How to convince a non-believer

JFK Assassination
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by Bob »

Thom...I picture you standing behind a curtain...pulling levers and talking. You are...the GREAT Oz! You also are a persistent investigator! Good work!
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by kenmurray »

ThomZajac wrote:Katisha, here's a good link ( I just can't give up on getting he curl out of the pig's tail)- ... _pageGreat video Thom. The lone nut crowd has no problem with this either
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by ThomZajac »

The MIGHTY OZ SAYS-Massive exit wound in the back of JFK's head- irrefutable, is it not?Thanks for the kind words- there's a lot of good work being done here. Bob, thanks for the youtube links! Mark Lane's witness series on where the shots came from is EXTRAORDINARY! I've seen them before, but they blow me away every time. A must see, Katisha!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ThomZajac wrote:Katisha, here's a good link ( I just can't give up on getting he curl out of the pig's tail)- ... eThom,That is a GREAT link. I didn't know that the Bethesda doctors said the same thing about the back of JFK's head. Very good link!
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by katisha »

Thanks Bob; that was a great video about the back wound. Thanks too, Thom, for that HSCA footage. These bastards really do think we're stupid, don't they?Thanks to everyone for your answers; this thread has helped me a lot in sorting out some of the 'primary' evidence - and I've realised it ain't that simple to separate the primary from the secondary etc.A bit of speculation now (I can't help meself, even though I said I wanted evidence and only evidence ) re these comments:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:ThomZajac wrote:I'm pretty certain that the shot that hit JFK in the back did not exit. I'll have to look it up again, but somewhere there is record of the receipt of that bullet (having fallen out, never to be seen again). Also, I believe at the autopsy someone may have probed that wound and felt the bullet lodged inside.I bet Florida Bob knows all about this-Actually, I think that they couldn't find a bullet in there, which caused one of the FBI agents (I can't remember if it was Sibert or O'Neil) to actually call FBI forensics to discuss it with them. Didn't Zack Shelton say something to that effect? I'm pretty sure that the Bethesda doctors didn't find a bullet in that back wound.What price the 'magic bullet' actually being the one from Kennedy's back wound? I know someone's said above that neither Kennedy nor Connally was ever on the stretcher the MB was supposed to have been found on, in which case I'm obviously wrong, but if the MB actually was one of the bullets fired at Kennedy's limousine, I'd believe a bullet that entered Kennedy's back and made a small wound without penetrating further into his body could fall out fairly undamaged .Thom, I've read somewhere that there's documentation for the whole chain of possession of that bullet from when it was found at Parkdale. Of course I can't remember where I saw that - just can't keep track of all the info (not to mention the dis-info!) floating around out there.
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by katisha »

Damn it, I think too much. Been pondering on what I think the bullet wounds really were:Kennedy's back wound - from behind (see my last post - either that or it fell out somewhere else and no-one noticed).Connally's armpit/ribs/nipple wound - from behind. Those two I'm quite sure of; and sure that they WERE two, not one.Connally's wrist and thigh wounds? Dunno.Kennedy's fatal head wound - from front right.The one that's exercising me tiny mind at the moment is Kennedy's throat wound. It came from the front, for my money (all $2.63 of it ).Where did it go?Any thoughts, theories, ideas?btw, Brian, I love "craniorectal fusion syndrome". Sounds exactly like the kind of bureaucratic BS I listen to in meetings every day