Bruce Patrick Brychek

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Dan that sounds like the question you never answered when I asked you. Did you serve? 19d US cavalry scout that is what I am, so what was you bullshit about not serving and talking shit about W? Your a poser and I am curious as to the timing of you going from Texas to DC and now it is time to go back? You workin for W there slick? Clinton , Bush ,Prescott or Joe Kennedy. Who gives a shit? They are all full o shit. The fact that someone else is crooked does not relieve any blame off of Bush. If Clinton shot Vince Foster himself! Does not take anything off Bush. Please stop trying to say Bush is clean because someone else is bad. Thats some stupid shit. NWO is a proven fact unlike your BS. Your fricken hero daddy Bush promoted it and stated it numerous times. Points of light? Sound familiar? On the 11th of September 1990 daddy Bu$h stated is a ton of times So maybe you should just learn to swallow more then you currently are. and leave my friends alone. Eh?
You would let these neocons lead you right down the road to a slaughter and right up to the second a bullet pierced your weak brain you would think they are helping you. I say it again, there a thousands of your type through history of this country who have not the balls to challenge the wrong and protect what your country is truly about. Instead you would like to try and form it into some twisted form of what YOU belive and not what is good for everyone. Gen. Eisenhower warned us about people like you. Pres. Jackson had to make you fight in 1812. Gen. Washington loathed your kind. Gen. Patton smacked you in WWII. Being brave is tough Dan and sometimes you have to wait until someone smacks you before you smack back. Not just my opinion but it is also the LAW! If I walked up to a cop and shot him because he carries a weapon and MIGHT shoot me SOMEDAY? Doesn't that sound stupid? The only thing YOU have to fear is fear itself Dan. Calm down relax it is ok. The big ol bad terrorist arent going to get you. IF they do they will probably die with you and you can whoop up on them in the after life. You both will be in the same place.
Reality? HA! You live in a fuckin wonderland of stupidity.
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Live it up Now

Post by Dan »

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Re: Lies Lies and More Lies

Post by Dan »

Bob wrote:Dan wrote:Oh how the lefty loonies are easily lead by the nonsensical propaganda put forth by the demonrats and the eurotrash propaganda websites.Ken Lay and Enron had their huge increase in share price from 1996 to 2001 (those would be the Clinton years). The Enron collapse happened just months after the Bush administration took office (we finally had a serious regulator that wouldn't let them get way with the Rubin slime style of coporate accounting).Lay's political contributions to the demonrats and to slick Willy far exceeded any contributions to President Bush or any republicans. Just because you keep spouting propaganda doesn't make it true - maybe the Clinton's and Georgey Soros can control you that way - but some of us can still think for ourselves!Once again Dan, you are WRONG. Yes, Lay did give to the Dems during the Clinton years, but it was nothing like he gave to Dumbya and the Repubs.The long-term trials and implications of Enron's collapse are somewhat unclear, but there is considerable political fallout both in the U.S. and in the UK relating to the money Enron gave to political figures (around US$7 million since 1990). During Clinton's eight years in office, the company and Lay contributed about $900,000 to the Democratic Party. In 1999 and 2000, the company gave $362,000 in soft-money donations to Democrats. Since 1996, between 72% and 94% of yearly American contributions went to the Republican Party, including heavy contributions to George W. Bush's presidential campaign.Do the math Dan. The means he gave about $1.2 million to the Dems and $5.8 million to the Repubs and Dumbya Bu$h. Also, remember he was also at the secret Cheney energy meetings BEFORE 9/11, with all the heads of Big Oil to discuss among other things the Iraqi oil situation.

If you are going to post this crap then list a source - is this more Al Franken nonsense?

Enron and Clinton
Charles R. Smith
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
Dirty Deals and the DNC Cash Machine

Fiction writers documented the fall of Enron as a scandal to be linked to President Bush. Yet the U.S. Commerce Department has just released over 5,000 pages of documents that detail the Enron scandal during the Clinton years.

