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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:35 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
"Norwegian Labor Party Youth Movement (AUF) Demands that Ariel Sharon and Other Israeli Leaders be put on Trial." ... q=1"Norway: Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is anti-racist, pro-homosexual and pro-Israel ""A lone political extremist bombed the government center here on Friday, killing 7 people, the police said, before heading to an island summer camp for young members of the governing Labor Party and killing at least 80 people." ... emc=tha2So, according to "", a Norwegian Labor Party youth movement demands that Ariel Sharon and other Israeli leaders be put on trial, and then we learn from the NY Times that the Norwegian gunman who is pro-Israeli, targeted an "island summer camp for young members of the governing Labor Party." So, to recap what I just said, youth members of the Norwegian labor party slam Israel, and the Norwegian killer targets a summer camp for "young members of the Labor Party."Does anyone see a link or connection there? LOL They slammed Israel, and 80 or so people there get murdered by a pro-Israeli.I can't help but suspect a connection between what happened there and this information. It looks like someone is sending those Labor Party Norwegians a serious message. There will be more information to come. We aim to please. LOL

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:38 pm
by kenmurray
Pasquale, you do well in the pleasing dept.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:24 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
kenmurray wrote:Pasquale, you do well in the pleasing dept. I guess I do, don't I. LOL I digress sometimes, but I'll say this. I'm having trouble accepting the idea that that one man did all that killing, the Norwegian massacre. I'm still looking into it, but that is a LOT of killing for one man to do. It's almost like he had help.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:45 am
by R Croxford
You know there is some unaccounted for fertilizer left out there. He said their was 2 more groups also. So I can believe it. Took cops what 1.5 hours to get to the island..

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:49 am
by R Croxford
Well I have to add. There is no secret that that dude thought he was a Knights Templar. So him defending Israel isn't hard to prove.Him thinking hes an actual Templar is a little biased. So yeah he did it for Israel. Whether they told him to or not? So.....

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:34 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
R Croxford wrote:Well I have to add. There is no secret that that dude thought he was a Knights Templar. So him defending Israel isn't hard to prove.Him thinking hes an actual Templar is a little biased. So yeah he did it for Israel. Whether they told him to or not? So.....Exactly. Whether they told him to or not is another story. I'm still having trouble understanding how he did all that damage by himself, but I have to look at it more.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:37 am
by R Croxford
Man I honestly do not know where to start. There is a ton of evidence that WE knew the attacks were coming. Now lets just assume that if the Mossad is ass bad ass as we make them out to be. They knew also. So the people vacating the WTC might have been tipped off by someone that was actually listening. We aren't the only people with spooks. There is evidence pointing to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel. it is sorta like Glenn Beck in the way that you can take actual issues and lead them one way. Do you believe people died in the holocaust? Seriously answer that one for me. I know almost all there is to know about history of these evil bastards. I been posting on them for awhile. We were going to Afghanistan whether 9/11 happened or not. Iraq didn't need 9/11 they had UN resolution which they actually used to invade. 9/11 was George Bush and his crew. It was an attack on the NWO as a message that they are in control now. We have the STRONGEST evidence pointing right at our OWN government doing this. Now in order to believe that WE did this, you have to not believe Israel had anything to do with it. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK DID IT? Israel? Alone? US? Saudi? Egypt? Cant pick em all, so pick one. I like throwing all of it in there just to hash it out. But here ya go. I think that Americans did 9/11. So that sorta rules out the rest. Now if you think that Israel and US did it....We still did it. It is not a zionist thing. Its a power thing. When you throw all the things I discuss in the time I been around then pervert it to make believe land. I get a little testy. The number of people who died in the holocaust might be skewed a little bit. Might be it was hard to count ash's. But it HAPPENED. To hear that people actually enjoyed the camps???Really? We spy on every country on the planet. So I think it is only natural that Israel is spying on us along with anyone else that has a spy agency. So that's a gimme.Vigilant guardian? Was that Israeli's? Able danger being covered up? Was that Israel?Bush bro being in control of secure-a-com? Is that Israel?NORAD screwin thing up? Is that Israel?Fine line between suggestive thinking and hate.Just my opinion, just like yours.Peace.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:17 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
