence and some pride in their work and can start selling their goods in their own country."

The trips are grueling for de Narvaez, who despite improved health recently has been ill for much of her effort. It's an hour's drive to Boquillas from her Terlingua home, but the journey can take as long as 12 to 15 hours.

The bus trip from Boquillas to Muzquiz is eight hours, and she must often protect her possessions from goats which also make the bus ride and which are prone to eat anything left unattended. After eight hours across treacherous, unimproved mountain roads, it's off to Acuna where she waits sometimes as long as six hours in the U.S. customs line, and then from Acuna back to her home in Terlingua on the Texas side, another six-hour drive.

"Mexican men are a proud men"

De Narvaez is steadfast not only in her attempts at helping the Boquillas people, but in also correcting the image Americans have of Mexicans.

"If you know how Mexico and Mexicans are," de Narvaez said, "you won't have opinions like they try to give you on television right now."

De Narvaez said Mexican campesinos, the small, village-dwelling workers and farmers found in the small towns on the border, are not dopers or mules who run coke for cartels, making $200 every trip across the border to Alpine or Marfa and back.

They are not lazy people seeking to infiltrate our borders and steal American jobs, but strong, proud family men who love their home and families and desire life in their country.

De Narvaez tells the story of the typical hard working Mexican, a man named Juan, who lives in Muzquiz, but serves as the link to everyone in the campesino region along the Rio Grande.

"Juan drives a bus Monday night to Boquillas and leaves every Tuesday," she said. "When he drives away he has five to 10 empty coolers that he drops off at people's houses in Muzquiz and other larger towns. The families in the larger town fill the coolers with food and he takes them back to the people of Boquillas the following week. He's the mailman, the UPS guy, the banker, the pizza delivery man, everything. He is the tie people in Boquillas have with people in other towns."

Border crossings have dropped dramatically in the Marfa sector, a 504-mile stretch of border crossing, and the amount of drugs reported seized every year is minuscule compared with sectors with larger cities like Juarez and Laredo.

"In Mexico if you are part of the drug business you can do whatever you want with impunity," she said. "Rape, murder, torture, whatever. But what kind of man is going to bring that into his home? In the campesino villages where it is pretty provincial, it is a shame to have to work for (drug cartels). But by the national park giving these people work (through the Diablos firefighters program) there is not a drug problem coming out of Boquillas. I am scared to go to places like Juarez," de Narvaez said. "I feel totally safe (in Boquillas)."

"Give Mexicans work and they will stay at home"

The real story that de Narvaez would tell everyone if she had the means (and she is not lacking in that area with reporters from the New York Times, GQ, a European film crew and major newspapers seeking her story) is this: "If you give Mexicans work, real work, they will stay at home. If you give them work, they won't come here. There won't be a drug problem because the Mexican men are proud men who want real work. The original set up we had (with the maquiladoras) was ideal. When those factories were closed, that's why there was such an influx (of border crossings)."

De Narvaez added: "They're Mexicans. Their food is better, their families are over there. Their culture is over there. They are only coming over here because they are starving. You can ask them anytime, 'Would you go home if you could?' And they will always say yes. It is not because America is not a great country, it is. But it is not their country."

Mexicans, De Narvaez said, are people too.

"They are not the black death," she said. "They are hungry human beings. How can someone withhold food from a hungry person? Somebody tell me, is this how God really wants us to behave?"

© 2007

Reader Comments
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Added: Friday November 02, 2007 at 02:45 AM EST
How true Mexico is thier country
De Narvaez added: "They're Mexicans. Their food is better, their families are over there. Their culture is over there. They are only coming over here because they are starving. (But their food is better) You can ask them anytime, 'Would you go home if you could?' And they will always say yes. It is not because America is not a great country, it is. But it is not their country."

Their country is over there, how true.
Their Presidenty needs to help them; we have problems of our own about 20 million of them to date. The American Citizen will not accept any guilt that pro-Illegal Alien promoters such as the author of this piece are trying to establish through expression of personal views. “The Church” should send money and food if so disposed to do so. The American just sent two huge US Navy hospital ships on a four month cruise to help those in Latin America. It is called the “Comfort Tour” It is costing Americans millions of dollars for this public relations trip.