The Commerce materials outline a long-standing and very close relationship between the Clinton administration and Enron. For example, in March 1999 U.S. Commerce Secretary William Daley's trade delegation to China produced several sweet business deals, including a special little gem for Enron.

Enron International China Pipeline, a wholly owned subsidiary of Enron Corp. of Houston, Texas, signed a memorandum of understanding with China National Petroleum Corporation to jointly develop a natural gas pipeline.

"Enron International approached FCS (Foreign Commercial Service) Beijing for advocacy support for its joint venture to build a 4,000 km, $400 million natural gas pipeline from reserves in Sichuan Province to markets in and around Wuhan in eastern China," states an April 1999 Commerce document from Ivone Yang.

"CO Adams worked with Enron and USDOC's Advocacy Center to win the Chinese authorities blessing so that Enron International was able to sign a Memorandum of Understanding during Secretary Daley's visit to China in March 1999 with its partner, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)," notes the Commerce Department memo.

The deal also sealed the first major U.S. energy effort with China National Petroleum. However, China National Petroleum already has great experience at building pipelines under hostile conditions. CNPC is a Chinese army-owned firm that currently operates an oil pipeline inside war-torn areas of Sudan.

According to an article published in Investor's Business Daily by John Berlau, "Chinese Oil Firm Listing on NYSE Faces Fight Due to Terrorist Links," CNPC operates an oil pipeline through the contested areas inside Sudan.

"Canada's Foreign Affairs Ministry recently found that the oil pipeline that CNPC is building with Sudan's government and others is 'exacerbating the conflict' that has already killed 2 million people," wrote Berlau. "Not only will the oil revenue go to fuel the war effort but Sudan's government is using the pipeline project's airstrip for bombing missions."

Green Gore Goes Red

The work to help Enron even touched the king of "Green" - Al Gore. The Chinese deal with Enron has its roots with former Vice President Al Gore. In 1998, Gore wrote the Chinese leadership, urging them to sign lucrative contracts with Enron.

"In mid 1997, then State Development and Planning Commission (SDPC) Vice-Chairman Zeng Peiyan and the Secretary of Energy signed an Energy and Environment Cooperation initiative. Under that initiative, the two side have held two oil and gas forums and, last spring in Beijing, a national gas experts meeting," notes a 1998 Commerce Department document.

"The largest project to date in promoting natural gas use is the Guangdong Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal, to be constructed near Shenzhen... Several U.S. companies are actively pursing foreign partner status, including ExxonMobil, Enron and Chevron," noted the Commerce document.

"Vice President Gore recently wrote to Premier Zhu, expressing his hope that the Guangdong LNG project would become an example of successful U.S.-China clean energy cooperation," states the Commerce Department document.

African Enron

In 1995, the Clinton-Gore effort to help Enron win deals crossed all bounds of decency by using humanitarian aid as leverage. The Clinton-Gore National Security Council and Vice President Gore strong-armed Mozambique so that Enron could obtain an exclusive deal using threats of aid cuts as leverage.

Enron failed to match the terms offered by South African firm Sasol for the giant Pande gas fields. However, Enron Corp.'s plan to develop Mozambique's Pande natural gas field was saved from cancellation by a blunt threat from Clinton Security Council head Anthony Lake to cut off future U.S. humanitarian aid to Mozambique.

When Mozambique threatened to cancel the Enron Pande gas deal, Lake promptly suspended a $135 million humanitarian aid payment. Lake also wrote a threatening letter directly to the president of Mozambique.

"There is at the moment a debate of unprecedented intensity in Washington with regard to my government's overall budget, and particularly, funding for foreign assistance. Mr. President, we hope for a mutual effect on Africa on this debate. However, it will become increasingly difficult to defend such programs if some are able to argue that promising countries like Mozambique are not moving ahead rapidly to ensure economic growth through resources development," wrote Lake.