R Croxford wrote:Man I honestly do not know where to start. There is a ton of evidence that WE knew the attacks were coming. Now lets just assume that if the Mossad is ass bad ass as we make them out to be. They knew also. So the people vacating the WTC might have been tipped off by someone that was actually listening. We aren't the only people with spooks. There is evidence pointing to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel. it is sorta like Glenn Beck in the way that you can take actual issues and lead them one way. Do you believe people died in the holocaust? Seriously answer that one for me. I know almost all there is to know about history of these evil bastards. I been posting on them for awhile. We were going to Afghanistan whether 9/11 happened or not. Iraq didn't need 9/11 they had UN resolution which they actually used to invade. 9/11 was George Bush and his crew. It was an attack on the NWO as a message that they are in control now. We have the STRONGEST evidence pointing right at our OWN government doing this. Now in order to believe that WE did this, you have to not believe Israel had anything to do with it. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK DID IT? Israel? Alone? US? Saudi? Egypt? Cant pick em all, so pick one. I like throwing all of it in there just to hash it out. But here ya go. I think that Americans did 9/11. So that sorta rules out the rest. Now if you think that Israel and US did it....We still did it. It is not a zionist thing. Its a power thing. When you throw all the things I discuss in the time I been around then pervert it to make believe land. I get a little testy. The number of people who died in the holocaust might be skewed a little bit. Might be it was hard to count ash's. But it HAPPENED. To hear that people actually enjoyed the camps???Really? We spy on every country on the planet. So I think it is only natural that Israel is spying on us along with anyone else that has a spy agency. So that's a gimme.Vigilant guardian? Was that Israeli's? Able danger being covered up? Was that Israel?Bush bro being in control of secure-a-com? Is that Israel?NORAD screwin thing up? Is that Israel?Fine line between suggestive thinking and hate.Just my opinion, just like yours.Peace.Your opinion is welcome. That's what this forum is all about.Now, to answer your questions:I'm not throwing anything into "make believe land." No need to worry. You just claiming it doesn't make it so. Also, when did I ever say that Jewish people ENJOYED being in concentration camps? Where did ever say that? With all due respect, please don't put words into my mouth. Also who said anything about counting ashes? Also, based on the information I have presented in this thread or topic, 9/11 appears to ALSO have been a Zionist/Israeli thing. Do I think people died in “holocaust?” I put holocaust in quotes because the very words assumes that there was some master plan by the Germans in WWII to exterminate Jewish people as a race. There is no evidence to this at all. There is evidence that innocent Jews were murdered but not nearly to the extent that the media makes it out to be. For example, Auschwitz actually changed the number of dead at their memorial in the early 1990s ( I'm off on the year) from 4 million to 1.5 million. This is because the Russians, who physically liberated the camp, held onto the records. We also know that those Jewish people who claimed that Nazis were making lamp shades out of Jewish skin and soap out of Jewish bodies were not telling the truth. Even Jewish historians agree on this, and we know it because of genetic testing. The lamp shade and soap thing was propaganda. Do I think innocent Jewish people were killed and persecuted by the Nazis? Absolutely. The Germans, Hitler, wanted them out of Germany and out of Europe. There is also evidence that a certain number of them actually were gassed, but, as David Irving pointed out, it appears to have been a looting operation, which is a war crime, as opposed to some master plan to exterminate the Jewish people as a race. Many people are not aware of the fact that Aushwitz had a swimming pool for the people imprisoned there, they had their own mail service, they even had their own soccer teams there. They even had a brothel there for the prisoners. Seriously. This is not make believe. I'm not saying that the concentration camps were nice. I just think that it's been blown out of proportion by Jews for Jews. For example, those pictures they always show of emaciated, malnourished Jewish people in the camps were taken AFTER allied bombers had cut off supply routes, like railroad bridges, air strips, etc. for WEEKS. You starve people for weeks, and of COURSE they're going to look like skeletons, but our wonderful media never mentions that, do they? It's my understanding that when the American Red Cross said that many of the