We are not responsible for them or the world and it is time “JP” discontinues his activism for Illegal Aliens on his behalf using the credentials of MWT and MRT as a free pass.

United Americans, Texas USA
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Bordertown DVD....

Post by Pennyworth »

Thursday, November 1st, 2007 0

Jennifer Lopez's true-story flick Bordertown will be seen solely on the video shelves, going straight to video.

The flick was only supposed to open in Dalls and El Paso Texas, but now it appears that distributor THINKFilm is pulling it from the theatrical release slate and will release it on DVD in February, about one year after it was booed during its premiere at the Berlin Film Festival.

The movie, directed by Gregory Navar and produced by J-Lo and her Nuyorican prodco, is based on a true story about a reporter digging into a story about women being murdered in a Mexican town near the U.S. border.

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NWO Plot....

Post by Pennyworth »

The Facts on the Trilateral Commission Show New World Order Plot
By Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Facts on the Trilateral Commission Reveal That David Rockefeller and Other Elite Crooks Want Global Government Tyranny.

“The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the U.S.” - Sen. Barry Goldwater

When looking at the facts on the Trilateral Commission, it’s important to understand that it was set up as a front for the exact same goals of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Trilateral Commission is another tool used by the leaders of the CFR shadow government.

The world’s elite utilizes secretive organizations such as the Committee of 300 structure, the CFR, the Bilderberg Society, and the Trilateral Commission to further its ultimate goal of global domination.

Although all these groups play a part in the movement toward a One World Government, the facts on the Trilateral Commission all lead us more specifically to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Let’s allow Jim Marrs to let you know the facts on the Trilateral Commission regarding how it started. We quote from his book, Rule by Secrecy:

“The concept of the Trilateral Commission was originally brought to (David) Rockefeller by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then head of the Russian Studies Department at Columbia University. While at the Brookings Institution, Brzezinski had been researching the need for closer cooperation between the trilateral nations of Europe, North America, and Asia.

“… With the blessing of the Bilderbergers and the CFR, the Trilateral Commission began organizing on July 23-24, 1972, at the 3,500-acre Rockefeller estate at Pocantico Hills… New York.

“… The Trilateral Commission officially was founded on July 1, 1973, with David Rockefeller as chairman. Brzezinski was named founding North American director.” pp. 22-24

One of the most basic facts on the Trilateral Commission is simply that it was formed to deflect attention away from the CFR.

The facts on the Trilateral Commission show us that its most influential members (who also are on the CFR Membership List) are extremely active in forming U.S. government policy.

“Many of the original members of the Trilateral Commission are now in positions of power where they are able to implement policy recommendations of the Commission; recommendations that they, themselves, prepared on behalf of the Commission. It is for this reason that the Commission has acquired a reputation for being the Shadow Government of the West.” – Journalist and Trilateral Commission researcher Robert Eringer

One of the facts on the Trilateral Commission is that Ronald Reagan was very vocal in his distain for anyone who was involved with the Commission before he was elected President in 1980. He was critical of Jimmy Carter for being a Trilateral member and for the fact that nineteen Trilaterals were in the Carter administration.

Reagan said that, if elected, he would investigate the Trilateral Commission. He even went so far as to say that he would never allow George Bush Sr. a place in his administration because Bush was a Trilateral and a CFR member.

In Rule by Secrecy, Marrs offers us a glimpse into how powerful those in control of our government patsies and puppets are as he relates how George Bush became nominated for the Vice-Presidency:

“… national media commentators suddenly began talking about a ‘dream ticket’...” The dream ticket was Reagan - President/Gerald Ford-VP, “which would have created a shared presidency"… it was… “suggested that since Ford had been president (before) he should choose half the Reagan cabinet.

“Faced with the prospect of presiding over half a government, Reagan rushed to the convention floor” and said, “… I then believed that because of all the talk and how something might be growing through the night that it was time for me to advance the schedule a little bit… I have asked and I am recommending to this convention that tomorrow when the session reconvenes that George Bush be nominated for vice president.” --p. 29 (emphasis added)

Wow! What a reversal. Reagan went from never letting Bush in his administration to making him second-in-command!