In the end, Mozambique caved, giving the exclusive deal to Enron over a South African firm. However, the only market for the Mozambique gas was a steel plant in South Africa. It would take two visits from VP Gore and Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary to South Africa to convince the Pretoria government to buy the Enron deal.

Enron DNC Money

During the 1990s, Enron CEO Ken Lay personally contributed $11,000 to former President Bill Clinton for his two campaigns. In addition, Lay gave Vice President Al Gore $13,750 for his 2000 election campaign.

During Clinton's eight years in office, the company and Lay contributed about $900,000 to the Democratic Party. Former Enron officials said an important part of their strategy to win favor with the Gore campaign was a significant increase in the company's donations to Democrats. In 1999 and 2000, the company gave $362,000 in soft-money donations to Democrats.

Most Americans were not aware of Enron's dealings with a Chinese army oil company engaged in oil-for-blood in Sudan. The mass media neglected to inform the U.S. public about the cruel use of humanitarian aid by the Clinton administration that greased an Enron deal in Africa. The fiction writers who spin your news never mentioned the Enron donations to the DNC.

If you paid attention to any of the mainstream media outlets, you can be certain that Enron never existed during the Clinton years.
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Post by Dan »

Bob, you probably used Wikipedia - not a credible source.

But you do the math - Your wiki data states US $7 million since 1990 - it doesn't say $7 million to US political candidates. So please breakdown the numbers into what the UK, US and other countries received ...oh wait YOU CAN'T!

More propaganda - or fiction as Charles R. Smith writes.
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Post by Dan »

Bob wrote:Dan wrote:Bob wrote:Wait a minute. Who invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine? That would be Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.!Joe Kennedy had some obvious flaws. He was a bootlegger and an isolationist before WWII. But compared to Prescott Bu$h, he WAS NOT a supporter of Germany once the war started like Prescott was. His favorite son Joe Jr. died fighting the Nazis. Your theory is off the mark AGAIN.

Joe Kennedy was hardcore pro-NAZI let's make money with the fuhrer. You know it too! He was forced to resign as the Ambassador to Britain because he was arranging deals to profit from the war!

His favorite son had to come home a war hero (alive) to become president! He served honorably and was a hero, but that didn't prevent Sr. from being the Nazi profiteer.

You non-veterans have to learn that you don't serve vicariously! Ole Joe Sr. didn't serve and wasn't anti-nazi because his son served.
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Post by Dan »

Tweedledumb - you might be one of the most stupid people that somehow learned to read - but at least you served - I hope your discharge was honorable. It must have been tough serving with your limited mental capacity - I give you credit.
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Post by Dan »

tom jeffers wrote:dan,whoa..... your getting a little personal. Do not pretend to know what I do with my spare time nor imply that I and my family have not served our country. You don't know me or know about me. I oparate a very successful accounting practice with 2 offices. (how conservative can you get) I don't have time to surf the net looking for whacko theories, but I do read and study history, the history they want to shove down your throat and thye history they don't want you to know. My family has sacrificed many lambs to the military, my uncle was in the navy in the 50's and was experimented on with lsd by our fine government. My dad broke his back in WW2, my son has had 2 trips to Iraq as the squad leader of the scout sniper group in charge of taking out targets, my other son is graduating in the top 20 percent of his class in the air force acadamy. I was not allowed in because of a childhood bone disease or I would have served. I donate my time and resourses to my community for various charities. If you knew me personally, you would find that I am a giver and not a taker. So please take a step back before you attack those on this sight personally.Namaste

Tom, I am an accountant, engineer and attorney, but I enlisted at 17 and served 6 years. Your family serving has little reflection on you - I think Bob used the identical paragraph several years ago.

