David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

JFK Assassination
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Frenchy wrote:So Chris you are now accepting that Gary Mack was righttut tutPlease Frenchy...I believe Bob Franklin said that it probably was David Atlee Phillips based on his photo enhancement. Maybe I'm reading that wrong. I will admit however, that the Rutledge photo from the Navy bears a resemblence. But again...just look at the original post in this thread. You can see both photos at the same time if you scroll down enough...the LHO press conference and the photo of DAP in front of the CIA sign. The head size is basically the same in both photos. Same forehead, same left ear, same left eye brow, same nose, same chin and same lower lip.Now...who has more credibility in this issue? A guy who worked in Naval intelligence and was in the NSA who says it is Phillips, or a disinformation expert like Gary Mack (who is a bought off hack), who gets NO respect whatsoever from people like Jim Marrs and Robert Groden, who are real experts on the JFK assassination?I think everyone here knows my view on those questions.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Frenchy wrote:So Chris you are now accepting that Gary Mack was righttut tutPlease Frenchy...I believe Bob Franklin said that it probably was David Atlee Phillips based on his photo enhancement. Maybe I'm reading that wrong. I will admit however, that the Rutledge photo from the Navy bears a resemblence. But again...just look at the original post in this thread. You can see both photos at the same time if you scroll down enough...the LHO press conference and the photo of DAP in front of the CIA sign. The head size is basically the same in both photos. Same forehead, same left ear, same left eye brow, same nose, same chin and same lower lip.Now...who has more credibility in this issue? A guy who worked in Naval intelligence and was in the NSA who says it is Phillips, or a disinformation expert like Gary Mack (who is a bought off hack), who gets NO respect whatsoever from people like Jim Marrs and Robert Groden, who are real experts on the JFK assassination?I think everyone here knows my view on those questions.I'm still comparing them, but I'm leaning toward the Phillips idea.And, Bob! You mean to say that Gary Mack isn't THE voice of truth? Say it aint so!!!!
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Frenchy wrote:So Chris you are now accepting that Gary Mack was right tut tut Hi Frenchy, Gary Mack might be correct in this single case, but he is not right, that it would not be necessary to investigate, where Phillips and Lansdale and others actually have been on that day. By the way, read the 2003-interview of James Files again: JF - I went into the military in January 1959. Regular army. I went into Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, took my basic there. From there I went to Fort Polk. AIT training there, went to Bragg, Airborne, ..and Laos. And Laos, I got in trouble over there, well - not really trouble, we had some problems, I executed two of my own men. I was court martialled, I wrote my own court martial, I wrote the report, they got me court martialled, I didn't write the court martial itself, but the report I wrote was a result of it. And they knew that I was right, every JCS knew that I was right and I went for a ninety-days evaluation and I was recruited out of the Veteran's hospital. And there have been claim numbers located on that. Some say they are not mine, but they were. But anyway, to make long story short, David Phillips recruited me, due to a word of William Shackley. William Theodore Shackley. Ted Shackley, as he is known as.J - So, did Phillips recruit you or did Shackley recruit you?JF - Shackley recommended me. Phillips is the one that recruited me. He had come to see me and told me he had a job waiting for me. I walked out of the Veteran's hospital.J - Where was that?JF - That was there in Maywood, Illinois.J - Who was the director at that time?JF - I don't even remember that far back. I don't remember if Dulles was still there or if he was already out or not. I am not . I don't remember. At that time I knew virtually nothing about the CIA to speak of. I only knew it existed.J - Did you go through any training?JF - What they wanted me for, I had already been through all my training, advanced training to go to Laos. I had already been to Laos and back again, and he wanted me to work and train some of the Cubans.J - Are you a pilot?JF - I can fly, yes.J - Did you ever get a pilot license?JF - I had a pilot's license at one time, yes. Is Gary Mack, are you, are we doing sufficient research about whether Phillips was in that Veteran's hospital in those days and about who trained who where for the Bay of Pigs operation and about where Files made his pilot license?
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Frenchy »

As Files ever taken a polygraph test?I dont know, thats why im asking
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

