Bill Brown

JFK Assassination
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by kenmurray »

More on Ford's part in the cover up:
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Bob »

Wasn't ironic that the Manson family member (Squeaky Fromme) that was released first was the one who tried to assassinate Gerald Ford, after what he did to conceal the truth in the JFK assassination?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

bob franklin wrote:Just gonna throw this out here. Certain members of "that other forum" may be trying to foster ill will between members over here. I was picking around over there with the intention of figuring out what their deal is, when I read a remark I found unlikely. Take anything you read there with a grain of salt would be my advice. Oh, one more thing... Beckham has gone ahead & adopted (stolen) Wims signature. What's the remark you found unlikely? You can PM me with it if you don't want to post it. I'm dying to know. LOL
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Bob »

John was trying to stir some shit between Chris and myself. Total bullshit. No problem though.
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by dankbaar »

Bob wrote:Thanks for the heads up Bob. When it comes to the lone nut club, there are many holes in their theory. But none is bigger than the "magic bullet" theory. They will point to the bullshit Discovery specials about the JFK assassination to say the single bullet theory was possible, but the environment was COMPLETELY different in the specials, but the bottom line is that the whole theory goes out the window completely, unless Gerald Ford raises JFK's back wound several inches. This is from the contents section of this site under special release...Let me ask you point blank: Is it your statement that the single bullet theory is possible? GM: Of course it is possible. Is it likely? No, but there's no hard evidence that it is impossible. There you go again. Of course it is IMPOSSIBLE, and again, you know this. Therefore you are a mouthpiece for the people that do not want the truth known to the public. After all, that is the THEORY that the lone assassin viewpoint rests on. Without a single bullet theory there is no lone assassin. GM: The single bullet theory was tested and found to be possible. In the absence of any other hard evidence, therefore, it must have happened. Again, you know full well what a load of crap this statement is. Other than its impossible trajectory there are numurous other proven reasons that the single bullet theory is impossible. You focus on the trajectory in hope that the other reasons go unnoticed. But you ARE cognizant of them, and you DO know that they exist. Here are just a few, not for you, but for those who may get to read this exchange: Hoover explains to his friend and neighbour Lyndon Johnson, ON TAPE, that both Kennedy and Connally were wounded by a total of three bullets that all hit their target. This is right after the assassination. However, after more than 6 months the Warren Commission can no longer ignore the testimony of James Tague and is forced to put him on the stand. James Tague was standing under the triple underpass and was slightly injured on the cheek by a flying piece of concrete from a bullet that missed and hit a sidewalk curb. The trajectory for such a shot through the presidential limousine, lines up better for a shot from a low floor in the Daltex building, than a high floor in the book depository, but this is ignored by the warren Commision. Now the Commission is faced with the dilemma to explain all the wounds of the two men with only two bullets. It is only then that the infamous single bullet theory is born, with Mr. Arlen Specter giving birth to it. The far more logical route in any proper investigation would have been to account for more bullets, and thus more gunmen, and thus a conspiracy. But since the predetermined conclusion of the Commission was to convict Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assassin, the Commission desperately clings to Specter's single bullet theory. This THEORY asserts that one bullet emerged in almost undamaged condition, traversing through Kennedy's neck, without hitting any bone, then piercing Connally's torso, then shattering his wristbone and ending up in his thigh, thus causing a total of SEVEN wounds. The single bullet theory is not only an insult to any physician, but to the intelligence of any person that has studied it. The impossible trajectory of the bullet is often cited: ... rawing.jpg but there are far better reasons to dismiss it to Wonderland. First the bullet fragments removed from Connally's wrist weighed more than the weight missing from the magic bullet. Secondly, wen we use the Commission's own locations for Kennedy's back and neckwound, the trajectory of the bullet shows that it would have hit the bone of the vertebrae. Thirdly, the autopsy doctors in Bethesda probed the backwound and determined that it the trajectory was at a 45 degrees downward angle and that it was a SHALLOW wound that did not go anywhere. Hence the bullet DID NOT traverse through Kennedy. There WAS NO exit wound, the back wound and the throatwound were NOT connected. These are more irrefutable reasons that the magic bullet did NOT exit at Kennedy's throat. They would be accepted as proof in any court of law. A Jury or Judge would quickly rule that the single bullet theory, on which the Warren Commission's conclusion rests, is nonsense. The report of FBI Agents Sibert and O'neal reads in part: "Dr. Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column. This opening was probed by Dr. Humes with the finger at which time it was determined that the trajectory of the missile had entered at a downward position for 45 to 60 degrees. Further probing determined that the distance traveled by this missile was a short distance inasmuch as the end of the opening could be felt with the finger, inasmuch as a complete bullet of any size could be located in the brain area and likewise no bullet could be located in the back or any other areas. An inspection revealed there was no point of exit." (Thus it is no surprise that Specter lied to the Commission that agent Sibert had not made a report, and that neither of these two federal officers were called to testify.)Fourthly, we are asked to believe that the bullet inflicting all this damage, causing seven wounds, comes out in a near pristine condition, while the other bullet from Oswald's antique rifle explodes in Kennedy' s head in dustlike fragments. In addtion, the original FBI report dated november 23 , 1963, shows that one live round and only two, NOT three spent cartridges were found in the sniper's nest of the Schoolbook depository. Thus Oswald, if he fired any shots at all, could not have fired more than two shots. Only one of these reasons is sufficient to reject the single bullet theory. I have named four and there are still more. ... 0round.jpg (zoom in on Q6 ,Q7, Q8) As an ardent researcher of the JFK assassination and as the curator of the sixth floor museum, you, Gary Mack, are aware of all of the above reasons that prove the single bullet theory impossible and a willful lie.
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

