Gerald Ford dies

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

04.01.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:04.01.2015 - JDThomas and Slav make important and relevant contributions that addperspective to this Subject Matter.Indulging my Cynical and Facetious Threads a little, let me add some thoughts for further debate and discussion. Let's quit skimming the surface. Let's get down to the Roots Of The Infections.After 51+ years the JFK Research Community of who really cares, and they are truly a Minority,they must realize that they have accomplished little, are viewed as quacks by many, and ignored or forgotten by most of the rest. Virtually Nothing Has Been Accomplished, Or Proved WithBroad, Complete Acceptance.And I choke every time I hear this phrase:PROVED IN A COURT OF LAW.Like God Himself, or a Time Machine made The Real Truth Available.In Illinois 100 + convictions or more, including murder, are Overturned Yearly Because LawEnforcement, Prosecution By The State, A Jury Of The Defendant's Peers, The Judge, Post Trial Motions, And Appeals ALL GOT IT WRONG.What's the Real Truth ?Certainly not a Court of Law.God ?A Time Machine ?The Zapruder Film ?Think about this VERY CAREFULLY PLEASE.Being a JFK, MLK, or RFK Researcher is viewed at the level of Amateur Baseball Card Collectors,or Amateur Comic Book Collectors. Over 12,000 articles, books, DVD"s, interviews, presentations,VHS's, and movies, et cetera have been done on JFK ALONE. More than 80 % are out of print, orunavailable.* The JFK, MLK, and RFK Assassinations were Compartmentalized, Military and ParaMilitary Operations. All were successful. All were virtually perfect. No Important,Major Relevant Participant or Planner ever spent time in prison for any of these threeTotally Successful Operations.* Who pulled the trigger is indicative of Who Helped Plan The Operation, Helped Run The Operation, and/or Helped Run Clean-Up (continuing) For The Operation And All That Followed,through TODAY. That alone is THE CLUE - THE ROADMAP --- TODAY. ALL ROADS LEAD TOTODAY.* There were No Faxes, No Cell Phones, No Lap Tops, No Notes, and as little evidence as possible.* The Meetings To Kill JFK were not filmed, and notes were note taken Before, During, and AfterAll Operations. Compartmentalization takes care of that. Meetings were one on one, and two on one, et cetera. Comments were cryptic, guarded, and protected.* EVERYTHING WAS ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS, THEN AND NOW.* The Operation must succeed regardless of who must die. That is implied at these levels.* Less than 10 % is known about the JFK, MLK, and RFK Assassinations today.* There were few notes and records made or kept. And 95 % of what existed WAS DESTROYED.We must understand that there are few, if any, Smoking Guns Anywhere.* Any surviving information was CLEANSED HEAVILY NUMEROUS TIMES.* Anything in THE SECRET RECORDS IS VIRTUALLY WORTHLESS TODAY.* Many/most people involved in the JFK, MLK, and RFK Assassinations are GONE. Some dead.Some issued new identities never to be heard from again, and many presumably dead by now.* JDThomas hits a Major Nail On The Head. But it's broader, more engrained, more omnipresent, more pervasive, and more powerful than most Americans could comprehend if they even cared.The Main Stream Media is Controlled, Operated, Owned, et cetera by and through U.S. IntelligenceAgencies. Is that an Oxi Moron - Intelligence Agencies Bury, Destroy, and Lose The Truth ?Please see the recent True Movie, To Kill The Messenger starring Jeremy Renner. Based upon GaryWebb's true life investigation of the CIA, DEA, FBI, et cetera into the Drug Trade. Read Webb's bookDark Alliance. Mind blowing for the 1980's and 1990's. How's that War On Drugs doing today - 2015 ?* Slav hints at the last few surviving individuals who Now Today, have No Power, No Visibility,and could not attract the attention of a snow ball rolling down a hill, in Summer.The problem is that There Is Now Institutionalization Of Corruption. Who dares call the Government Crooks and Drug Dealers, the Federal Reserve a Constitutional Crime, and the Military a Scam usedby the Military Industrial Complex ? Eisenhower, a 5 Star General and Retiring President of the U.S.tried, and it fell on deaf ears, if heard at all. Many thought Oliver Stone's use of Eisenhower's Farewellspeech at the opening of JFK, the movie, was made up and not authentic.We need to think Outside Of The Box and improve upon the Professionalism of The Accepted JFKResearch Community. Every quack writes a New Book, New Theory, New Version Of Case Closed.Another New Book with another New Theory is coming out on the Assassination of the President of the U.S. - - - Abraham Lincoln. Not any time too soon. Probably a page turner along with the New Three JFK Books coming out this month - all Case Closed Theories I'll Bet.IT'S CASE WIDE OPEN WITH THE TRUTH NOWHERE IN SIGHT. UNDERSTAND THAT. WRAP YOUR MIND AROUND THAT. EVALUATE GOING FORWARD WITH WHAT TODAY'S "TRUTH" REALLY IS.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are truing to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.