First off, Frenchy your opinion is always welcome here, no matter what you believe. But it's pretty obvious that you have doubts about the Jimmy Files story, and it's also pretty clear that you think Gary Mack is credible. Okay, let's start with Files first. Please see this...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/filestruth.htmAlso see this about Files connection to David Atlee Phillips...James Files says that his CIA supervisor, who also recruited him, was David Atlee Phillips. David Atlee Phillips is a man whose name is well known to assassination researchers. He was called to testify for the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970's. Several members of the committee wanted to call him again for they believed he had not told the truth and committed perjury. Phillips was traced as a suspect as a result of the testimony of cuban exile leader Antonio Veciana, a friend of Files, who knew his CIA case officer only under the alias of "Maurice Bishop". A composite sketch, based on the recollections of Veciana prompted US senator Schweiker to recognize David Atlee Phillips. A confrontation between Veciana and Phillips was arranged but Veciana, apparently fearing for his safety, refused to identify Phillips as his former case officer, but later acknowledged privately that Phillips was indeed his CIA controller. The following is known of David Atlee Phillips by now: He was one of the masterminds for the CIA staged coup by Pinochet in 1973, as well as the overthrow in 1954 of the Guatemala regime headed by Jacobo Arbenz. He was working closely with CIA officer E. Howard Hunt, another suspect in the plot to kill JFK and the leader of the infamous Watergate burglar team. In the 1950's and 1960's, Phillips was the CIA case officer for the anti Castro Cubans in Havana and Mexico City. The star of David Atlee Phillips rose to CIA director of Special Operations for the Western Hemisphere. David Atlee Phillips died of cancer on 7th July, 1988. He left behind an unpublished manuscript. The novel is about a CIA officer who lived in Mexico City. In the novel the character states: "I was one of those officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald... We gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba... I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the president's assassination, but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt." According to his nephew Shawn Phillips, who is quite a famous musician, David Atlee Phillips confirmed to his brother James Atlee Phillips that he was in Dallas the day Kennedy died. Also, Files has two very good references in former FBI decorated agent Zack Shelton and also Dangerous Dan Marvin who was in military intelligence and was recruited himself to be an assassin. I would be proud to have references like those fine gentlemen.Now in terms of Mack, he is telling a completely different story then the story he told on TMWKK in 1988. Then, he accepted the curator's job at the 6th floor museum, which pays him at least $180,000 a year, but a condition about his acceptance of that job was that he had to EXCLUDE any mention of conspriracy theories. Now how do we know that? Because Robert Groden was offered a similar job (actually to be the director) and refused the attempt to get bought off. Now we have talked ad nauseum about the bullshit JFK assassination specials that have been on Discovery lately, and Mack is considered the "expert" on the assassination in the specials, when it is the FARTHEST thing from the truth. Also, why doesn't Discovery have on REAL experts like Jim Marrs and Groden, who could counter Mack's claims. Also, the guy who runs the site for Fletcher Prouty (the Donald Sutherland role in the movie JFK was patterned him) says that Mack will not allow ANY conspiracy theory books or information in the museum that he runs. Do you see the pattern here Frenchy? Discovery will NOT allow dissenting opinions on their shows about the JFK assassination that Mack appears on, and Mack will not allow dissenting opinions in the museum that he runs that still proclaims that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter. Finally, speaking of Marrs and Groden, listen to them both talk about Mack and the Discovery specials among other things regarding the JFK assassination on Alex Jones a few months ago. http://rss.nfowars.net/20081120_Thu_Alex.mp3Marrs and Groden appear about 1:07 into the show. The discussion about Mack starts about 1:22:45 into the show.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Frenchy »