When you understand the basic facts on the Trilateral Commission and the fact that Bush was a member of it, the CFR, the Skull and Bones Society, and was a former CIA director, it’s easy to see what happened. The CFR controllers like Rockefeller own the media which started the story that got Reagan moved to bring in their puppet - George Bush.

Not only did Reagan bring in Bush but he “never again uttered a word against the Commission or the CFR… Reagan’s fifty-nine-member transition team was composed of twenty-eight CFR members, ten members of the elite Bilderberg group, and at least ten Trilaterals.

“He even appointed prominent CFR members to three of the nation’s most sensitive offices: Secretary of State Alexander Haig (a Trilateral founding member), Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger, and Secretary of the Treasury Donald Regan. Additionally, he named Bush’s campaign manager, James A. Baker III, who then served as chairman of the Reagan-Bush campaign committee, as his chief of staff. Baker is a fourth-generation member of a family long connected to Rockefeller oil interests.” - Rule by Secrecy, pp. 29-30

Only two months after being elected, Reagan was almost killed. Bush would have stepped into office in 1981 instead of 1988.

Who do you think controlled the decisions of the 1980’s U.S. Government… Ronald Reagan or Trilateral Commission and CFR bankers and industrialists like Rockefeller?

The facts on the Trilateral Commission and its big brother, the Council on Foreign Relations, lead us to see that the elite has and is still in charge of moving us toward a totalitarian New World Order.

More facts on the Trilateral Commission:

“The word “Trilateral” means “three-sided” - the three sides in this case being North America, Europe,and Japan. North America, Europe and Japan have several things in common. Most important is their wealth, which is derived primarily from industrial production. Even agriculture is industrialized in the sense that farmers in the Trilateral countries use large amounts of machinery.

“The industrially-generated wealth of the Trilateral countries is a product of their technological advance over the rest of the world. Kenichi Ohmae, in his book Triad Power notes that as of 1981, the Trilateral countries produce about 90% of the airplanes manufactured world-wide; about 80% of the computers; over 70% of the cars and similar proportions of other high-technology products.

“Perhaps more telling, Ohmae notes that ‘...the vast majority of new patents registered and exchanged among Free World countries are concentrated within five nations: Japan, the United States, West Germany, France and the United Kingdom. During 1982, these five nations represented 85 percent of the 10,000 patents registered in the world. (p. 126)’ - The Trilateral Commission and the New World Order

We’re all about exposing the frauds that an investigation of the facts on the Trilateral Commission bring up, like the fact that the same founders who formed the CFR (which formed the Commission), formed the Federal Reserve.

A big key to stopping the banksters intent on totalitarian New World Order is exposing the fraud of Federal Reserve banking history and its resultant money creation scheme; which allows the banking elite to steal from the American public, thus duping the “prisoners” to fund their own “prisons”, such as the already built New World Order prisons.

You need to understand that the elite funds its plans through illegal taxation and fraudulent debt creation. By blindly buying into Federal taxes and a mountain of debt, Americans are unwittingly funding the elite and their totalitarian plans. It doesn’t have to be this way. If the people are educated on the fraud, the fraud falls apart.

This is one of the most disturbing facts on the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and the rest of it: the American people are upset about what’s happening, but allowing themselves to be bilked for the funding!

Exploring the facts on the Trilateral Commission reveals the plot for a New World Order whether you want to admit to this truth or not.

We suggest you allow Aaron Russo to educate you on the fraudulent tax issue and take advantage of our debt elimination program.

We’ve discovered the debt solution by becoming experts on legally eliminating your debt. This process will free you financially while reducing the amount of money available to the banking cabal. We must cut the cabal’s funding and for every dollar of debt you legally eliminate through us, you’re cutting $33 out of their pockets because of their fractional reserve banking scam.

You have learned more about the facts on the Trilateral Commission. Now it’s time to join us and take the positive step toward removing the funding the elite cabal is using to enslave us. Talking isn’t enough anymore. Keeping your money out of the banksters’ coffers is real, positive action.

Join our Debt Relief Education Program today.

Posted 11/3 at 06:27 AM Email (Permalink)

This piece is in Category: Business


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