Gary Marlow

JFK Assassination
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Pennyworth »

I recall reading an article that someone told Jackie Kennedy not to saY ANYTHING ABOUT A SHOT FROM THE FRONT.i THOUGHT THE ARTICLE WAs odd, and dismissed it.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Jsnow915 »

PP///can you post that article?
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Pennyworth »

Jsnow915 wrote:PP///can you post that article?I will do a search i can't remember where I saw it.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by ThomZajac »

Jsnow915 wrote:Thom...if you get a chance,take a look at the Altgens photo...I'd post it but I'm not at my computer...Jackies hand is on JFk's left I said (only opinion)...that this is something Posner got right.Why is that significant?
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:I shouldn't even be commenting here, but if you ask me to put 2 cents in, it looks like 3 seperate shots - 1- one to the side of the face2 -one to the back of the head3-one to the front throat area I wouldn't think that #1 and #3 were related shots.But I am no expert.But the experts don't know either There was also a below the neck shot. Make that #4
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:Was there an overhead bridge that the limo was driving toward in the scenerio?Primary Sources: The Assassination of President KennedyI noticed a police officer but also noticed a few persons on the bridge and .... Now, what happened there was that the Kennedy motorcade coming down there, ... the Triple Underpass, ahead of the motorcade, or from any other location. ... ... nation.htm - Cached - Similar
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Pennyworth wrote:Thats the e-mail address he gave me.Did you ever contact him through his website address that I pm'd you??You are getting me quite confused and vice-versa.But we can straighten this out ok?Please explain what you mean that I can't read very well.I know that I can't type alreadyPPI meant you can't read very well, based on this: IMO gary Marlow is a fictiious name /alias pseudonymHas anyone actually seen the alleged letters from Files to Marlow and Marlow's rejection for using his name ?First of all, Gary Marlow is provably not a fictitious name /alias pseudonym. He was born and he died under that name, and was known by that name all his life. If you would have followed the threads on this, you would know that. Or you haven't read very well. If you haven't read at all, remarks like this are not helpful and only confusing. Secondly , nowhere did I mention anything about letters between Files and Marlow. I am not aware of a letter exchange between them. We can try to clear up the Woody matter privately. Wim
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Bob »

Bottom line, I am onboard with Wim about the first shot being in the back, as opposed to being in the throat for various reasons. I also believe that the shrapnel from the mercury round flying about the head area of JFK caused the throat wound for JFK, although I would love David Lifton's interpretation on this. I am also not in doubt of two simultaneous shots being fired in the fatal wounds that were caused, one behind from Nicoletti (Dal Tex) and one from the right front from Files (grassy knoll). That is what caused the horrific and gorey scene that ensued from those shots. However, I still am not totally convinced that Files did not have some assistance from a spotter, but I also have to say that Wim's reasons for stating that Files acted alone were very believable, plus Wim has some insights from Jimmy that I do not have. Finally, I do believe that Marlow did indeed kill Officer Tippit, but that murder scene has had a few conflicting accounts from witnesses. Marlow may have had help or assistance, based on testimony, as one of the accounts talked about a tall man (Marlow) and a short, squatty guy (Ruby?) being involved in the killing of Tippit. Perhaps it was Ruby, as they were actually trying kill Oswald before he was arrested and interrogated. Ruby seems to be everywhere, like at LHO's midnight press conference, Parkland Hospital, according to Seth Kantor and also meeting Roselli at the restaurant the morning of the assassination, as Files drove Roselli there and was sitting at a distance while Roselli and Ruby met.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Jsnow915 » point was...when JFK was shot in the back(first shot)..his arms went up and locked with clenched fists...according to Posner it hit a muscle(not sure which one)which made Kennedy react this way...I dont think he's grabbing for his throat...also if the claims were true about a shot hitting the throat,how would Kennedy say I'm hit...if he did say anything at all.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Bob »

Jsnow915 point was...when JFK was shot in the back(first shot)..his arms went up and locked with clenched fists...according to Posner it hit a muscle(not sure which one)which made Kennedy react this way...I dont think he's grabbing for his throat...also if the claims were true about a shot hitting the throat,how would Kennedy say I'm hit...if he did say anything at all.I'm not sure what muscle either, but that is one of the things that happens to me as well, as the arms raise up and I clench at least one of my fists. Coincidence or not. That happens when I see the neurologist as well when he pokes around my back area.