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Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:57 pm
by Pennyworth
Jsnow915 can't expect a forum without some feathers ruffled...I think me and Paul have it worked out...(John and cool...right Bob) sounds like the way they attacked Pasquale they don't seem to be so forgiving at mythbusters forum.( i haven't gone there yet to check it out...otherwise I'd back 100% Pasquale) Thank you for acknowledging this matter, jsnow .." can't expect a forum without some feathers ruffled...I think me and Paul have it worked out..." PP:(ITS NICE TO BE RIGHT)In case anyone is interested Jsnow sent me a private apology for his most recent outburst..I can accept an apology for his personal attacks on me, but I don't like what he said about the Kennedys..We couldn't have asked for a better president than JFK,and haven't had one since who was trying to stop the evil Federal Reserve, break the CIA in a million pieces, establish peace, expose secret societies, and help the common man...ditto with RFK who thought he was no JFK but actually he was even better in some aspects...I am not mentally alert today as I am on my allergy meds so bear with me I will becalling it a short day today

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:29 pm
by turtleman
I guess I am done over on Mythbusters. I can't log in and they say my password has been reset. But I cannot access my password and am not smart enough to create another account keeping the same e-mail address. Guess that is one way to shut me up.

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:42 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
turtleman wrote:I guess I am done over on Mythbusters. I can't log in and they say my password has been reset. But I cannot access my password and am not smart enough to create another account keeping the same e-mail address. Guess that is one way to shut me up.I logged on today just fine, but I'll check.Besides, screw them. I was just recently told to ride a short bus to Dallas (seriously), and in another post a member was questioning my ethnicity. I guess he thought that a name like DiFabrizio was French. What an ignoramous.I then posted a reply asking what my ethnicity had to do with JFK.Anyway, who cares about them. They're willing blind and ignorant.This is how willingly blind they are. A few days ago, someone posted a reply to me saying that the House Select Committee on Assassinations didn't exist at all. You would think that at least ONE of those other forum members would have corrected them. They didn't. Then when I posted a Wikipedia link showing that it actually existed, they criticized the link as poor. Then they started acusing me of using Wikipedia for all my research, to which I replied that I only used it to show that other person that the HSCA actually DID exist. WTF???That just goes to show that they are willingly biased over there. There's no question about that at all.

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:14 am
by saracarter766
pasquale have you tried creating another e-mail account? you could probably get back in if it is possible.

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:42 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
saracarter766 wrote:pasquale have you tried creating another e-mail account? you could probably get back in if it is possible.You mean Turtleman. He's the one who has had trouble getting on there. He really went for the gusto when he tried to reply by naming names like Bush et al. They totally censored his post and posted an edited version. Now he can't even log in. I purposely did NOT name names like that because I didn't want to jam it down their throats. I wanted to ease the truth in slowly and not just blurt out stuff about the Bush family.Did you read my new topic on the bullet shell casings? Read the topic I posted. It's one of the arguments that those people on the Mythbusters forum presented to me about the shell casings that were found on the knoll.

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:16 am
by saracarter766
your far more smarter then those morons on the mythbusters forum.

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:09 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
saracarter766 wrote:your far more smarter then those morons on the mythbusters forum. You're too kind! I'm just long-winded, and I read too many books giving the impression that I am. I'm really a slobbering dolt. LOL Just kidding. When I can get to Bob's, Pennyworth's, Tom's, and Wim's level of understanding, I might begin to feel well-read on the subject.

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:09 pm
by Bob
Pasquale, you are an excellent investigator in more ways than one my friend!

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:23 pm
by saracarter766
bob is right pasquale and i agree with him.

Re: My Debate On JFK On The Mythbusters Forum - OMFG!!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:07 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
saracarter766 wrote:bob is right pasquale and i agree with him. You are too kind. Thank you. For the record, it takes one to know one, you know? That means that you can appreciate clear-headed thinking because you're the same say too.