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Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:26 pm
by kenmurray
Was Jesse Jackson a key covert police operative in the MLK Assassination? ... ssination/


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:50 pm
by Bob
Based on what William Pepper inferred on BOR when he was on recently, I would say that Jesse Jackson sold out MLK. As in, "Eh tu, Brute?"


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:18 pm
by kenmurray
49 years ago today MLK was assassinated. Here is a good documentary from 1993 on it: ... er-king-jr


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:42 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
04.04.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers ?12.01.2011 Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, both an Outstanding JFKMS Forum Moderator and Member, and a relentless Researcher and Writer, Originally Posted this Very ImportantHeadline and Supporting Information.SPECIAL NOTE: (STATING THE OBVIOUS, NOTICE HOW THE REMOVALS OF JFK, MX, MLK,AND RFK FOLLOW THE SAME COOKIE CUTTER PATTERN. 04.04.2017, BB.)* Why was MLK REALLY Removed ?* Who Benefitted from the Removal of MLK ?* Who had the Control and Power to Remove MLK ?* Who Had the Control and Power to Cover-Up the Removal of MLK ?* Why has Main Stream Media Never COMPLETELY, CONTINUALLY Investigated, and Reported the Removal of MLK ?* If it wasn't for Ken Murray here on the JFKMS Forum, where do you Read or See today aboutthe Removal of MLK TODAY ?* OBFUSCATION - FADE TO BLACK - TOTAL BLACK OUT. My Opinion, BB.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:34 pm
by Phil Dragoo
I have Pepper's work titled Orders to KillI find of note Earl Holloman 25-year FBI veteran and member of Hoover's detail as Memphis Fire and Police Commissionerresponsible for removing two black firemen from firehouse roof/replacing with milint "cameramen"whom Rivero I believe tags spotters for hitter on brick factory in "penthouse"now obscured by Lorraine addition of useless partition wall--(its only function to obscure view from balcony to shooter site)King shamed from "white hotel" into Lorraine--then moved from interior room to exposed balconyMarrell McCullough milint/CIA sitting in car in lot, runs up to check vitalsRay set up like a bowling pin--and putz Blakey calls Ray a liar(just as putz Moldea ascribed fictive words to Sirhan)King-Bobby baddabing baddaboomAfter LBJ simpers like bar tough in Casino March 31 1) LBJ out (horse's head too much);2) King down (won't be leading no mo marches against the War);3) Bobby down (won't be investigating JFK hit--see William & Turner, Klaber & Melanson, Shane O'Sullivan, new one coming by Calder)Ray's aliases as smelly as can be--to see that as luck or coincidence requires newthink from 1984Now we come to Jackson--who dips his shirt in the blood and names himself the new leader----except he's 180 from KingKing: Character, not colorJackson: Color, not characterThe entity which handles the wetwork does so as the sword and shield of the cabal running the business modelIt would go on after '68 to take out:Hoffa and Giancana in '75. Roselli and Harvey in '76. DeMohrenschild and Nicoletti and six FBI officials in '77. Morales in '78.All AFTER Hoover in '72, LBJ in '73, Nixon in '74.Then Ford the stooge names Rocky to whitewash the agency and GHWB to sanitize the target list.Blakey would lead the Blame the Mob diversionHunt would die in the vanguard of the LBJ Did It deflectionbut who is the last man standing, able today to surveil any and all, to leak to the Mockingbirds, to keep the Constant War cauldron bubbling?Are the F-35s to intimidate Kim Jong Un with his MIG-21sWould Hillary have put them over Syria to engage Russian fifth generation fighters?When is enough enough? They took out Kennedy and Khrushchev to stop detente and keep the Cold War business modelThey took out King to prevent racial harmony and black prosperityWho's churning the pot?


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:22 am
by kenmurray
Phil. I have Pepper's latest book The Plot To Kill King!


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:28 am
by kenmurray
Inside Story: Who Killed Martin Luther King?


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:22 am
by kenmurray
Does this sound familiar? The alleged murder weapon was found in a bundle with prints on it in a shop door way. The JFK murder weapon found on the 6th floor was on the other side of the building from the so called sniper's nest! Harold Weisburg also obtained many documents on the MLK case as he did on the JFK case. He appears in the above documentary! Harold said that the ONLY purpose that bundle served was to point a finger at James Earl Ray!


Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:04 am
by Slav
I never knew of the 6 FBI agents being whacked before the hearing You can find details of these deaths (with links to individual biographies) at: http://www.spartacus...k/JFKdeaths.htm When the Select Committee on Intelligence Activities and Select Committee on Assassinations began investigating Kennedy's death in the 1970s the deaths of potential witnesses increased dramatically. This included several criminals with possible links to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Those who were killed or who died in suspicious circumstances during this period included Malcolm Wallace (1971), Lucien Sarti (1972), Charles Willoughby (1972), Thomas Davis (1973), Richard Cain (1973), Dave Yarras (1974), Sam Giancana (1975), Jimmy Hoffa (1975), Roland Masferrer (1975), Johnny Roselli (1976), George De Mohrenschildt (1977), Charlie Nicoletti (1977) and Carlos Prio (1977). William Sullivan, the main figure in the FBI involved in the Executive Action project, and the person in the FBI who investigated Oswald, was shot dead near his home in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, on 9th November, 1977. Sullivan had been scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Sullivan was one of six top FBI officials who died in a six month period in 1977. Others who were due to appear before the committee who died included Louis Nicholas, special assistant to J. Edgar Hoover and his liaison with the Warren Commission; Alan H. Belmont, special assistant to Hoover; James Cadigan, document expert with access to documents that related to death of John F. Kennedy; J. M. English, former head of FBI Forensic Sciences Laboratory where Oswald's rifle and pistol were tested and Donald Kaylor, FBI fingerprint chemist who examined prints found at the assassination scene. Several important figures in the Central Intelligence Agency died before they could give evidence to the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigations. William Harvey, head of the ZR/RIFLE project, died as a result of complications from heart surgery in June, 1976. William Pawley, who took part in Operation Tilt, died of gunshot wounds in January, 1977. David Morales, who some believe organized the assassination, died aged 53, on 8th May, 1978. John Paisley was deputy director of the Office of Strategic Research. On 24th September, 1978, John Paisley, took a trip on his motorized sailboat on Chesapeake Bay. Two days later his boat was found moored in Solomons, Maryland. Paisley's body was found in Maryland's Patuxent River. The body was fixed to diving weights. He had been shot in the head. Police investigators described it as "an execution-type murder". However, officially Paisley's death was recorded as a suicide. According to the journalist, Victor Marchetti, Paisley was a close friend of Yuri Nosenko. Marchetti also claimed that Paisley knew a great deal about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was murdered during the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation because he was "about to blow the whistle".


Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:29 pm
by Bob
Slav wrote:I never knew of the 6 FBI agents being whacked before the hearing You can find details of these deaths (with links to individual biographies) at: http://www.spartacus...k/JFKdeaths.htm When the Select Committee on Intelligence Activities and Select Committee on Assassinations began investigating Kennedy's death in the 1970s the deaths of potential witnesses increased dramatically. This included several criminals with possible links to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Those who were killed or who died in suspicious circumstances during this period included Malcolm Wallace (1971), Lucien Sarti (1972), Charles Willoughby (1972), Thomas Davis (1973), Richard Cain (1973), Dave Yarras (1974), Sam Giancana (1975), Jimmy Hoffa (1975), Roland Masferrer (1975), Johnny Roselli (1976), George De Mohrenschildt (1977), Charlie Nicoletti (1977) and Carlos Prio (1977). William Sullivan, the main figure in the FBI involved in the Executive Action project, and the person in the FBI who investigated Oswald, was shot dead near his home in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, on 9th November, 1977. Sullivan had been scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Sullivan was one of six top FBI officials who died in a six month period in 1977. Others who were due to appear before the committee who died included Louis Nicholas, special assistant to J. Edgar Hoover and his liaison with the Warren Commission; Alan H. Belmont, special assistant to Hoover; James Cadigan, document expert with access to documents that related to death of John F. Kennedy; J. M. English, former head of FBI Forensic Sciences Laboratory where Oswald's rifle and pistol were tested and Donald Kaylor, FBI fingerprint chemist who examined prints found at the assassination scene. Several important figures in the Central Intelligence Agency died before they could give evidence to the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigations. William Harvey, head of the ZR/RIFLE project, died as a result of complications from heart surgery in June, 1976. William Pawley, who took part in Operation Tilt, died of gunshot wounds in January, 1977. David Morales, who some believe organized the assassination, died aged 53, on 8th May, 1978. John Paisley was deputy director of the Office of Strategic Research. On 24th September, 1978, John Paisley, took a trip on his motorized sailboat on Chesapeake Bay. Two days later his boat was found moored in Solomons, Maryland. Paisley's body was found in Maryland's Patuxent River. The body was fixed to diving weights. He had been shot in the head. Police investigators described it as "an execution-type murder". However, officially Paisley's death was recorded as a suicide. According to the journalist, Victor Marchetti, Paisley was a close friend of Yuri Nosenko. Marchetti also claimed that Paisley knew a great deal about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was murdered during the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation because he was "about to blow the whistle".Excellent list, Slav. Let's also not forget about the death of Roger Craig in 1975. Craig died of a "self-inflicted" gunshot wound. Uh huh. Sure. Just like George de Mohrenshildt. Check out Craig's unpublished manuscript called, When They Kill A President: is part of that story written by Craig:Jim also asked me about the arrests made in Dealey Plaza that day. I told him I knew of twelve arrests, one in particular made by R. E. Vaughn of the Dallas Police Department. The man Vaughn arrested was coming from the Dal-Tex Building across from the Texas School Book Depository. The only thing which Vaughn knew about him was that he was an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas. The prisoner was taken from Vaughn by Dallas Police detectives and that was the last that he saw or heard of the suspect. Does that independent oil operator from Houston sound familiar? Could it be the same man who gave a speech the night before on 11/21/1963 at the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel to a meeting of the American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors. A notice about that meeting appeared in the Dallas Morning News on 11/20/1963 and the speaker was George Bush, president, Zapata Off-Shore Co. Zapata was located in Houston.