Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

JFK Assassination
Robert Wagner
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Re: Toni, and Jimmy, and Chuckie, oh my

Post by Robert Wagner »

Phil Dragoo wrote:Jimmy was wheelman for Nicolletti, a gunman for Giancana. Nicoletti was murdered March 29, 1977, the day DeMohrenschildt had his head blown off by the intruder indicated by the alarm sound on the tape referenced by the LaFontaines.DeMohrenschildt had pled with George H.W. Bush to end the harrassment.And, voila, he did.And Epstein had interviewed DeMohrenschildt hours earlier, and Fonzi was on deck—Fonzi from the HSCA who unraveled the Phillips-Bishop-Veciana-Oswald thread.From the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Death Investigation:The victim arrived 16 March, 1977, and Mrs. Tilton and Miss Loomis drove to the Grey Hound Bus station, in West Palm Beach to pick him up and transport him to her residence. During his stay, he discussed previous attempts at suicide while he was in the Dallas area, in 1976, and expressed feelings of persecution from unspecified Jewish elements, the Federal government and blackmailed by an attorney in Dallas, Texas; but she knew that he was suffering from mental illness and depression and she did not lend credence to his fears. This writer spoke with the victim's daughter, ALEXANDRA deMOHRENSCHILDT (DOB: 12-25-43), who lives at 158 Villa Longine, Mex5 DF, Mexico City, Mexico. She stated that after her father's arrivalat the Tilton residence, on 16 March, 1977, she talked with him at length and found him to be deeply disturbed about certain matters and had expressed a desire to commit suicide. At that first interview, Mr. Epstein basically covered the victim's early life and did not learn very much about his time in Dallas in the early 1960s and his relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. Epstein did say that his research uncovered a man named, SAM BALLIN, of Dallas, Texas, who had reportedly received a letter from the victim, in which the victim stated that he would commit suicide ifEpstein did not believe his story. When asked to elaborate on what he thought might have been meant by "his story", Mr. Epstein replied that the took it to mean his relationship with Oswald, the Jewish Mafia,FBI harassment and other of his fears, either real or imagined. Mr. Epstein felt that the victim was being deceptive in many of his answers to questions put to him, but he did not feel that the victim was under stress and did not seem to mentally deranged, in any way. At 2315 hours, on 29 March, 1977, this writer made contact with the victim's wife, MRS. JEANNE deMOHRENSCHILDT, in California (Area Code 213-363-6889), and advised her of her husband's demise; a fact which she had already been made aware of by several newsmen who had telephoned her seeking a story. She stated that she has been married to the victim for the past twenty-one years and noted that over the past several years he has been acting in an "insane manner". He constantly was in fear of what he termed the "Jewish Mafia" and the FBI, but she felt that his fears were groundless. She, personally, in all her years of marriage to the victim, had never witnessed anything which would lend credence to any of her husband's fears. On the 9 November, 1976, Mrs. deMohrenschildt signed commitment papers in Dallas County, Texas, to have her husband placed in a mental home for treatment. In the affidavit she stated that the victim suffered from depression, heard voices, saw visions and believed that the FBI and the Jewish Mafia were persecuting him. She noted that he was, at times, physically violent and has beaten her to the point that several of her ribs were broken and several teeth damaged. She went on to say in the affidavit that the victim had attempted suicide four times in 1976 by slashing his wrists, trying to drown himself in the bath tub, and twice taking overdoses of medicine. The victim was confined in a state mental institution for only three months as a result of Mrs. deMohrenschildt's efforts and was judged to be harmless to himself and to others and was released.However, several minutes later, prior to 1400 hours, the victim entered Mrs. Tilton's bedroom and questioned Mrs. Viisola [housemaid] about a scratching sound which apparently annoyed him. He speculated that it was a cat, which there are none in the Tilton residence, and he began to pace up and down the long main hallway, calling for a cat. Mrs. Viisola did not argue with him about the impossibility of there being a cat in the house and went downstairs via the elevator after turning the tape cassette to side two, at around 1415 hours. Atthe time of the cat-scratching incident, Mrs. Viisola felt that the victim was not behaving normally and was, in her own words, slightly mad. Mrs. Viisola went to the kitchen, spoke with Miss Romanic thereand did not hear the gun discharge on the second floor. At roughly 1435 hours, the victim's daughter and her girlfriend returned from their shopping trip, and Mrs. Viisolas was asked where the victim was. She replied that he was upstairs and it was when Alexandra deMohrenschildt went to her father's room that she discovered the body and screamed for Mrs. Viisola. From interviews with the principals in this case, and after reviewing the non-television-related sounds on the tape cassette, the following outline of activities and times was assembled; (it will be recalled that the Rawlins Alarm System installed in the Tilton residence produces an audible beep when the doors or windows are opened). The first beep is explained as being Miss Romanic, the cook, walking out the back door to sun herself for a while in the back yard. At 2:21.03 P.M, the gunshot is audible and almost immediately something is heard falling to the floor, believed to be the shotgun falling, or catapulted by the blast, to the floor. No other sounds are heard until 2:23 P.M., when the door beeper again sounds, this time it is Mrs. Viisola taking a bag of garbage out the rear door and disposing of it in a trash can immediately to the right (south) of the door. At 2:26 P.M., the rear door beeps again and is Miss Romanic coming in from the back yard. No sounds, other than the t.v. show, are heard until 2:37 P.M., when the door beeper is heard when Miss Loomis and Coley Wimbley enter the house via the back door after the shopping trip. Another beep isheard a short time after that, at 2:38 P.M., which is the victim's daughter entering the rear door. At 2:39 P.M., a woman's voice apparently coming form the end of the upstairs hallway can be clearly heard, "Hey, where is he?" and is known to be Miss deMohrenschildt. Twenty seconds later the shrieks ofMiss deMohrenschildt can be heard as she discovers the body of her father and is taken downstairs.