Bob,having a good reference is not the same as passing a polygraph, if Files took one or asked for one, it would make him more credible.Philips deffo had something to do with the assassination, he may have been in Dallas but thats not him in the photograph.Concerning Gary Mack, i find people how i find them, Gary sent me an e-mail stating it was not Philips and he was right.I beleive Oswald was innocent and keep an open mind on which actual conspiracy killed JFK.I tend to ignore all the squabling that goes on in the research community. I just get on with researching and i post on this site and another site and informing people of what i find. I like this forum and its members but if you want me to leave i will, grudgingly.David
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Frenchy, we will have to agree to disagree about the photo. Bob Franklin, at least to me, gave MORE credence that the photo was of Phillips after his photo enhancement. Again, the photo also shows a resemblence to Rutledge, but just because Mack says it is Rutledge does not make it fact. In terms of Mack, just listen to Marrs and Groden on the Alex Jones clip I posted above. Mack is a fraud. Listen to Marrs and Groden talk about what a farce the Discovery specials are concerning the JFK assassination. Do NOT just take Mack's word for things or MY word. Listen to Marrs and Groden. They are without a doubt, the two very best experts in JFK assassination research. Marrs has worked with Wim regarding Files, and has interviewed Jimmy. Groden's own web site has a link to this site. What does that tell you? It tells me that Wim and this site is a hell of a lot closer to the truth than the bullshit 6th floor museum at the TSBD that Mack runs. I used to like Mack when he tried telling the truth like he did in TMWKK. But like Judas, Benedict Arnold, Brutus and other historical figures, he betrayed the cause that he was once aligned with.To answer your polygraph question, I can't remember if Files ever took a polygraph exam, but there is a reason why court cases DO NOT allow them to be used as evidence. Because they are not reliable. Some obvious liars have passed them in the past, while some innocent people have failed them. I do think references are VERY credible, especially in the case of Shelton and Marvin.Finally...who asked you to leave? Didn't I say that your opinion is always welcome here, no matter what you believe? We are having a debate...plain and simple. That's all. Yes, I get a little riled up at times regarding things associated with Gary Mack. I think I have laid out the evidence as to why I feel Mack is a sellout and a fraud. David, you also have another big attribute...you come from Liverpool, the home of the greatest band of all time...the Beatles.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by ChristophMessner »

DavidAtleePhillips wrote: "I was one of those officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald... We gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba... I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the president's assassination, but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt." Propaganda specialist Phillips is obviously a master of contradictional statements. When you are responsible for something, usually you anticipated that something at some time before it happened. So all in all his statement means, that the CIA and he in special were behind the Kennedy assassination. That's how I read it. But the part with Oswald ... "we gave him the mission" sounds true, but ..."why he killed Kennedy" that sounds like pushing the guilt to the patsy. That's like sacrificing the pawn in chess. Never let some dirt getting to the King (of the CIA?). I think one should be cautious with such quotations from hearsay: "unpublished manuscript", "but his nephew privately confirmed", "Morales said that he was there when JFK was killed and he was there when RFK was killed" etc . We really NEED to have a photo of this unpublished manuscript, a video of his nephew confirming and hotel bills of Dallas Cabana or Los Angeles Robertana! Also it's not enough to call somebody a disinfo agent, just because he his paid by the city of Dallas, it's necessary to stem info against disinfo, fact against allegation, proof against wishful thinking. Wim destroyed Mack's theses, that it would not be impossible that Oswald was the shooter, by facts. Gary Mack still has to bring a valid John Rutledge comparison photo.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Frenchy wrote:Bob,having a good reference is not the same as passing a polygraph, if Files took one or asked for one, it would make him more credible.Philips deffo had something to do with the assassination, he may have been in Dallas but thats not him in the photograph.Concerning Gary Mack, i find people how i find them, Gary sent me an e-mail stating it was not Philips and he was right.I beleive Oswald was innocent and keep an open mind on which actual conspiracy killed JFK.I tend to ignore all the squabling that goes on in the research community. I just get on with researching and i post on this site and another site and informing people of what i find. I like this forum and its members but if you want me to leave i will, grudgingly.DavidWhy would anybody want you to leave? Don't even worry. Bob and I are just adamant about Gary Mack. No worries. The only thing that I think Bob (and I too) want to warn you about is that Gary Mack has seemingly REVERSED his public views on the JFK assassination since taking that job as curator of that museum. He was even one of the stars of one of the bogus documentaries that was on either Discovery or History Channel. He's lining up with guys like Dale Myers. It's very weird, so if you ask him about information he will likely NOT provide you with information regarding a conspiracy. Just beware of getting information from him. I'm totally serious. Other than that, don't feel badly about thinking that THAT person in the picture is not Philips.
tom jeffers
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by tom jeffers »

http://in.truveo.com/The-Evidence-Lee-H ... 24377cover story went out quick...amazing how many of these "facts" were embellished.