dankbaar wrote:Bob wrote:Thanks for the heads up Bob. When it comes to the lone nut club, there are many holes in their theory. But none is bigger than the "magic bullet" theory. They will point to the bullshit Discovery specials about the JFK assassination to say the single bullet theory was possible, but the environment was COMPLETELY different in the specials, but the bottom line is that the whole theory goes out the window completely, unless Gerald Ford raises JFK's back wound several inches. This is from the contents section of this site under special release...Let me ask you point blank: Is it your statement that the single bullet theory is possible? GM: Of course it is possible. Is it likely? No, but there's no hard evidence that it is impossible. There you go again. Of course it is IMPOSSIBLE, and again, you know this. Therefore you are a mouthpiece for the people that do not want the truth known to the public. After all, that is the THEORY that the lone assassin viewpoint rests on. Without a single bullet theory there is no lone assassin. GM: The single bullet theory was tested and found to be possible. In the absence of any other hard evidence, therefore, it must have happened. Again, you know full well what a load of crap this statement is. Other than its impossible trajectory there are numurous other proven reasons that the single bullet theory is impossible. You focus on the trajectory in hope that the other reasons go unnoticed. But you ARE cognizant of them, and you DO know that they exist. Here are just a few, not for you, but for those who may get to read this exchange: Hoover explains to his friend and neighbour Lyndon Johnson, ON TAPE, that both Kennedy and Connally were wounded by a total of three bullets that all hit their target. This is right after the assassination. However, after more than 6 months the Warren Commission can no longer ignore the testimony of James Tague and is forced to put him on the stand. James Tague was standing under the triple underpass and was slightly injured on the cheek by a flying piece of concrete from a bullet that missed and hit a sidewalk curb. The trajectory for such a shot through the presidential limousine, lines up better for a shot from a low floor in the Daltex building, than a high floor in the book depository, but this is ignored by the warren Commision. Now the Commission is faced with the dilemma to explain all the wounds of the two men with only two bullets. It is only then that the infamous single bullet theory is born, with Mr. Arlen Specter giving birth to it. The far more logical route in any proper investigation would have been to account for more bullets, and thus more gunmen, and thus a conspiracy. But since the predetermined conclusion of the Commission was to convict Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assassin, the Commission desperately clings to Specter's single bullet theory. This THEORY asserts that one bullet emerged in almost undamaged condition, traversing through Kennedy's neck, without hitting any bone, then piercing Connally's torso, then shattering his wristbone and ending up in his thigh, thus causing a total of SEVEN wounds. The single bullet theory is not only an insult to any physician, but to the intelligence of any person that has studied it. The impossible trajectory of the bullet is often cited: ... rawing.jpg but there are far better reasons to dismiss it to Wonderland. First the bullet fragments removed from Connally's wrist weighed more than the weight missing from the magic bullet. Secondly, wen we use the Commission's own locations for Kennedy's back and neckwound, the trajectory of the bullet shows that it would have hit the bone of the vertebrae. Thirdly, the autopsy doctors in Bethesda probed the backwound and determined that it the trajectory was at a 45 degrees downward angle and that it was a SHALLOW wound that did not go anywhere. Hence the bullet DID NOT traverse through Kennedy. There WAS NO exit wound, the back wound and the throatwound were NOT connected. These are more irrefutable reasons that the magic bullet did NOT exit at Kennedy's throat. They would be accepted as proof in any court of law. A Jury or Judge would quickly rule that the single bullet theory, on which the Warren Commission's conclusion rests, is nonsense. The report of FBI Agents Sibert and O'neal reads in part: "Dr. Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column. This opening was probed by Dr. Humes with the finger at which time it was determined that the trajectory of the missile had entered at a downward position for 45 to 60 degrees. Further probing determined that the distance traveled by this missile was a short distance inasmuch as the end of the opening could be felt with the finger, inasmuch as a complete bullet of any size could be located in the brain area and likewise no bullet could be located in the back or any other areas. An inspection revealed there was no point of exit." (Thus it is no surprise that Specter lied to the Commission that agent Sibert had not made a report, and that neither of these two federal officers were called to testify.)Fourthly, we are asked to believe that the bullet inflicting all this damage, causing seven wounds, comes out in a near pristine condition, while the other bullet from Oswald's antique rifle explodes in Kennedy' s head in dustlike fragments. In addtion, the original FBI report dated november 23 , 1963, shows that one live round and only two, NOT three spent cartridges were found in the sniper's nest of the Schoolbook depository. Thus Oswald, if he fired any shots at all, could not have fired more than two shots. Only one of these reasons is sufficient to reject the single bullet theory. I have named four and there are still more. ... 0round.jpg (zoom in on Q6 ,Q7, Q8) As an ardent researcher of the JFK assassination and as the curator of the sixth floor museum, you, Gary Mack, are aware of all of the above reasons that prove the single bullet theory impossible and a willful lie.Congrats Wim.You're right on the money.Martin
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Bob »

