My new film The Grassy Knoll

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

MichaelDouglass expands on Kennedy's reading Seven Days in May in a night, then telling a friend that, yes, it could happen in America, if a president had three Bays of Pigs.Douglass says Kennedy had five, and enumerates.I do not see that Obama is an obstacle to the current aims of either or both the CIA and the Pentagon.I again stress that Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert Gates coauthored the 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper Iran: Time for a New Approach calling for negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.Candidate Obama unhesitatingly answered, "Yes," when asked in debate if he would negotiate during his first year without conditions with the leaders of Iran, North Korea, Venezuela.I do not see hostility toward our 44th president from a Leon Panetta CIA or a military more concerned with Don't Ask than the F-22.I remain--and shall always remain--outraged at the assassination of our 35th president by a clear conspiracy including (but not limited to) Hoover, Dulles, LBJ, but I do not now see a clear and present danger of that nature to our president.If you see one, I trust you will push it to the fore so we may prevent it.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Dear Wim Though you and I polar on a number of issues I have been in a similar situation.I was part of a documentary in 2006 that we submitted to a number of festivals not one took it. Now, I think we did have problems with the narrative and some aspects of our shooting was marginal. Thus I have no problems with the decisions and we are re-filming as of now.What alarms me is that she said she felt no emotional attachment nor saw any worth in the Kennedy assassination. That is truly alarming. No doubt there will be documentaries concerning the poor and oppressed around the world featuring in her festival. Now, she should try and put 2+2 together and figure out how what and why these atrocities have happened perhaps its because that good people like Kennedy, King, X and others have been silenced. That is a major concern to me.You should try your luck at other festivals. Dont let this get you down.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pennyworth wrote:Another suggestion is to put up a donation or offering- like fund.Anyone who would like to contribute financially to the work and information created on this board by the board members can do so anonymously or otherwise.... Correct. Dealey Joe wrote:Chris I just want to add the fact that you and I have the leisure of giving the DVD away. Wim made the DVD for private viewing. all we have to do is purchase one ( that cost many thousands of dollars to make) for a few bucks. I would love to give the DVD to anyone who will view it. but I think it better to send them to the web site and let them order it from .02 Joe, I let the whole family of mine and some friends watch the James Files DVD, but there is still the problem that I need to integrate the German subtitles into the video here and also it needs time to see some other political truther DVDs together with it in a row, so that the message reaches the brains. And then it overwhelms so much, that it takes much further time studiing the political resistance websites and how to join at least one of those groups. It's a real mammoth task. Dealey Joe wrote:What I do,I carry business cards in my pocket sometime I ask people I meet if they are interested in the JFK thing. most say yes so I give them a card with JFKMURDERSOLVED.COMand reccomend they check out the web site. when I eat out I leave a card laying on the table or just drop one on the counter anywhere. every little bit helps. we can all do this.. Thanks very much for this inspiring idea, yes you are so right, these small steps ARE effective and so necessary as well! Often I become somehow resignative and inflexible cause it seems that it's almost impossible to get the message through to a broader public, but then it needs these unrelentless reminders like yours to make a breakthrough to one's inflexibility to enrich the personal enlightenment work effectivity! As I am busy with my promotion of getting more readers of my website, which contains the hint to the jfkmurdersolved messages, I will make it my continuous habit to do as you said. I'm looking forward to the discussions with the people about it. Phil Dragoo wrote:Joe, your technique was sufficient for Johnny Appleseed as well as the Twelve Apostles. Nearly fifty years ago I found such a card in a dusty factory drafting table drawer; Soren Kierkegaard's famous, "Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood in reverse." Hey, I studied the German philosopher Karl Jaspers (1883-1969) for a long time and Kierkegaard was one of his greatest mentors in his youthtime! If you happen to read "Atom Bomb and the Future of Man" (1958) from Jaspers, I'm sure it will give you all a lot! It's somehow a modernized Kierkegaard applied to the factual problems of world policy and common core of all religions. Phil Dragoo wrote: His name appears on the Biographical Names page with Kennedy and Khruschev who tried for peace and were removed, the former in 1963, the latter, 1964.The American Dream cannot function smoothly until this dangerous virus is removed.Slavery cost over 600,000 lives. How many have been paid to support that danger of which our 34th president warned, which took the life of our 35th. Yes, you are so right, we can't expect the decent road in life to be automatically conveniently well paid! Phil Dragoo wrote:You are certain to sow the seeds of revelation--and I have seen all of the ten-minute segments of the two-hour movie and tell all I know about it. Last night's episode of Bones had JFK's death due to a conspiracy. The truth surfaces in inexplicable ways, in unconventional places--because it is the truth, and it is irrepressible. Yes, we can't help, even if only 1% get to know the truth about something it will make 5 more % doubt and think and this will have an ignition effect to all the rest as well. One tiny piece of truth known by only one can have an earthquake trigger spreading effect - silent and soundless - it's like with Pythagoras discovering the a2 = b2 + c2, it ignites more and more research and discoveries.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by NickMarinich » think you might have pissed him off Wim.
Dealey Joe
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How it really happened by DJBittikofer

Post by Dealey Joe »

by new evidence (circumstancial of course) leanes toward a multi level conspiacy by the CIA, FBI, KGB, LCAP, DFW, UPI,UPS, and a number of secret organizations conspired to committ the assasination.using a scale model remote controled helicopter gunship capable of firing minature bullets at a rate .222 RPM, an unidentified amateur pilot, possibly the Mayor of Oak Cliff, flew over the motorcade in Dallas and fired a hail of minature laser guided bullets killing the president and wounding others. This new technoligy was developed by the Daughters of the American Revolution and has the amazing effect of appearing as though one bullet was fired from the front.
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by ChristophMessner »

... daughters of the american revolution ... they used even more new techniques like the self-dublicating helicopters for that, if you might not have known, it's still up to nowadays a very secretive technique, only one photo has leaked so far:

helicopters.jpeg (1.08 KiB) Viewed 5610 times

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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by ChristophMessner »

NickMarinich wrote: think you might have pissed him off Wim.At 2:27 you see in that pretty inconvincing propaganda film the testfiring on an empty human skull in slow-motion. I guess, that the bones fly differently when there is a full skull with brain matter inside, doesn't it?
Dealey Joe
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bittikofer is a work of art. Flying the flag of the CIA??At least we are getting free advertising from him.not a lot though, looks like he gets on average 50 hits per nice if someone with a little credibility would get pissed at us.
Dealey Joe
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Dealey Joe »

Chris that photo looks like a swarm of mosquitos.must have been taken in Alasks.Mosquitos are the Alaska State Bird
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Re: My new film The Grassy Knoll

Post by Kirk »

Wim and EverybodyI am not sure what the answer is, and have personal experience with copywrite, and being published. I will say that some of the postings on youtube, which turns out you had not given permission to post, ended up bringing me to the forum, and eventually getting the book etc. As a songwriter of little renown I have spent a lot of time, energy, and money doing and making music. It was a long shot back in the old days of making a living from it, and sometimes seems even more so, but it is possible as some believe that the allowing of some "free" sharing of one's work will lead to the interest of some to purchase some things that can only be bought. I am not sure though because if a person is going to invest themselves in a project there has to be a least a hope of break even. Maybe many will just use their talents/gold in another way. At least as hollow as this sounds, you have a noble cause that you have used your talents/gold to pursue.We live in a time where anything is possible, and that increases what is probable as well.