Phil Dragoo
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Oswald at Soviet Embassy on film and tape or not

Post by Phil Dragoo »

George DeMohrenschildt was the patient of the mysterious Dr. Mendoza about whom little is known except the destructive effects of his treatment. Greg Burnham offers:In September of 1976, George DeMohrenschildt was subjected to 9 electro-shock treatments at Parkland Hospital under the order given by one, Doctor DeLoach... first cousin of FBI Assisstant Director Cartha D. "Deke" DeLoach. His "doctor of record", Dr. Mendoza, ordered the administration of intravenous "drugs" upon DeMohrenschildt's being committed to Parkland Hospital for, "mental problems" - but, it was DeLoach that ordered the Electro-Shock Therapy. This episode occured during the time that George Bush was the Director of Central Intelligence and within weeks of DeMohrenshildt's having written a manuscript for a book entitled, "I Am A Patsy! I Am A Patsy!" which named names of various CIA and FBI personnel who framed Oswald to cover their tracks in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.Posner was first to crow of the finding of death by natural causes of Carlos Ghigliotti, FLIR analyst for the Davidian defendants, who when on the verge of finalizing proofs of approximately 200 shots into the burning building by Lon Horiuchi and others of the FBI, disintegrated into a puddle.Pitzer would be relevant. The contract shopped to Dan Marvin and declined.Marvin's publisher writes of the legal victory against disinformationists.The agricultural agent who was a threat to the Johnson gang, Roger Craig, so many suicides.Or accidents. William Sullivan and the other five FBI officials within months of each other in the run-up to the HSCA hearings.Epstein was very useful to Angleton who formulated the World War III virus in the Oswald legend.Legend being the title of Epstein's book. The attempt to taint Oswald with the Kostikov meet.The trouble is the photo of “Oswald” in Mexico City wasn't convincing anybody; even Hoover complained of being lied to by the CIA.But that's what Dulles said would happen.The production of Witt as the Umbrella Man.An answer for anything; just ask McAdams, as Jane Fonda does.Aid and Comfort: Jane Fonda in North Vietnam by Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer ... 8641247Xis a fascinating study in fiction versus reality, Fonda gushing you should get down on your knees and pray to live under communism----yet she bought a place in Pecos, quite a ways away from any commune----in the neck of the woods with David Morrell author of First Blood and The Spy Who Came for Christmas--It was just south of there in Eldorado where Edward Lee Howard used a mannikin and a tape recording of his voice to elude the FBI and escape to Moscow.In the CIA they use tape recordings and dummies and photos of not-Oswald to fool the FBI.Who knew.Dan Marvin, Antoinette Giancana, Zack Shelton vs. McAdams who claimed to Jim DiEugenio on Len's blackopradio that there was no proof of contact between Ferrie and Oswald.
