JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

I'm having visions of hiring an authentic Mexican mariachi band to follow Gary Mack around Dealy Plaza. LMAO!!! You know, to drown out his BS. Wouldn't that be FUNNY? I'm picturing Gary Mack jogging away from them, and the mariachis chasing him and still singing and playing their music! I'd break a rib laughing. Eh, they'd probably get arrested! ...but it's a funny thought to me!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.22.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.27.2006 - I originally Posted this Headline shortly the JFK MurderSolved Forum was created. I had joined soon after it was created, butthe JFK Forum was crashed several times, and I kept Re-Posting this Headline.Some of the comments contained herein should be read by you while considering and evaluating the senseless worth of continuing.Find a better, more worthwhile project for yourself.Wim, you are not retreating or quitting. You will merely be advancing in a worthwhile direction.Comments ?Respectfully,BB
Dealey Joe
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Wim, Bruce and all,There will never be a time when everyone can or will do anything.Actually it only takes one reason why to do or not to do something.It is a matter of what is most important.If I can find ONE other person to assist me I plan to be at Dealey Plazaon 11-22-2010 and possibly before.The DVD "Grassy Knoll" contains enough information to tweek anyones interest.It has Jimes Files, Judyth Baker, Ed Haslam, Bruce and others.I would offer the DVD for sale at a reasonable price because to give something freeI have found it has no value and will be treated that way.I want to speak with Robert Groden to get an inside view of the possibilities.If one of you have a connection to Robert you might also check with him.I don't think they can keep us from being there.My preliminary plan is to have a small tv to show the video and draw attention.This can be a very powerful presentation and introduction.Reguardless of this web site or forum being in operation does not matter as far as doing this.It would be important for people interested to be able to have a place to obtain more indepth materialsuch as "Files on JFK", Spooks ect.If the web site is closed down that could be worked out some other way.If you are interested in assisting with this in some way let me know.As for Dallas, TX. it is just another large city. It has its faults and it also has its good points.I enjoy Dallas, With the exception of the dirty pickett fence area and the train yard/parking lotDealey Plaza is a peaceful attractive place in the center of old downtown Dallas.I believe the secret to moving forward is to work with the Videos and getting them into peoples hands.Very few read but everyone watches TV.There most likely is an acceptable way to do this via internet also.Maybe by 2013 with some planning and help we can work out a larger meeting.
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Bob »

Joe, you bring up an excellent point. I definitely want to have a forum meeting, preferably in Dallas, but Chicago would be an option as well. Trust me, FLA ain't too bad either, plus there are other things to do. But since you get to Dealey Plaza often, I think it would be wise to see if Wim can supply you with material to help give this site, his book and CDs more visibility, especially on the 11/22 anniversary date, but as you know, people check out Dealey Plaza all the time. I would be more than willing to help as well, in terms of writing or printing any material you might need. Plus we have others on this forum that would be willing to help as well.
Dealey Joe
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob wrote:Joe, you bring up an excellent point. I definitely want to have a forum meeting, preferably in Dallas, but Chicago would be an option as well. Trust me, FLA ain't too bad either, plus there are other things to do. But since you get to Dealey Plaza often, I think it would be wise to see if Wim can supply you with material to help give this site, his book and CDs more visibility, especially on the 11/22 anniversary date, but as you know, people check out Dealey Plaza all the time. I would be more than willing to help as well, in terms of writing or printing any material you might need. Plus we have others on this forum that would be willing to help as well.Wherever you can work out a meeting I will plan to attendI have hinted to Wim about doing something and so far I have not had any input from him.I know he is busy and don't need to be bothered. I would need to get final approval from him before I do anything.I am not sure just what we would need. I don't think we would need much untill the aniversary 11/22/10I think we should make a big splash that weekend, the 22nd is on Monday and I presume the weekend before would be the best time?Does COPA have a meeting there every year?Are you on speaking terms with Robet Groden? Out of respect we need to consult him and his expertise on this.Bob there are a number of things that could be done.What do you think about a forum conferenc call once a month?Wim and the others from outside the usa could even do that?Then work on a meeting down the road if possible. The main thing is as a group we must get active.everyone is not going to participate but some will, they are the ones we need.