I have little tolerance (OMG he's intolerant!) for able bodied males who cry about the war yet have never fulfilled their honorable duty of service to their country. Two freakin years is not asking much. My Isreali friends (all lefty Jews) are so admirable - each and everyone of them, male and female, all served their country and were proud to do so.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Dan wrote:Tom, I am an accountant, engineer and attorney, but I enlisted at 17 and served 6 years. Your family serving has little reflection on you - I think Bob used the identical paragraph several years ago.I have little tolerance (OMG he's intolerant!) for able bodied males who cry about the war yet have never fulfilled their honorable duty of service to their country. Two freakin years is not asking much. My Isreali friends (all lefty Jews) are so admirable - each and everyone of them, male and female, all served their country and were proud to do so.

Yes Dan and I am Rambo
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Post by Bob »

You can keep denying things Dan, but the bottom line is that the Bu$h family tree has it's roots buried in treason. And that treason continues to this day. You ALWAYS say it's just a coincidence that Poppy Bu$h knew people linked to the JFK assassination or that Dumbya Bu$h is linked to so many scandals. Yes, I know your response will also be using the Clinton name. As I've said before, I voted for Slick Willie twice, but I have come to know things about him and Hillary that make me regret that vote. But as often happens in the U.S., sometimes you have two assholes running for President and you have to try and chose the better asshole. And if the candidate has a last name of Bu$h, he will NEVER get my vote. As I've also said, Slick Willie and Poppy have a history that takes us back to Mena, Arkansas in the 80's, when Bill was Governor and Poppy was in the White House. There was lot's of drug running out of Mena then, right about the same time Poppy was leading the Iran/Contra episode in the Reagan White House. Now when you see Slick Willie and Poppy on TV, it is like a lovefest. Barbara Bu$h said of the couple "It's my great honor to introduce America's favorite new couple," she said. "Everyone is talking about the 'odd couple,' George and Bill — or, as I now call him, Son." The events of Mena are swept under the carpet by the MSM, just like everything else involving the Bu$hes, and in this case Clinton as well. Jimmy Files knows about Mena. Barry Seal died because of Mena, among other things. You know, Seal, the biggest CIA drug runner of all-time, who just happened to have Poppy Bu$h's personal telephone number with him when he was murdered. I know, it's just a coincidence.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »


This sight is for discussion and to express views. It is not about personal attacks. I have never gotton personal with you or anyone else on this forum. When you start getting personal, it is a sign that you are running out of Ammo and cannot defend your position any other way than to drag emotion into it. I tried to enlist but was 4-f'd. it wasn't my fault. My family has lost considerably fighting for this country. My two sons are serving now. I vote and I am a citizen. If the constitution is our governing instrument (questionable) then I have every right to critique the electred officials. They are no longer private individuals and their decisions affect billions of lives. I may not agree with everything bob, paul, brian, mc or some of the others but I respect their views that come from their unique experiences and perspectives and defend their right to express those views here and elsewhere.

The military is just a tool by the powers to forcibly take real estate. Since my tax dollars are being used to fund those enterprises, I have every right to express my views on the subject. If you notice in every presidential election the buzz word is always "change". Why, because people are tired of the status quo and want real change. The problem is that big money promotes candidates that promotes its interest and we are only left to choose between a or b and both are two sides of the same coin. As I stated in an earlier post, I learned along time ago that you cannot argue politics or religeon. The new world order is right around the corner, I see pieces of it emerging every day. Our little tax rebate that was recently passed to put some money in everyones pocket in june is just a little teaser to let everyone think our economy is ok. It is only a band aid and as soon as the presidential election is over and christmas has passed about this time next year the bottom will fall out of our economy. That is why the federal reserve does not report the M3 money supply. If you understand why that is a key figure then you will also understand that the reason it is not reported is because the fed is trying to fool the system into lower interest rates and lower inflation. atleast temporarily. You cannot keep printing money to pay for the war, lower taxes and not expect higher inflation and interest rates. Just remember where you heard about next january's major recession first!