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Bob »

Robert Wagner wrote:Bob wrote:Robert, you are a clear example of someone who sees what he wants to see, hears what he wants to hear or reads what you want to read. In addition, you say what you want to say, misleading or not. You have the Dan Marvin story wrong. What a surprise. Dangerous Dan said he had a friend who served in White Star. A friend who died on his fifth tour of duty in southeast Asia. Dan found out about the logistical support of 82nd Airbourne to the Operation White Star mobile team from the now General Heintges, who was then a Colonel, when he led the mobile team. So, he didn't hear it from a buddy, he heard it from the LEADER of that unit. Dan went on to say that he corresponded with Jimmy Files after that and that Files proved his authenticity to him, not only about what happened in Laos, but also in Dallas, when Files was the grassy knoll gunman. The only thing your response proves is that you can't discern what was really said and WHO said it, and that you indeed had an agenda when you posted in this forum. In other words, you reek of disinformation. Because that is what people that use disinformation do. They confuse the true facts and give a completely new version of how the events actually happened. Disinformation agents deliberately provide misleading information. That is precisely what you have done since you have posted in this forum. You sir...are the embellisher...not Jimmy Files. Again...we will let the readers and the forum members decide if I'm right.You wrote "show me ONCE where I called you a name." In the next message, you unleashed a torrent of ad homina. Your tergiversation means you are dishonest with either yourself (hypocritical) or readers (two-faced).Another self-contradiction is that your own evidence -- the Marvin video -- proves Files could not have been a trainer in Laos. Please post more. With enemies like you, I don't need friends to prove my points.Robert...or is it Number 2? And WHO do you work for? also go by Jane Fonda I see, who I really enjoyed in many films, especially Barbarella. But now I see you are becoming Richard Nixon as well, as I'm now on your enemies list. I'm honored. However to me, you aren't an enemy, you are just someone with an opposing viewpoint. That is all. In another post, I also see you used a reference for your "evidence" to John McAdams...the Nutty Professor and one of the leaders of the Lone Nut club. How ironic. I know of two debates that McAdams has been involved least publically. One was vs. Tom Rossley and the second was vs. Jim DiEugenio. In both cases, McAdams had his clocked cleaned, as some of his outlandish statements were obviously proven wrong. Phil has shown you just one of them, regarding his "belief" that Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie never met. Yes, when it comes to truth, I'll take the words of Zack Shelton, Dan Marvin and Wim Dankbaar over the likes of McAdams, Dave Perry and Larry Dunkel...aka Gary Mack.
Robert Wagner
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Robert Wagner »

Bob wrote:You wrote "show me ONCE where I called you a name." In the next message, you unleashed a torrent of ad homina. Your tergiversation means you are dishonest with either yourself (hypocritical) or readers (two-faced).Robert...or is it Number 2? And WHO do you work for?You also go by Jane Fonda I see, who I really enjoyed in many films, especially Barbarella. But now I see you are becoming Richard Nixon as well, as I'm now on your enemies list. I'm honored. However to me, you aren't an enemy, you are just someone with an opposing viewpoint. That is all. In another post, I also see you used a reference for your "evidence" to John McAdams...the Nutty Professor and one of the leaders of the Lone Nut club. How ironic. I know of two debates that McAdams has been involved least publically. One was vs. Tom Rossley and the second was vs. Jim DiEugenio. In both cases, McAdams had his clocked cleaned, as some of his outlandish statements were obviously proven wrong. Phil has shown you just one of them, regarding his "belief" that Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie never met. Yes, when it comes to truth, I'll take the words of Zack Shelton, Dan Marvin and Wim Dankbaar over the likes of McAdams, Dave Perry and Larry Dunkel...aka Gary Mack.[/quote]I don't work for anyone; I once worked for USMC Recon. Fonda was a joke. Misogyny comes as no surprise. The suicide report I quoted was written by Palm Beach Sheriff, not John McAdams. Your obsession with trust causes you to dismiss valid evidence. You choose whom to trust rather what to believe. It's USA consumer mentality; you're treating people as brand names. I found the Marvin interview on radiofetzer (you posted link yesterday) rings true when he says an assassin chooses his own weapon and is told little about the victim. That explains the variety of weapons in Dealey Plaza. He doesn't mention being one of multiple assassins. If he had, the story would be they're autonomous rather than teammates. However, camaraderie between patsies is encouraged, for public consumption. That explains Files and Oswald palling around. What do we know about Oswald's cellmates? It's possible one of them was the patsy tied to the Mauser, who turned out to be unneeded.