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.13.2010 Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.27.2006 - I Posted the Headline: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting.06.23.2010 - Pasquale Di Fabrizio Posted the Headline: Help for Robert Groden in Dealey Plaza.06.29.2010 - Bob Fox Posted the Headline: Coalition for Truth at Dealey Plaza and the Assassinations.07.01.2010 - Bob Fox Posted the Headline: CTKA article about the Dealey Plaza Crackdown.I sincerely admire, and respect every JFK Forum Member's positive written contributions in the above referenced Headlines and subsequent Posts. Many are good, and some are great.However, years ago I totally gave up on any interest or effort of being involved in any of these related projects because I sincerely believe that nothing will ever come to fruition herein. My Opinion, and I sincerely hope that I am wrong. This is a reality check for My Purposes, and perhaps of interest to others.Recently, comments have been made about an 11.22.2010 JFK Forum Dealey Plaza Event. Joe Hall do you have anybody committed yet to helping you ? And do you have a Game Plan of substance in place yet that you are ready to announce to the JFK Forum Members, and The World ? If so, what is it, please ?In addition, comments about buying, leasing, renting, and renting with an option to buy the Dallas Movie Theatre have been discussed, along with mention of other possible properties. Are there any specific developments to report yet ? Has anybody actually accomplished anything on this Subject Matter yet that can be reported now, and built upon ? If so, what ?As of today, 07.13.2010 is there any definite individual, or group, with a defined Game Plan established that has been acted upon already, that can go forward with something substantial now? Is anything specifically set in stone that can be counted on at this point in time that will go forward with some degree of certainty ? If so, what ?Finally, will anything occur from the JFK Forum in Dallas, Texas on 11.22.2010 that would realistically encourage anybody from the JFK Forum to attend ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce I don't know if to thank you or not?Your hard hitting and blunt knock out post is felt.There are a few things I have learned on this forum and a few things I will never know.Most on this forum are not interested in activity.They are readers and students of assassinations.Rightly or wrongly they chose to be passively involved.that is their prerogative, their decision.One thing I have learned is that humans will find time for the things that interests them most.People drive around looking to see what restaurant has the most cars as an indication of a good place to eat. Has about the same success rate as throwing a dart at a boardAt this time there is a group that have pledged their involvement in the attempt to do something in Dallas at least by 2013 and hopefully be able to start this year.at least within the next 3 years. We were trying to keep it on a secretive basis so adversity in Dallas would be minimal. But we also knew someone would spill the beans.This is the first time I have had any positive return on my plea's for action.I had a couple volunteers to come to Dallas this November to assist which is positive.As you are aware we are in the process of being totally ousted from Dealey so thatthrows everything into question. That means we will have to go off base to have any form of demonstration or meeting. COPA may have the same problem?Bruce all of us have a roll to play in the order of things but it is a fact of life that doing an event as you suggest is a time consuming and costly thing as you well know with your devotion to James Files. and Wim knows with all he has done, and I am willing to bet that more try to discredit you and him than try to assist. Has one person ever made a donation to James Files defense fund?Discouragement is contagious as enthusiasm is also.The average guy needs to be encouraged to act, to do something.As you well know the CT community is hell bent on destroying itself single handedly thruits inability or outright refusal to get behind any one issue.There are days when I think "The hell with it" but as you, I keep coming back for more. WHY?Is it because we feel a bigger cause and the need to continue to show the injustice.Why don't you withdraw and quit? Why don't I? Why don't Wim close down this forum and throin the towell. I know there are days when we all think we are crazy for continuing.WHY?Because we look at what is and dream of what could be.We all are of a higher calling. We are driven by injustice. We refuse to give in to the evil forces.It seems as though they always win and we never do, but we know that Good eventually overcomes Evil. But Good must be applied. Just talking about it is not enough.You came up with this wonderful idea to have a fellowship get together of like minds, a convention.Bruce your idea still lives, even if you and Wim give up on it you cannot retract it because it is good. This is not a game. The evil side wants us to view this as a game so when they "Blow the whistle" we will quit and say the game is over. NOT TRUE we play till we win.Is it discouraging? Hell yes. That is the reason for a Convention, to show support for the cause and one another.If you were led to call a meeting or convention then you should not depend on what a few others think, you should go ahead and have a meeting even if it is in a coffee shop, even if only you and maybe one ot two others show. I think they call it baby steps.Had you started doing this when the idea was born you would now be having two or three conventions in the US and Europe every year.One problem we have is that we are few. we have a few who are diligent to post and carry on.we have many readers but I think many are intimidated by the very nature of the JFKMURDERSLOVED forum and the awesome amount of detailed information on the web site and an intolerance for the underinformed.If you call a meeting in Dallas or Chicago, everyone cannot attend for one reason or another, but some willAs a start if you show up in Dallas that is you, me and Jerry, Ken is trying to work it out that is four.As for me I would love to come to Chicage and shoot the Fireball XP-100.How many people did COPA have at their first meeting?We are starting this November even if it is only Jerry and I meeting at McDonalds for breakfastTo answer your question. We are in the planning stages, It will take a considerable amount of financial backing to do any major action such as a