Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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We Will Barry You

Post by Phil Dragoo »

GentlemenWhatever else Barack Hussein Obama Jr. aka Barry Soetero may be, he is not dull, nor simple.I've enjoyed your feast of thoughtful analysis.We have Bruce's initial thesis, Obama as former CIA agent.Michael Calder sees 44 as angering the Wizards.Thom and Bob counter that the Wizards are purring.Michael Dell offers evidence of Barry's forbears as thinly-disguised operatives of the Agency we love to despise.And Bruce comes full circle with the curious complexity and virulent destructiveness of the Mansourian Candidate.The Little Red Schoolhouse. And suddenly the furniture salesman up and moves to Hawaii. Where Davis the card-carrying member of CPUSA is his whiskey-and-marijuana compadre and the subject of Barry's bizarre verse.But the oddly-named Stanley wanted to learn Russian to meet BHO Sr so they could make a president.The scene in Indonesia—can we see stepdaddy as a Commie-killer in Suharto's Company killing machine. Mommy the commie really a commie-kller?When Davis was the mentor from age 9 to 18, the “glorious Red Army” and the warnings of the White Man's wooing.So, Pakistan was a CIA trip in 1981, not a visit to the taliban r & r in company with the Islamist brothers.Thanks to Brennan we'll not know the passport information.Was it Brzezinski taking the young one under his wing; Zbig who with Gates would write the 2004 CFR paper “Iran: Time for a new approach” calling for negotiation with the Islamist Republic.The man evinces sympathies; jumped to declare yes I can negotiate without preconditions during the campaign.And the September 18, 2008, crisis virtually delivered the victory.There is an unquiet truce on Wall Street, and there will be a long desolate year beginning January, the economic equivalent to All Quiet On the Western Front.Is he a Muslim. Is he a Communist (or whatever Vlad and Hu are using as a handshake). Or is he a super-secret creation of the deepest Langley op.Chelsea married a scion of the Goldman Sachs empire. Michelle just met with a Saudi rep. Gates cut the military but is donning his parachute. Following Peter Orzag and Christina Romer.Barry ain't skeered.The heads of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia have got each other's backs:The Russian government is planning a major expansion of its defense acquisitions. According to the St. Petersburg Times, the Russian Defense Ministry has announced that its budget for arms purchases could increase by about half, to $656 billion, this decade. Current Kremlin defense acquisition plans call for Russia to purchase “70 fifth-generation fighter jets, 20 Ruslan heavy-lift cargo aircraft and 1,000 helicopters” between 2011 and 2020. For the first time since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian arms exports are expected to total more than $9 billion for the year. That revenue dwarfs the $8.5 billion reaped by Russia from arms sales in 2009, according to Reuters. Among the notable deals expected this year is the provision of nearly 100 battle tanks for the regime of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. Recall that we are buying Russian helicopters for the Afghan thing. That Bill Ayers was in Caracas in 2006 toasting Chavez with “viva la revolucion bolivariana! Hasta la victoria siempre!”Ayers who ran through Chicago that night with Daley's police army on his heels. Pouting for his mugshot. Telling the crew (in front of the undercover informant) it might be necessary to eliminate 25,000,000 (a tenth of the then-current population) who would resist the revolution.Rudd's “Maoists” ran through DC January 19, 1969 for the “Nixon Counterinnaugural” banging the big knockers (Gene Wilder, white courtesy phone) on Justice.All the players specialize in two things: long lead-times; opacity and denial.Our boy is from the Active Measures bench, wearing a Romulan cloaking jersey, trained in broken-field running through a wilderness of mirrors.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by ThomZajac »

Wow.Will have to read that again-about 50 times.Political poetry.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by kenmurray »

ThomZajac wrote:Wow.Will have to read that again-about 50 times.Political poetry.Wow is correct Thom. Phil is poetry in motion.
Michael Dell
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Re: We Will Barry You

Post by Michael Dell »

Phil Dragoo wrote:Ayers who ran through Chicago that night with Daley's police army on his heels. Pouting for his mugshot. Telling the crew (in front of the undercover informant) it might be necessary to eliminate 25,000,000 (a tenth of the then-current population) who would resist the revolution.Speaking of Ayers, Jack Cashill has done a rather remarkable job proving Ayers wrote Obama's "Dreams from My Father." For those unfamiliar with the authorship debate, I would invite you to explore Cashill's work... There's also some debate as to whom authored Obama. Was Barack Sr. his true father? Or was it Frank Marshall Davis? Again, before dismissing it as Democrat v. Republican nonsense, I'd invite everyone to investigate the matter and decide for themselves.DavisObama Jr and Sr
Michael Dell
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Michael Dell »

One more quick note that I always found interesting on the Obama-Ayers connection. Here's a blurb from Obama about Ayers that ran in the December 21, 1997, edition of the Chicago Tribune... weeks prior to the newspaper blurb, Obama and Ayers appeared together on a panel about juvenile justice... ... mlMichelle Obama organized the event. But don't worry. Ayers was "just a guy from the neighborhood." Honest.
Phil Dragoo
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Where in the world is Captain Audacity?