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Bob »

Robert Wagner wrote:Bob wrote:You wrote "show me ONCE where I called you a name." In the next message, you unleashed a torrent of ad homina. Your tergiversation means you are dishonest with either yourself (hypocritical) or readers (two-faced).Robert...or is it Number 2? And WHO do you work for?You also go by Jane Fonda I see, who I really enjoyed in many films, especially Barbarella. But now I see you are becoming Richard Nixon as well, as I'm now on your enemies list. I'm honored. However to me, you aren't an enemy, you are just someone with an opposing viewpoint. That is all. In another post, I also see you used a reference for your "evidence" to John McAdams...the Nutty Professor and one of the leaders of the Lone Nut club. How ironic. I know of two debates that McAdams has been involved least publically. One was vs. Tom Rossley and the second was vs. Jim DiEugenio. In both cases, McAdams had his clocked cleaned, as some of his outlandish statements were obviously proven wrong. Phil has shown you just one of them, regarding his "belief" that Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie never met. Yes, when it comes to truth, I'll take the words of Zack Shelton, Dan Marvin and Wim Dankbaar over the likes of McAdams, Dave Perry and Larry Dunkel...aka Gary Mack.I don't work for anyone; I once worked for USMC Recon. Fonda was a joke. Misogyny comes as no surprise. The suicide report I quoted was written by Palm Beach Sheriff, not John McAdams. Your obsession with trust causes you to dismiss valid evidence. You choose whom to trust rather what to believe. It's USA consumer mentality; you're treating people as brand names. I found the Marvin interview on radiofetzer (you posted link yesterday) rings true when he says an assassin chooses his own weapon and is told little about the victim. That explains the variety of weapons in Dealey Plaza. He doesn't mention being one of multiple assassins. If he had, the story would be they're autonomous rather than teammates. However, camaraderie between patsies is encouraged, for public consumption. That explains Files and Oswald palling around. What do we know about Oswald's cellmates? It's possible one of them was the patsy tied to the Mauser, who turned out to be unneeded.[/quote]I know where the DeMohrenshildt report came from Robert. But you lifted it off McAdams' site. McAdams does have a brand name. It's called disinformation. Mark Lane talks about the Palm Beach situation in this vid. A vid that begins with Bill O'Reilly, when he still had a soul as a journalist.
Robert Wagner
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Robert Wagner »

Bob wrote:I know where the DeMohrenshildt report came from Robert. But you lifted it off McAdams' site. McAdams does have a brand name. It's called disinformation. Mark Lane talks about the Palm Beach situation in this vid. A vid that begins with Bill O'Reilly, when he still had a soul as a journalist. were many beeps on the tape, because the alarm system beeped every time a door opened. The report explained each beep. The one Lane implies was an intruder entering was actually a cook, Miss Romanic, going onto the back porch. Do you think Miss Romanic was part of an assassination cabal who lied about going outside? How did the assassin depart without leaving another beep?DeMohrenshildt was killed by a shotgun blast in the mouth. How did an assassin do that? Seems like it would have required three assailants: one to hold him, one to pry his mouth open and one to fire the shotgun. Well, there were three people in the house. I've got it. The gardener held him, the lying cook enticed him to open his mouth and .... Naah, they're still alive, the cook would have killed the other two.
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Bob »

Robert Wagner wrote:Bob wrote:I know where the DeMohrenshildt report came from Robert. But you lifted it off McAdams' site. McAdams does have a brand name. It's called disinformation. Mark Lane talks about the Palm Beach situation in this vid. A vid that begins with Bill O'Reilly, when he still had a soul as a journalist. were many beeps on the tape, because the alarm system beeped every time a door opened. The report explained each beep. The one Lane implies was an intruder entering was actually a cook, Miss Romanic, going onto the back porch. Do you think Miss Romanic was part of an assassination cabal who lied about going outside? How did the assassin depart without leaving another beep?DeMohrenshildt was killed by a shotgun blast in the mouth. How did an assassin do that? Seems like it would have required three assailants: one to hold him, one to pry his mouth open and one to fire the shotgun. Well, there were three people in the house. I've got it. The gardener held him, the lying cook enticed him to open his mouth and .... Naah, they're still alive, the cook would have killed the other two.Yeah right Robert. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that an interesting name was in DeMohrenshildt's address book too...Poppy Bush's...whose home address and phone number were listed in the address book. We know Poppy was using his job at Zapata as a front for his CIA activity at the time of JFK's death. Zapata was based in Houston. We know that Poppy was a recruiter for Operation 40, which was part of his duties at the CIA. Operation 40 was a top secret CIA project to train selected Cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and assassinations, aimed against the Castro regime. Apart from Felix Rodriguez, other members were now infamous CIA agents and anti-Castro terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll and later Watergate plumbers Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez and E. Howard Hunt. Most of the Operation 40 members were recruited from JM/Wave, a much larger clandestine operation to train a Cuban exile army for the Bay of Pigs invasion.There were many members of Operation 40 present in Dealey Plaza that day. Here is a photo of some of the members of Operation 40...This photograph was taken in a nightclub in Mexico City on 22nd January, 1963.It has been argued by Daniel Hopsicker that the men in the photograph are all members of Operation 40. Hopsicker suggests that the man closest to the camera on the left is Felix Rodriguez, next to him is Porter Goss and Barry Seal. Hopsicker adds that Frank Sturgis is attempting to hide his face with his coat. It has been claimed that in the picture are Albertao 'Loco' Blanco (3rd right) and Jorgo Robreno (4th right).Poppy himself was registered at the Sheraton-Dallas hotel on both 11/21 and 11/22. In fact, the paper announced he would be there. The Dallas Morning News had a small story on 11/20/1963 announcing that George Bush, the President of Zapata Off-Shore Oil Co., would be speaking to the American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors on Thursday night November 21st at 6:30, at the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel.The FBI mentions Poppy in two seperate memos about the assassination, including one from J. Edgar Hoover himself. Here they are...Again remember this. Johnny Roselli was killed in 1976 before he was to appear before the HSCA on the murder of JFK. Guess who was the CIA director then and who had refused any CIA cooperation with the HSCA? Poppy Bu$h. Then how about this? On March 29th, 1977, Charles Nicoletti was murdered in Chicago. He had been shot three times in the back of the head. George DeMohrenschildt died the VERY same day coincidentally. DeMohrenshildt was also a very close acquaintance of Poppy and was also very close to Lee Harvey Oswald. Both men were due to appear before the HSCA where they were to be asked about their involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Do you think Poppy wanted any of those men to testify? Hell no. Especially if Poppy recruited Nicoletti and Roselli on 11/22/1963. Guess who else was killed before he could also testify? Roger Craig. And what about Barry Seal? Coincidentally again I'm sure, Seal, who was a notorious CIA drug runner (remember Mena among other places), was gunned down with Poppy Bush's telephone number in the trunk of his car. Barry Seal was part of Operation 40 as well, coincidentally. Lot's of coincidences huh?
