Roger Craig

JFK Assassination
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

no wim i dont i wish i did
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Bob »

I wish Roger was around to say for sure, but I still think it was David Morales. I also think it was Mac Wallace and Morales that were seen on the 6th floor of the TSBD by Arnold Rowland. As some of you know, a fingerprint of Wallace's was found near the sniper's nest. Wallace was also a crack rifle shot according to Madeline Brown...LBJ's mistress. The man who looks a lot like Wallace was Richard Cain. Jimmy Files said that Cain was in Dealey Plaza that day. However, Cain had poor eyesite, and was only a close range hit man. I think the Mauser found on the 6th floor may have been used by Wallace. Anyway, Wallace also planted the stuff at the sniper's nest to frame Lee Harvey Oswald, while Morales picked up Oswald in the car shortly after the assassination, as an unknowing Oswald was riding with a guy ( a CIA operative like LHO) who helped to set him up.
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by dankbaar »

Q: Could you give us a description of that individual? A: Very dark complected, Latin-looking with black hair. He was very muscular, had a bull neck and very strong face. As we were scanning the curb I heard a shrill whistle coming from the north side of Elm Street. I turned and saw a white male in his twenties running down the grassy knoll from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository Building. A light green Rambler station wagon was coming slowly west on Elm Street. The driver of the station wagon was a husky looking Latin, with dark wavy hair, wearing a tan wind breaker type jacket. He was looking up at the man running toward him. He pulled over to the north curb and picked up the man coming down the hill. I tried to cross Elm Street to stop them and find out who they were. The traffic was too heavy and I was unable to reach them. They drove away going west on Elm Street. Oswald must have known the driver to be picked up by him. We know that Oswald was handled by David Atlee Phillips. Therefore the driver was most likely also under David Atlee Phillips. There is only one man fitting the bill and the description: ... ales.htmIt is interesting to ask how Oswald knew he would be picked up by Morales after the assassination. Equally interesting is to ask if Morales was privy to the plan to make Oswald the patsy.
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

something else im pretty shure that the plan was for Oswald to meet his deployment person at the texas theater but was made the patsy from there just think the two buildings Oswald was in both began with TEXAS odd huhand the information came from a phone call to the Dallas Police Smells like FBI or CIA to me
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

Jerry if you are going west thru dealey on Main St.Can you get on Stemons going north?Do you have any maps from 1963?I saw an old map online once but can't remember where.
Jerry Craig
Posts: 8
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

if i remember correctly when going down main you have to cross over several lanes to get to N Stemmons entrance im by baylor hospital now i will go that way later when i go to get my wife and i will let you know for shure.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

See if there is an easy entrance to Stemmons off of Main,my GPS and an old 1963 map shows no entrance tto Stemmons?I know you could go on out and checkerboard around but I am talking about a direct entry ramp.Also Main changes to Commerce right there too?
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

ok i will check it out and let you know i do know there is not a direct entrance to stemmons from main you would have to cross over several lanes to get on stemmons but it can be done but it is dangerous
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

Does anyone have a book written by Henry Hurt? Reasonable Doubt
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:Does anyone have a book written by Henry Hurt? Reasonable DoubtI do Joe somewhere here. I haven't read it in a while.