Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

JFK Assassination
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by Bob »

Alex Hidell wrote:LBJ, Hoover, Katzenbach and others supported creation of the WC. Whether they took advice and counsel from RFK, Dirksen on any other senior legal advisor within or outside the govt is immaterial.Fact of the matter is- LBJ/Hoover/Katzenbach supported creation of the WC and directed the WC members that they must prove Oswald was the lone assassin. That was their mission statement and the order came from LBJ/Hoover/Katzenbach in the form of internal memos. NOOOTTTT from somewhere outside the govt.By the way, my real name is Alek Hidell. Alex is a mis-spelling during registration process.I think you mean your forum name is Alek Hidell, an alias of LHO.
Wayne Stracener
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by Wayne Stracener »

First of all, Wim thank you for your help getting me back on line.LBJ wanted a blue ribbon commission in Texas to investigate the assassination, He did not not want DC carpet baggers to do it, LBJ worked all night on the blue ribbon and here is what took place the following morning and the excuse to leave RFK out of it. Here is the conversation between LBJ and Joe Alsop.http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archi ... ?docId=838