Robert Wagner
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Robert Wagner »

Bob wrote:There were many members of Operation 40 present in Dealey Plaza that day. Here is a photo of some of the members of Operation 40...This photograph was taken in a nightclub in Mexico City on 22nd January, 1963.It has been argued by Daniel Hopsicker that the men in the photograph are all members of Operation 40. Hopsicker suggests that the man closest to the camera on the left is Felix Rodriguez, next to him is Porter Goss and Barry Seal. Hopsicker adds that Frank Sturgis is attempting to hide his face with his coat. It has been claimed that in the picture are Albertao 'Loco' Blanco (3rd right) and Jorgo Robreno (4th right).Another web site says Hopsicker identified the man hiding his face as Tosh Plumlee. picture doesn't prove any of the men were involved in the JFK assassination. Bob wrote:Again remember this. Johnny Roselli was killed in 1976 before he was to appear before the HSCA on the murder of JFK. Guess who was the CIA director then and who had refused any CIA cooperation with the HSCA? Poppy Bu$h. Then how about this? On March 29th, 1977, Charles Nicoletti was murdered in Chicago. He had been shot three times in the back of the head. George DeMohrenschildt died the VERY same day coincidentally. DeMohrenshildt was also a very close acquaintance of Poppy and was also very close to Lee Harvey Oswald. Both men were due to appear before the HSCA where they were to be asked about their involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Do you think Poppy wanted any of those men to testify? Hell no. Especially if Poppy recruited Nicoletti and Roselli on 11/22/1963. Guess who else was killed before he could also testify? Roger Craig. And what about Barry Seal? Coincidentally again I'm sure, Seal, who was a notorious CIA drug runner (remember Mena among other places), was gunned down with Poppy Bush's telephone number in the trunk of his car. Barry Seal was part of Operation 40 as well, coincidentally. Lot's of coincidences huh? Poppy Bush was involved with Bay of Pigs.I was involved with Bay of Pigs. (We were in Cuba two days before the invasion.)Poppy Bush lived in the Uptown section of Houston near Woodway.I lived in the Uptown section of Houston near Woodway.LHO lived in south Irving near Storey Lane.I lived in south Irving near Storey Lane.Poppy Bush ran a Texas oil company.I ran a Texas oil company. In 1976, I was shot at from a distance of five feet. In the trunk of my car was a book (World Almanac) containing the names of government officials. Poppy Bush was head of the CIA in 1976. Coincidence? Judge for yourself.Barry Seal was a DEA informant whose testimony convicted several members of the Medellín Cartel. His murder was made to look like a Cartel hit. Three Colombian patsies captured near the scene with the alleged "murder weapon" are serving life. Coincidence?Roger Craig suffered two painful injuries, was fired from the police department, was unable to work, his wife left, took valium, drank enough alcohol to raise his BAC to .30 and wrote a suicide note. Then he was murdered with gun held to his chest. His murder was made to look like suicide.Lots of coincidences, huh?
