Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Bob »

There was a local news report here in Tampa, where Jeb Bush's son George P. said that he believes his dad will run for President in 2016. Could you imagine this? No wonder the media, especially FOX News, is trying to re-write history by saying Dumbya Bush was right about going to war in Iraq. You might be seeing another Bush-Clinton Presidential contest in '16. Hillary is the frontrunner for the Democratic party. Needless to say, neither Jeb or Hillary would ever get a vote from me. Hopefully, the American public can see through this charade before either candidate is given the nomination of their parties. Both have the support of the big corporate power in their respective parties, and that usually means a sure nomination. In either case, the U.S. would have yet another four years of the CIA running the country. In other words, four more years of unbridled power and profits for big war, big banking and big oil.
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by kenmurray »

If those 2 are the candidates in 2016, I will vote for Pat Paulsen, R.I.P.
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:If those 2 are the candidates in 2016, I will vote for Pat Paulsen, R.I.P.'m with you, Ken. By the way, Laugh-In was much watch TV when I was a blossoming youngster. The comedy was great and so was Goldie Hawn.
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by JDThomas »

If you believe in the idea that the presidential elections are stage managed then I think that it is Hillary's 'turn' next.She will serve 1 term only - remember the party in power are not allowed to have more than three consecutive terms in office so that the veneer of democracy is maintained. If she gets ideas beyond her station about standing for a second term she will suddenly 'crash and burn' - Whitewater, Tripoli Embassy fiasco or else some obscure lesbian will be dug-up from her past to ensure this. If she behaves like a good girl and does what she is told all will remain secret under the carpet.This will pave the way for Jeb Bush to serve two terms. He will be a major figure in the 2016 election whether he stands or not. We could have something similar to Ford Vs. Reagan in 1976 - some other GOP guy will get the nomination and after its too late, the delegates realise that Jeb should have gotten the nod. This will ensure that he is a shoe-in next time around. Meanwhile the successful Republican party candidate will spend millions of dollars and bust a gut travelling the country trying NOT to get elected - after all, its Hillary's turn. Jeb just has to bide his time and hope that he does not develop colon cancer or something similar.
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Bob »

Please see this note from Russ Baker I received:Dear Bob,Are you aware of the unusual event happening today? One former president named George Bush releases his "biography" of another president named George Bush--his father. What do I think is going on? 41-43=45. Rehabilitate the father's image, push the son into the background, and pave the way for another son to become....President Bush III. For more information, please read this. ... 1-4345/And let folks know about Family of Secrets. Spread the word that the Bush family's version of history is not the only one. And certainly not the true one.Finally, please go to George W's Amazon page, and find my reader review. ... _productIf you like it, please do answer the question there: "Was this review helpful?" ... YU43LRJ2BI suspect Karl Rove is frantically clicking "no", or hoping no one sees that commentary. Many thanks. Let the games begin!-Russ Baker
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Bob »