Indeed Wim...excellent and well documented reply to Mack's absurd vagueness. Mack knows better, but once again...FOLLOW THE MONEY, and you'll see why Mack has changed his opinion since the TMWKK days.
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:Indeed Wim...excellent and well documented reply to Mack's absurd vagueness. Mack knows better, but once again...FOLLOW THE MONEY, and you'll see why Mack has changed his opinion since the TMWKK days.Indeed Bob. Another guy that has followed the money is Geraldo. He first shown the Zapruder film on his ABC program in 1975. Look at him now. Ever since he left his morning talk show and got a spot with the "big boys" on prime time, he is a lone nut believer now. Well, maybe in Geraldo's case, I don't blame him. He has some monthly alimony payments to make.
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Bob wrote:Indeed Wim...excellent and well documented reply to Mack's absurd vagueness. Mack knows better, but once again...FOLLOW THE MONEY, and you'll see why Mack has changed his opinion since the TMWKK days.Indeed Bob. Another guy that has followed the money is Geraldo. He first shown the Zapruder film on his ABC program in 1975. Look at him now. Ever since he left his morning talk show and got a spot with the "big boys" on prime time, he is a lone nut believer now. Well, maybe in Geraldo's case, I don't blame him. He has some monthly alimony payments to make. Speaking out about another guy from Fox News, and another guy who sold his about Bill O'Reilly... Bill O"Reilly once had a soul...and a spine!
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by ChristophMessner »

dankbaar wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Everybody should have the right to speak out publicly in political matters, no matter whether he/she showes his address and telephone number or not. In my opinion the jfkmurdersolvedforum has to show, that it can stand all kind of critical posters and is open to everybody who is not violating the basic rules of decency. Bill Brown shall be able to post.I disagree (as more often) with Christoph. The likes of Bill Brown do not truly contribute to a constructive debate about the evidence. Their game is not sincere questioning, but just fabricating roadblocks. They will never deviate from their position anyway, no matter what you say or offer. If you address an issue at the frontdoor, they are already contemplating intruding at the backdoor. I see them as destructive nailthrowers alongside the road to see how and if the cars are able to evade them. Their boxes with nails are inexhaustive. They are not really addressing any perceived loopholes in the evidence. Before I know it, the debate is not about the factmatter, detoriating into hostilities, plus I must address the pleas from other members to kick these guys off. Not to mention dealing with the attacks of others claiming I am not objective, "invested" in the Files story, pursuing a hoax for money, not tolerating critiscism etcetera. We had for example "Dan" in the past. John Beckham is a current example. Analyse his posts and you'll see I am right about the above. Often these characters have NEVER watched a DVD or read the book they attack. As a rule of thumb they are fully behind the Warren Report and they are also duplicitious or sneaky. Beckham for example first registered as "conspiracybuff". I am thinking hard to show him the door too. I wonder what truly drives these people. I think that's the most interesting question. After all, if they are truly convinced that a deranged lunatic killed Kennedy alone, why bother so much? That's still the official version of the "truth". WimWim, I can understand, that your disinclination towards those who in your eyes do not discuss for the sake of finding out the truth, but for the sake of denouncing their opinion-opponents or just of the lust to destroy and distort, turns so big, that you want to ban them. At least you created this forum and you have the right to ban whoever you want. But in my opinion the many truths you speak out in your website are so strong, that they can take and shall take any kind of criticism, scepticism or even disinfo. True info can stand any disinfo, cause it easily can show inasfar the disinfo is contradictional, false, lying, ... it would only win from allowing anybody to post no matter what inside the frame of decency. Banning anybody only raises unnecessary questions, whether the jfkmurdersolvedforum wouldn't be able to take oppositional posters, especially when you demand identity while one of the main posters, "Bob", does not show full identity either. In principal the forum itself must show, inasfar a "disinfo" is really disinfo, and not only a judgement based on the administrator' pre-estimation, if this forum wants to call itself a truth-serving forum. Chris