Phil Dragoo
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Caution: slippery mandala

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Dr. Mendoza and Dr. DeLoach appeared to inject George DeMohrenschildt with substances they refused to identify according to Jeanne DeMohrenschildt. DeLoach administered nine electroshock treatments.Epstein was useful to Angleton in preserving the World War III virus; the pressures of his interviews with DeMohrenschildt and the approach of the HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi were bookends to the death of the man who pled with DCI Bush to call off the vigilantes.The response was the appearance of Mendoza and DeLoach whose treatment caused ever increasing anxiety in George DeMohrenschildt. ... ageId=31On 5th September, 1976, George de Mohrenschildt wrote the following letter to George H. W. Bush:Dear George,You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in.My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation.I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from (cystic fibrosis) over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much.Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more.Good luck in your important job.Thank you so much.George de Mohrenschildt Huffington, Tina Brown and the New Media: Death at an Early Age?By James DiEugenioEdward Epstein has something of a name as a writer, and the JFK assassination certainly is a topic with high recognition quality. Epstein began his career in 1966 with the book Inquest, a study of the make-up and process of the Warren Commission. One of the underlying themes of the book is that although the Commission was not an in-depth, exhaustive investigation, it was not really a conscious cover-up. The Commissioners were misled by not having certain pieces of evidence available, by having to hew to an unrealistic timeline, and not being fully informed by agencies like the FBI and CIA. The book tried to picture the Commission as performing something like a benign political palliative.Volumes by Mark Lane and Sylvia Meagher, which followed Epstein's, undermined Inquest by indicating that the Commission did understand that it was partaking in a deception. So in retrospect, his first writing performance indicated that there was more to Epstein than met the eye.This was confirmed the next year. FBI informant Lawrence Schiller had co-written a book called The Scavengers and Critics of the Warren Report. This book was the first attempt to ridicule and caricature them as odd creatures not deserving to be listened to or heard. It had an accompanying LP record called The Controversy. Epstein can be heard on this album joining in on the lambasting.If anyone maintained doubts about where Epstein now was, they dissipated in 1968. He published a long hit piece on Jim Garrison, which would later be issued as a book called Counterplot. According to Garrison's chief investigator, Epstein had spent all of 48 hours doing research in New Orleans. (Probe Vol. 7 No. 1 p. 15) So where did the author get his information? Documents declassified by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) reveal that Epstein had been in contact with Clay Shaw's lawyers – Bill and Ed Wegmann – quite often. He was also in contact with the lawyer for both Jack Ruby and Gordon Novel, a man named Elmer Gertz. The work of the ARRB shows just how close Shaw's lawyers were with the CIA and FBI. (See the essay "The Obstruction of Garrison" in The Assassinations ed. by James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease.) So it is not at all surprising that within one week of publication, Epstein's hit piece was being circulated worldwide by the CIA to all station chiefs. (CIA Memo numbered 1127-987)In 1971, Epstein showed he was an equal opportunity pimp: he now helped the FBI. He wrote an essay that argued that the Bureau had not really killed 28 Black Panthers as their attorney Charles Garry had argued. He added that, contrary to what observers thought, there really was no scheme by the FBI to liquidate the Panthers. He argued this on television with Garry. (FBI memo of 1/20/76) This phony tenet was exploded when the Church Committee exposed the FBI's illegal COINTELPRO programs, one of which was directly aimed at the Panthers. The declassified record today shows that the FBI – working with state and local authorities – did all they could to destroy the Panthers, including coordinating violent action against their leaders. The most famous instance being the murder of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in Chicago. (Anthony Summers, Official and Confidential, p. 384)If anyone – like the editors at Huffington Post – needed more evidence about who Epstein was, it arrived in 1978 in the form of a book called Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald. The sub-title is the giveaway. Because the last thing you will find here is anything about Oswald's covert life. Nothing about his activities in the Civil Air Patrol with David Ferrie. Little suspicion about how he got out of the Marines so quickly over a phony family injury to is mother. No questions about how he just happened to meet Marina Oswald right after another ersatz defector had. Nothing about Oswald in the Clinton-Jackson area with Ferrie and Clay Shaw etc. etc. etc. You get the idea.At the time, many felt the book was another Epstein put up job. They were right. Again, the ARRB was helpful in proving this. In 1976, Kenneth Gilmore, Managing Editor of Reader's Digest, got in contact with the FBI about their upcoming serialization of the book. The memo reads that "Gilmore said that the book will be a definitive, factual work which will evaluate, and hopefully put to rest, recurring myths surrounding the Kennedy assassination." (Probe, op