Post by Phil Dragoo »

MichaelBill Ayers' bomb comrade Dohrn hooked up the Odd Couple at the law firm.When Ayers was in Chavez' Parrotland waving the pom poms, Hussein was in his hometown exhorting mobs for Raila Odinga, the designated Muslim standard bearer leading the crusade against "followers of the cross."Burning tires, waving machetes, attacks causing the deaths of 1,000 people.So many records sealed or sanitized.Where are the girl friends, the old girl friends.Epstein and Armstrong have addressed the legend of Lee.Who will write the Story of O.And finally, the premier clue as to which side Hussein is playing for in CIA vs USA is his continuation of the stonewall on the Joannides files. ... s_foia_or/
Michael Calder
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Michael Calder »

Bruce Patrick Brycheck,Compare:Victor Sharpe - "with luck his wings may be sufficiently clipped to save the Republic and give our children and grandchildren a nation..." WITH:Dec 1, 1961 Donald Hardenbrook, President of the National Association of Manufacturers"But tonight I want to say that deep down below the surface, another tide is forming-a tide of revulsion against unsound and false economic, government and social doctrines. We don't have to run scared anymore. We can save our children, their children, and their children's children." I'm referencing page 101 in my book. Obama is going to need his Romulan cloaking jersey and broken field running through this wilderness of mirrors to make it to his next birthday let alone save the country.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.18.2010Dear Mr. Michael Calder, and Fellow JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Michael - I see all of your points throughout your Posts, and I totally agree. As you stated previously, "'s scary."Not only do we have similar intellects, approaches and levels of analysis, as I strongly hinted previously your intense and prolonged interviews of Sirhan Sirhan, and my 40 + year friendship and interviews with James Earl Sutton/Files in my opinion, have served to strongly galvanize our analytical thinking processes on today's Obama Subject Matters.As the field for the 2008 Presidential Election began forming in 2006, and Barack Obama's name came into play, I strongly focused on him. I felt immediately that he would win, even though Fred Thompson from Law and Order came on the scene for the Republicans portraying that he was "it" only to be the first Republican to fall. With his Law and Order persona nullified, I saw the path cleared for Obama. And although McCain provided a tough fight, I really felt that the Sarah Palin choice was a White Flag Signal that Obama was "the choice."Immediately after the election of Obama I began thinking in terms of a more direct comparison to the First 1,000 days of JFK and Obama. Not specifically about their individual similarities or differences, but about their "overall situations" as their First 1,000 days developed, particularly with wars, The Military Industrial Complex, The War Profiteers, The Federal Reserve and The Economy, The Oil Cartels, etc.I have focused most strongly on reading and studying anything and everything on the Subject Matter of Obama and any and all developments and interpretations related thereto, Pro and Con.I am convinced that Obama will be a One Termer. And Michael, I agree strongly with your analysis and references, as you gleamed from all of my Headlines and Posts on the Obama Subject Matter. As with JFK around 1,000 days Must be the time for the occasion if it is to happen.When I look at the utter audacity of the 09.11.2001 ala Operation Northwoods Operation and Cover-Up, and the attitude of let "We the people..." be damned, I analyze every comparative analysis like yours above with the greatest scrutiny. I know that the JFK Forum Members may not like me saying this, and I mean no disrespect, but right now I couldn't be less interested in JFK Matters overall when I so strongly feel that a similar situation has the strongest probability of developing all over again very soon. How can we ignore the lessons of history herein that we all have so valiantly researched, studied, and debated in the strongest likelihood that the historical pattern may be emerging for a repeat ? Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to see repeats.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bob »

If something DOES happen to Barry, then the next President of the United States will be Joe Biden. He would be the 2nd Irish Catholic President since JFK. How ironic would that be? And would Joe please the Wizards more?There is also a rumor that Obama will name Hillary Clinton as his running mate in 2012, as Biden will have some health "issues". I could see the Wizards going after Barry then, with Hillary waiting in the wings. Hillary is big on taking on Iran...right now. The Wizards like that type of thinking.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by kenmurray »

I wouldn't be surprised if Obama sinks even lower in the polls by next summer that Hillary may challenged him for the Democratic nominee in 2012. Hillary wants to be President, no doubt.