concentration camp dead died of diseases like typhus, they were called anti-Semites. Seriously. So, to answer your question, I think innocent Jews died in WWII, just like innocent Germans (women and children) and innocent Japanese, and innocent Americans died as well. Regarding 9/11, please don’t mistake my implicating Israel as some way of taking the blame off of Bush and certain people in our government. I blame our defense industry just as much because they have directly profited as well over the last ten years. I also blame their bankers. Actually, the bankers should be at the top of the list, as they seem to be the ones who manipulate currency and the value of our homes, right? LOLFocusing on Israel doesn’t exclude focusing on Bush and them regarding 9/11. There was obvious complicity involved in our government. The miserable lack of reaction of our air defenses as evidenced by what happened at the Pentagon is one example of complicity in the 9/11 event, for starters. To say that there is no evidence at all of Israeli involvement in 9/11 would be to pretend that this very topic doesn’t have thirty pages to it. Some of those pages consist of people accusing me of being an anti-Semite, but the other pages have legit information on them. I’d like to point out that those other people who were calling me an anti-Semite never challenged me on the facts or information. Read it for yourself. They just called me names because they have been socialized by our wonderful media and popular culture to regard Jewish people as somehow off limits or out of bounds. For example, my mom and dad came from Italy as adults. I was born in United States, but I speak Italian fluently. I have had to put up with generalizations and stereotypes about Italian all my life…you know, greasy, pasta-eating, mafia types with hot tempers and such. I don’t complain about it. The Italian mafia, for example, and guys like John Gotti and Al Capone, and Same Giancana and Tony Acardo certainly DID exist. Somehow, some way, when I start pointing out that there is a real Israeli-based organized crime network in this country that has probably been around for a LONG, LONG time, you know, like the Rothschilds, some people suddenly get their underwear in a twist. (Not talking about you.) I agree that we were probably going to go to Afghanistan whether 9/11 happened or not. Of course, the American people wouldn’t have put up with it for very long. They needed to creat a boogieman, you see. Bin Laden, who DENIED doing 9/11 and whose FBI page didn’t even list 9/11 as one of his crimes because the FBI did not have enough evidence. I understand what you are saying about our own government having been involved in 9/11, but I will not implicate our entire government. There are a few (okay, a LOT of) bad apples at the top who are running things. They are using our money, TAXPAYER MONEY, to line the pockets of the defense industry and their bankers. Regarding Israeli involvement, those dancing Israelis, on 9/11, is not the only piece of evidence that points to Zionists and Israel. There are thirty pages to this topic and a LOT of information that even links the Wikileaks guy to Israel. Did you read it? What do you think about it? What do you think about the American Al Qaeda guy from California, Adam Ghadahn (sp?)? His name is Adam Pearlman. The other American militant convert to Islam is Joseph Cohen. Coincidence? Perhaps. The lease holder of the WTC is Larry Silverstein? He’s not Irish. LOL The Israeli shipping company, ZIM, moved out of the WTC so fast right before 9/11 that it cost them about $50,000 in broken lease fees. Imagine that? The instant messenger service, Odigo, was the company that had a couple of employees in it that were warned about 9/11. Odigo was an Israeli company. If they were just kind of aware of 9/11, and not involved, why the hell didn’t they do something about it? They’re our allies? Nope They were a part of it. Those Israelis who were stopped by the police in that moving van, belonging to Urban Moving Systems, had box cutters in the van, maps of the city, and $4000 stuffed in a sock. The police stopped the van because an anonymous caller called into the police dispatch and said he saw Arabs or Palestinians in a white van and that they were headed to a certain bridge. The police reacted by closing ALL the bridges, and they stopped the van that had the Israelis in it. Police dogs also reacted as if they had had explosives in the van recently. When those men were arrested, the owner of the company fled to Israel. Allies? I don’t think so. You see, in my opinion, they WANT us against our government. They want to create chaos and have us fighting all of their enemies. JFK, for example, went toe-to-toe with Israel about their nuclear weapons program because he didn’t agree with it. Anyway, I’m rambling, but you can look at the information on this topic. It’s a lot to absorb.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:24 am
by R Croxford

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:29 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
R Croxford wrote:Understood.No hard feelings. I wrote a lot, I know.I also edited and added some stuff to my last posting.