cit) Gilmore was requesting that the FBI give Epstein as much aid and documentation as possible to help with the book. Since the Bureau had been covering up the true circumstances of Kennedy's murder from about the first day, they obliged. (Click here for proof this was the case.) Clarence Kelley, FBI Director at the time, gave the visit his blessing. (FBI Memo of 4/5/76)The timing of this contact and the beginning of Epstein's research is interesting and relevant. The Zapruder film had first been shown on national television in 1975 and created a public furor. Three bills were then drafted in Congress to reopen the JFK case. The HSCA was about to be formed. Knowing Epstein's history of fronting for the FBI and CIA, it is safe to say he was trying to get the jump on the formation of the committee.Years later, in 1992, Epstein revealed in the introduction to a reissue of the book that Reader' Digest had promised him extraordinary access to Yuri Nosenko. This was the KGB defector who had given the CIA information about Oswald's non-recruitment by the Soviets while he was in Russia. This probably came about because a senior editor at Reader's Digest, John Barron, had been a close friend of CIA Mexico City station chief Winston Scott. (Probe, op cit, p. 24)Epstein's chief source for the book was James Angleton, the CIA's counter-intelligence chief for over 20 years. (Jerry Policoff called Angleton one evening and he confirmed this was so.) Angleton's infamous reign included the assassination of President Kennedy and the later imprisonment of Nosenko. Legend was budgeted at two million dollars. Epstein got an advance of half a million. He was also furnished with a research staff. (Probe, ibid)Although the book is amorphous to read, it seems to say that the Soviets made a pitch to Oswald when he was with the Marines in Japan. They convinced him to defect to Russia in 1959. Oswald had good information on the U-2. In return, he was given a nice apartment and job. The Russians then directed him to return and they gave him an undisclosed mission in Texas. But the book implies that in 1963, Oswald abandoned his KGB sponsors and moved toward Cuba. This seems to have provoked him to kill Kennedy. In order to detract suspicion from any involvement, the KGB sent Nosenko over to say they had never employed Oswald. The book says that, unfortunately, the Agency ultimately bought into Nosenko. The last part clearly shows the influence of Angleton since he was the one who pushed the Agency to imprison and torture Nosenko. CIA Director Bill Colby disagreed. He, and many others, thought Nosenko was genuine. For as Director Bill Colby asked: If Nosenko was sent over by the KGB to trick the CIA about Oswald, why had he tried to defect before the assassination.How bad was Epstein's approach to the book? When Jim Marrs interviewed a woman who was involved in the making of the volume, he asked her why Epstein never went into Oswald's ties to the CIA. Which, he correctly added, were at least as obvious as his ties to the KGB. She replied that they were advised to avoid that area. Billy Lord was a traveler on board the ship Marion Lykes, the boat that he and Oswald took to Europe in 1959. After a preliminary meeting with Epstein, and one with his staff, Lord refused any more contacts. He said that Epstein is "a critic of anyone who criticizes the Warren Commission." Because of this Lord was reluctant to deal with him further and suspected "he may be an agent for, or otherwise connected, with the CIA." (Probe, ibid, p. 26)The releases of the ARRB tell us why Angleton wanted to use Epstein as a mouthpiece. As John Newman notes in Oswald and the CIA, when Oswald defected to Russia, the State Department properly notified the authorities in the USA. That notification was quickly filed in the right place at the offices of the FBI and the Navy. But it was not posted at the CIA for 31 days. And when it was finally filed, it was filed in the wrong place. Instead of going to the Soviet Russia division, it was filed in Angleton's CI/SIG unit. (See pgs. 25-27) This was a special shop that protected the CIA from penetration agents. Newman's book demonstrates that it was Angleton who was likely running Oswald as a counter-intelligence agent. And in the 2008 reissue of the book, Newman named Angleton as the designer of the plot. (p. 637) In other words, through Epstein, Angleton was concealing who Oswald was, and who manipulated him.Perhaps the most intriguing fact about this deception was Epstein's association with George DeMohrenschildt. DeMohrenschildt, nicknamed the Baron, takes up a lot of space in Legend. Because of his Russian roots, Epstein tries to insinuate that somehow he was the Russian agent guiding Oswald in his Mission from Moscow. Today, most researchers look at the Baron the other way: He was assigned by Dallas CIA station chief J. Walton Moore to approach Oswald upon his return from Russia. As he put it, "I would never have contacted Oswald in a million years if Moore had not sanctioned it." (JFK and the Unspeakable, by James Douglass, p. 47) The Baron then introduced Oswald to the White Russian community in the Dallas area. More importantly, he connected Marina and Lee with Ruth and Michael Paine. Once that was accomplished, he slinked off-stage. But the Paines stayed closely involved with Oswald up until and after the assassination.On March 29, 1977, the Baron was found dead from a shotgun blast in Palm Beach. He had been staying with his daughter Alexandra at a Florida estate owned by Alexandra's aunt. Two things happened before he died.. Gaeton Fonzi of the HSCA had been to the home to serve notice that the Committee wanted to talk to him. Second, DeMohrenschildt had just returned from an interview with Epstein at his hotel, about 12 miles