building, there is much planning involved and decisions to be made. We are now in the process of investigating our possibilities. when we see what our options are then we can move ahead a step at a time. I am encouraged as there had been three or four pledge their involvement and two are actively researching what might be possible.There are forces against us, the greatest would be financial, then opposition from the powers that be in Dallas evident in the attempted expulsion of any opposing viewpoint at Dealey Plaza.I am thrilled to have at least three of the most knowledgeable and greatest spokesmen in the CT community involved and if we get moving we will have more.Our basic plan for this year was to be at Dealey durring the aniversary and give out about 300 to 500 informational DVD'sThis will not be an expensive thing but now we are looking at bigger more costly avenues.That is about it at this point.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.18.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.27.2006 - After many emails and phone calls with JFK Forum Members at the time, I sincerely Posted this Headline.Joe and Jerry - You know where my ideas went.I now add to my failed idea these other sincere ideas and efforts:1. The Petition To Exhume And Autopsy JFK'S Body.2. The Texas Movie Theatre and Conspiracy Theory Museum.3. The Freedom of Speech Petition, Movement, Table and Fliers at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas for Robert Groden.4. In my mind the Effort or Petition to Help Judyth Vary Baker has already failed.Joe and Jerry, I take no comfort or satisfaction out of any of these failures. I am more frustrated than any of you will ever know or imagine, for far greater reasons. I only point out what is. Killing the message carrier changes nothing.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce I am going to pull my age rank on you.I understand from your background and training in the Martial Arts that you by nature go for the kill.You either win or lose. there is no place for a draw.We have been taught to play by the clock however here is the way I play the game.I make a plan of action, then attack and do my very best as I know it to do, If that does not seem to work, I back up 10 yards and punt. I don't quit playing when someone blows the whistle, I just keep looking for a different way of approach.In this war between Truth and Deception that is the way we must fight.They keep blowing the whistle hoping we will say the game is over and quit.We cannot afford to play that game.Bruce your ideas are like seeds planted, sometimes in good ground and sometimes not so good but never the less they are planted.If you plant corn you are not going to harvest wheat, so we must plant the crop we want to harvest and that is tricky.You have planted great seeds. your idea of a convention is sound and good.It has not failed. If you keep turning over the soil the seed will finally grow.I am so thrilled that we at this time have four members of the forum who are planning on being in Dallas the week end of Nov. 22Your idea, is going to bare fruit. Though small in number it is a great start.What a great year to be in Dallas. Judyths new book will be available there for the first time and there will be a distributor there.Ed Haslam will be speaking about his and Judyths experiences and he has requested us be there in support of him and we will be.I cannot wait to meet ED and shake his hand.Now it is up to you to decide what you will do about it.will you support us from afar or can you also join us there?I hope you can and will be there but if you can not I will certainly not treat it as a failure.There is always next year and for certain 2013. Maybe Jimmy's new book will be available then and we can all be there to stand with you.Don't forget, we do not have failures, we just have setbacks.We are like Martha's Bulldogs, we just bounce off and attack again and again.I am so thankful for Wim and his ability to furnish us with this awesome forum and thewonderful people who post on here and present information in positive ways that reveals the truth.Some of the most interesting people I have ever had the pleasure to meet are on this forum.SO anyone who wants to meet us in Dallas get with it.If you don't it is your loss. I hope in 2013 we can all meet there.Bruce get your snake boots on and come on down for a few days of R&Rwe will even pick you up at the airport if you fly down.Cheer up my friend, we have won the battle, we just don't know it yet.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.18.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Joe - My friend, I admire, respect, and support all of your efforts.I also enjoyed your powerful analogies. Excellent, perfect, and On Point.Joe - No need to pull rank, as you know from our many phone conversations that I totally respect and admire you. We agree on roughly 90 % or more of all matters as I do on average with most regular members. I think that it is healthy on average for about a 10 % disagreement factor overall. It is intellectually healthy, promotes focus, and academic competition.I have substantial commitments on 11.22.1963 each year. This year included. A very long story. I doubt that I will come, but honestly not from lack of interest. Actually I would very much like to meet you, Joe, Jerry, Ken, and Pasquale in person.I will be very interested in all that you see, do, think about, etc. You, Joe, Jerry, Ken, and Pasquale is an august group, in November.If you can, get photos of your combined opinions from:1. The Zapruder Position.2. The Grassy Knoll.3. The Dal-Tex Building.4. Every alleged position from where the alleged frontal shop was taken, or your "theory-position photos" as to why it would not work.Plan Your Work.Work Your Plan.I actually first mentioned this idea in 1993, and in 2010 Joe, Jerry, Ken,and Pasquale are doing it,people that I know. I'm impressed. Thank You.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.