History lesson about money

JFK Assassination
Moo Cow
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Post by Moo Cow »

Moo Cow wrote:Trade SanctionsRev.13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. CREDIT CARDS!!!!!
The name of the Beast 's surname is Bank of America; his m.o. that he rides on is the red pegusus of mobil oil, ( I haven't discovered yet how the six hundred threescore and six its into this gigantic jigsaw.... )
Moo Cow
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Post by Moo Cow »

Moo Cow wrote:Moo Cow wrote:Trade SanctionsRev.13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. CREDIT CARDS!!!!!The name of the Beast is Bank of America; his m.o. that he rides on is the red pegusus of mobil oil, ( I haven't discovered yet how the six hundred threescore and six fits into this gigantic jigsaw.... )
Moo Cow
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Re: Apology

Post by Moo Cow »

Dan wrote:Hi Moo Cow,I apologize for being abrupt - I did not mean it to be discourteous! Someone had been using that quote as a signature line in the old forum - it cannot be verified and appears to have never occurred.You do bring up some intersting things that I wasn't aware of - namely Benny Binion and his connection to Texas. I always thought he was a creature of Las Vegas and I wasn't aware of his ties to the DFW metroplex. I will read what I can about him in the next few weeks (I have several 4 hour flights to Seattle coming up- plenty of time to read).The Rockefellers have always been the money masters - and money is power! The Bushes have some, the Kennedys have some, and the Clintons have stolen what they could get so far. But they are all puppets of the money masters.
Hi Dan,

I accept your apology!!!Lets be the better of internet friends these are great discoveries we are unmasking, we both have a common interest here so please lets work TOGETHER!! United we stand !!! Please pardon my typing and other errors . I am on a public shared computer and typing hastily and secondly my typing skills are atrocious..sorry i got the date wrong on files but he was incarcerated in2003 and did make a confession at or before that time I took it from memory being hasty here ..2003 was the year the horseshoe closed in joliet ill...and old files did make the confession and was arrested in this time period ..... later!!!!
Moo Cow
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Post by Moo Cow »

Moo Cow wrote:Moo Cow wrote:Moo Cow wrote:Trade SanctionsRev.13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. CREDIT CARDS!!!!!The surname of the Beast is Bank of America; his m.o. that he rides on is the red pegusus of mobil oil, ( I haven't discovered yet how the six hundred threescore and six fits into this gigantic jigsaw.... )

Moo Cow
Posts: 172
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Post by Moo Cow »

Dan wrote:
Hi Moo Cow,

You do bring up some intersting things that I wasn't aware of - namely Benny Binion and his connection to Texas. I always thought he was a creature of Las Vegas and I wasn't aware of his ties to the DFW metroplex. I will read what I can about him in the next few weeks (I have several 4 hour flights to Seattle coming up- plenty of time to read).

I though that too at first when I first met them...I worked in Vegas at the Nugget... I started picking up rumors... that flew... about Benny putting bombs in peoples mailboxes...Someone told me once that they are nice people and they lend money outBUT DONT EVER CROSS THEM... some people used to call them the Clampett family...Benny shooting someone in his restaurant and about an FBI Horseshoe landlord who got blown up in a car after getting in a fight with Benny...Benny's son Ted shooting a Rance Blevins outside the casino and the security gaurd taking the rap...for manslaughter...these peole were NEVERtried OR questioned for some real murder links...
Moo Cow
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Post by Moo Cow »

I used to live in Vegas and worked as a dealer at the Golden Nugget...I was walking across the street one day, looked at the 'Shoe and thoughts and an image flashed through my mind..Benny Binon Dallas Kennedy Assassination..a definite deja vu experience...I had my thoughts about it then..this was over 20 years ago...but I thought 'It couldn't be.'" This would have been investigated...Someone told Moo that they were mafia..I thought it was a rumor..they are a small casino in Vegas...who would they know? Time does tell..
Moo Cow
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Post by Moo Cow »

Another thought flew through my head and bounced off the wall back then ..a dead FBI man... blown up in Horseshoe parking lot (its still an unsolved mystery today, I will find the article and paste if I can retreive it) and NOBODY is questioned ...must be a federal link with the Binions somewhere...
Moo Cow
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Post by Moo Cow »

Check this out...Jack Ruby lived in Dallas and shot Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas..his occupation? Nightclub owner.

He visited vegas right before the murder...called rd Matthews wife days before the murder

Benny Binion crime kingpin from Dallas,TX. Occupation? Nightclub(casino) owner.

RD Matthews acknowledges knowing Ruby as 'a passing acquaintance' in
Dallas when deposed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
He admitted working for Benny Binion.

Both Binion and Ruby denied knowing each other I read it somewhere cant remember where. I think it was in an interview.

Binion denied knowing Giancana also, even though a millionaire named Ryan? was murdered and Giancana was involved. Ryan didn't pay 250.000 dollars in gambling debts back to Binion. Ryan's daughter told of a threatening phone call she overheard about 'Paying up or else 'from Binion. The next time she saw her father he was dead...I am looking for the article its under giancana and mafia am having trouble finding it...
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William Coulthard

Post by Dan »

I found some articles from 2000 that claim the FBI was gathering additional evidence in the William Coulthard homicide, and the case was picking up again after being cold for 27 years.

For some reason that investigation has faded away - probably because Ted Binion is at room temperature.

By the way, it wasn't me who made a statement about the Files case - I only commented on the Columbia quote.

Spelling and grammar! Nobody is worse than me - not even ole 43 himself.

Moo Cow
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Moo Cow »

Moo Cow wrote:Another thought flew through my head and bounced off the wall back then ..a dead FBI man... blown up in Horseshoe parking lot (its still an unsolved mystery today, I will find the article and paste if I can retrieve it) and NOBODY is questioned ...must have a federal link somewhere...

correction on the spelling of retrieve here from the past post...the edit isn't appearing and when it does, it doesn't work...so pardon...