away.At the time of his death, there were few surviving witnesses more important than George DeMohrenschildt. For one, he could have told the HSCA about the reports that he was filing about Oswald with military intelligence. All of it was of a prejudicial nature. Why? (The Man Who Knew Too Much, by Dick Russell, p. 456, 2003 edition) He could have answered questions about his 1963 relationship with Dorothe Matlack. She was the military intelligence officer who the Baron met with after Oswald left for New Orleans in April. Did she and the CIA help arrange a $285,000 oil exploration contract with the Haitian government for him and his partner Clemard Charles? (Douglass, p. 48) In May, the Baron departed for Haiti. Was the money a payoff for his Oswald assignment? Did DeMohrenschildt also arrange for Oswald's job at Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall after Lee returned from Russia? It seems odd that a Marxist defector would be working at a shop doing Defense Department assignments. One of which was reportedly map-making the U-2 overflights during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (ibid) These are all intriguing queries that the Baron never got to answer.Although DeMohrenschildt's death was ruled a suicide, the evidence presented at the inquest does not make that verdict altogether convincing. Those who have seen the autopsy photos say that, although DeMohrenschildt was supposed to have stuck a rifle in his mouth, there is no blasted out back of the skull. As Jerry Rose pointed out in The Third Decade (Vol. 1 No. 1), although the maid and cook were in the kitchen directly below DeMohrenschildt's room, neither of them heard the shotgun blast explosion. Rose also points out that the position of the rifle post-mortem, is weird. It was trigger side up, the barrel resting at his feet, the butt to his left, and the general direction was parallel to the chair he sat in. As Rose writes, "to the layman's eye it will appear ... that the rifle was placed in that position by a living person." These and other oddities brought out by Rose, suggest foul play.One other point needs to be made in this regard. In November of 1977, Mark Lane wrote an article for Gallery. It was based on his attendance at the inquest. He wrote that Alexandra's aunt told the maid to tape record her favorite soap opera while she was gone. The tape carried the sound of the program and the shotgun blast. The servants had testified that there was an alarm system installed which caused a bell to ring when someone entered. It rang whenever an outside door or window was opened. When the tape played, just after a commercial, a gentle bell was heard, and then the shotgun blast. Did someone enter the house right before the shooting? Was this person involved in the death? The HSCA should have explored that matter thoroughly. It did not.Despite all these oddities in the evidence, Epstein, who the Baron had just seen, did not testify at the inquest. He had been staying at the five-star Breakers Hotel. He was paying DeMohrenschildt three thousand dollars for four days of interviews. Lane interviewed David Bludworth, the US attorney on the case. Bludworth said that although Epstein was paying George handsomely for the interview, he let the Baron go after a very short period of time. He commented to Lane: "Why do you think that was?" Bludworth said he knew the long distance calls made from the area and he knew whom Epstein had called. He had also questioned Epstein on the matter. Epstein said he had taken no notes or tape recordings of the DeMohrenschildt interview. Bludworth told Lane he thought this was a lie. Why pay him all that money then? Bludworth continued by adding that DeMohrenschildt left in a car rented by Epstein. But only after Epstein showed him a document indicating that he may be taken back to Parkland Hospital and given electroshock treatments. Bludworth closed with, "You know, DeMohrenschildt was deathly afraid of those treatments. They can wreck your mind. DeMohrenschildt was terrified of being sent back there. One hour later, he was dead."On 29th March, 1977, Charles Nicoletti was murdered in Chicago. He had been shot three times in the back of the head. George De Mohrenschildt died the same day. Both men were due to appear before the Select House Committee on Assassinations where they were to be asked about their involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Bob »

Robert, you sure have had a lifetime full of incredible experiences. By the way, to you and all other veterans today...I hope you all enjoy this day, as it's Veterans day. But everyday should be Veterans Day, because of all the sacrifices these men and women have made on behalf of their country in the name of freedom. Sarifices that sometimes includes death or devastating injuries from battle. Okay...let's look at some of your previous statements, annd I would like some clarification about them...Poppy Bush was involved with Bay of Pigs.I was involved with Bay of Pigs. (We were in Cuba two days before the invasion.)Do you know Poppy? Tell us about your experience during the Bay of Pigs. Do you blame JFK for how the invasion turned out?Poppy Bush lived in the Uptown section of Houston near Woodway.I lived in the Uptown section of Houston near you know Poppy?LHO lived in south Irving near Storey Lane.I lived in south Irving near Storey Lane.You sure get around. Did you know LHO or anyone associated with him?Poppy Bush ran a Texas oil company.I ran a Texas oil company. What oil company did you run?In 1976, I was shot at from a distance of five feet. In the trunk of my car was a book (World Almanac) containing the names of government officials. Poppy Bush was head of the CIA in 1976. Why and how did this event happen? Also, where? And who was the shooter?