Thanks to Robert Morrow for sending this to me.The Jeb Bush Illegal Drug and Liquor Distributorship at AndoverBy John LeBoutillier:In 2006 at my 30th Harvard Reunion, during a casual conversation one evening, a classmate told me about his years at Andover. Out of the blue he told me this story:Jeb Bush and one other fellow student back then ran an illegal drug and liquor distributorship on the Andover campus. When the heat started coming down, Bush ratted out the partner to the school authorities and saved his own skin. Jeb got away with it, was never caught, never punished, graduated unscathed and went on to the University of Texas at Austin.To this day no one outside the Andover community even knows about this illegal activity. The media is apparently unaware of it. Through three statewide campaigns for governor of Florida, it never came up.In 2012 at another Harvard event, this same Andover alumnus brought over another one of his Andover classmates – and one of our Harvard ’76 classmates and a staunch Republican – to speak to me about the Jeb Bush matter. This second alumnus confirmed the story – and added in this detail: “I never knew why Jeb walked around Andover with his jaw hanging open until someone told me he was stoned all the time.”Forty years later does this matter? Does what someone did in high school matter if they run for president?In fact, yes.In the summer of 2012, the WASHINGTON POST ran a huge story on Mitt Romney’s behavior at the Cranbrook School in Michigan, with the focus on an alleged incident where Romney and some other boys cut off the blond bangs of a classmate.If that event is worthy of the front page of the WASHINGTON POST, then the Jeb Bush Illegal Drug and Liquor Distributorship is certainly something the voters – especially GOP primary voters – have a right to know before they begin to choose a 2016 candidate.Will the media and the press look into this? Will they do the legwork necessary to corroborate this story of illegality? Will they ask Jeb if it is true? If he admits to it will that help – or hurt – his political chances? Other pols have admitted drug use – including Barack Obama. But using and selling are two different things. And so is ratting out your partner in crime to save your own skin.If Jeb denies it, will the media pursue the truth?Will the media and press try to find out if the Bush Family intervened with the Andover authorities to keep Jeb from being expelled?For decades the Bush Family PR Machine has touted the personal values and record of Jeb’s father, former President George H.W. Bush, from his WWII days through a myriad of professional positions and personal ups-and-downs. “Character,” we’re told, is something the Bush Family is proud of. So is their belief in “family values.”Following the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal, we were told in the 2000 campaign that then-candidate Governor George W. Bush – known as Junior inside the Bush Family – would bring “honor and dignity” back to the Oval Office. Somehow this same Bush PR Machine was able to keep the lid on Junior’s DUI arrest in Maine back in the 1970’s. That revelation – coming in the last week of the 2000 campaign – cost Bush 25% of his vote and led to the split verdict with Vice President Gore winning the popular vote and Bush edging him in the Electoral College.So far Jeb Bush has escaped scrutiny on the “character” issues.For the sake of the country – and the GOP and the conservative movement – the truth about Jeb’s behavior at Andover needs to be exposed and examined before GOP primary voters invest their faith and belief in him.© Copyright by John LeBoutillier, 2013. All rights reserved.John LeBoutillier is a former U.S. Congressman (Rep. NY 1981-1983) and is the co-host of Fox News Channel’s POLITICAL INSIDERS seen on FNC at 7:30 PM Sunday nights.
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Bob »

We all remember the 2000 Presidential election when Dumbya Bush stole the election thanks to what happened in Florida. It was out and out thievery. There were a number of reasons why. Easily manipulated electronic voting machines (like those from right-leaning Diebold company) was one reason. Voter purging (like was in done Florida under Governor Jeb Bush) was another. Faulty paper ballots were another reason. Then there was the Supreme Court led by Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, which basically gave the election to Bush.Both Scalia and Thomas should have recused themselves in Bush v. Gore, but did not. Scalia had two sons working on the Bush legal team, while Thomas' wife was on the Bush transition team.Similar things happened in Ohio in the 2004 presidential election, except the Supreme Court didn't have to rescue Dumbya. But that was not the first time the Bush family used it's resources to steal an election. Please listen to Bob Fitrakis, who was on with Jim Fetzer on the Real Deal, as he talks about that and much more. ... heft.mp3In 1988 presidential election, you will hear how Poppy Bush basically did the same thing when he was running against Bob Dole in the Republican primaries to sway the vote in his favor.
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Bob »

Jesse Ventura gives his take about Jeb Bush looking like he'll be running for President in 2016: ... 0-70757973
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by Slav »

When Jeb becomes president which new war will he start, the 2 previous bush both started a war and I guess it's time for a new bush war.Any guesses? Korea?
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Re: Jeb Bush For President In 2008:

Post by JDThomas »

Things are becoming almost interesting in the Presidential race that has yet to start.Which Republican of any standing is going to go up against Jeb? His fundraising must have frightened-off a number of wanna-be's and has-been's already. Barring a big banana skin, many already consider him a shoe-in for the GOP nomination.So where does this leave the beloved (unloved) Hillary on the Democrat side? I have said before that I believe that it has been preordained in shadows that its her turn this time. Problem being is that Barry is doing so badly that its hurting her and any other Democrat hopeful. What she must be wondering is how much worse can Barry get? There is a serious risk that the script will have to be re-written. Unless Barry has some juice on Her Royal Hillaryness, she is soon going to have to turn on him - a Democrat hopeful attacking the Democrat President, but in such a way as to not split the party (think back to '79/80 with Ted Kennedy vs. Jimmy Carter to see what happens when this goes wrong). On the Republican side, the only worry they have is that the newly elected Tea Party Republicans on Capitol Hill will suicide the party. It seems that they do not see the incumbent Republican leaders on Capitol Hill as being nutty enough and may scupper the more moderate legislation leaders have planned.Thoughts anyone?